Cobb Science
August News and Notes
Welcome Back to School
Project Wet Training
Birding and Science
Utilizing Padlet in Innovative Ways
Teacher Kick-Off: Learning From Our Peers
Implementing Science Clubs: Spotlight on Science Olympiad
How it works: Science Olympiad teams operate at all grade level bands (elementary, middle, and high). Student teams of up to 15 members typically work after school to prepare for Cobb's elementary or middle school competition. Pairs of students participate in hands-on events in disciplines such as genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, mechanical engineering and technology. Winners of those competitions advance to the state competition held in May at Kennesaw State.
Debbie Amodeo of Dodgen Middle School has a plethora of experience leading Science Olympiad teams. She is leading a new coaches training at Dodgen on Saturday, October 24th from 8:30-12:30. This workshop will include training on specific events and a Coaching Roundtable session for new and experienced coaches. The workshop is free and is a great chance to collaborate with other coaches and science colleagues. To register, email Kathy Jacobson at Check out Debbie's school flyer for her Science Olympiad team. You can also find more information about Science Olympiad on our Cobb Science website.