Daniel Webster Elementary School
Weekly Update:
A Message from Mrs. MacNeil
Greetings DWS Families!
This was a short but long week, especially the last two days. Our students, staff, and teachers made the best out of the hot situation by finding time to take breaks in our airconditioned spaces and students enjoyed an ice-cold "treat" on Thursday afternoon. Hopefully, the weather will cool down next week!
If you haven't already, our PTO is asking all families to download the PTBoard app. This is a free app that the PTO will use to communicate information throughout the year (please see the directions below). Joining PTBoard does not commit families to joining the PTO (although all are welcome to), but does assure that all families have the information they need about events sponsored by the PTO at the Daniel Webster School. I encourage all families to sign up as our PTO does so much for our school and our students!
Mrs. MacNeil
Important Dates to Note
September 20 - DWS Back to School Family Picnic 4:00-6:00
September 27 - Elementary Curriculum Night @ 6:00
September 29 - DWS Goes Gold
Check out our new DWS Family Calendar! It's a live document and we will be updating it as the year progresses.
Kids Fit is Starting
What's Been Happening Around DWS?
Summer Reading Raffle Winners
Grade 1 - Paul (PJ) L
Grade 2 - Cece W
Grade 3 - Ralph P
Grade 4 - Eleanor M
Grade 5 - Vanessa S
Congratulations to our raffle winners!
Welcome Back Wednesday
Attitude of Gratitude
Girls On the Run
Registration is open for Fall Season of Girls On The Run!! Practices are Mondays and Fridays from 3:30 to 5:00 at Daniel Webster. This program is for girls in 3rd thru 5th grade. Want more information on the program click on the link or feel free to reach out to Coach Ashley Brentano (anrdesigns01@gmail.com)! She is happy to answer any questions and can't wait for another season!!
Key Season Dates:
The Fall 2023 season begins the week of September 17th.
The season ends with a celebratory 5K event on November 18th
The 10th Annual DWS Great Pumpkin Run is now open! As always, the first 100 registrants will receive a free shirt. We hope this will be our biggest year yet!!
See the event page here: https://fb.me/e/38H9FySoU
Sign up through Racewire here: dwspumpkinrun2023.racewire.com
Please join the DWS PTO on PTBoard, today! PTBoard is an online platform that we will be using to communicate school information, events and volunteer opportunities to families. As we move away from sending home paper flyers, this will be the only way to stay up-to-date on school events and place orders for school spiritwear, etc. Accounts are free to set up and in no way commit you to volunteering for the PTO. Please reach out with questions at yourdwspto@gmail.com.
Sign up ASAP and be entered into a raffle to receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.
Two winners will be drawn!
Download the App “PTBoard Mobile” in the App Store today!
Please email yourdwspto@gmail.com with any general questions and for more information. Email dwsvolunteers@gmail.com for more details on volunteering at the school throughout the year.
Thank you for all of your support!
Community Events
Fall Writer's Program at Ventress
Information from Previous Newsletters
Have you updated your contact information and signoffs in ASPEN FAMILY PORTAL?
We ask that you take the time to update your contact information and signoffs. Directions are located below.
If you need technical assistance or to gain log-in information for ASPEN, please contact aspen@mpsd.org.
School Nutrition Information
All student meals will continue to be free for the 2023-2024 school year. One breakfast and one lunch are FREE for all students.
A la carte items cost extra. Please note: a la carte items can not be charged to a student's account.
2nd Lunch - $2.75
Milk - .75 cents (milk comes with lunch) on its own, it's an a la carte item and cost
Water - .50 cents
Ice Cream - $1.25
Preferred method of payment:
Online: www.myschoolbucks.com
After you log in or register (if new) then you can use your child’s Birthday for the ID Number to add your child’s account.
Check payable to:
Town of Marshfield (child’s First/Last name in Memo)
Cash: please put in an envelope marked Lunch Money with your child’s name on it.
DWS Breakfast Menu
DWS August/September Lunch Menu
Start & End Times
School Start Time - 8:50 am (students can enter the building at 8:40)
School End Time - 3:40 pm (student will begin dismissal at 3:30)
Wednesday Early Dismissal - 1:15 pm
Boys and Girls Club Before and After School Programs
The Boys & Girls Club Programs provide a wholesome environment that promotes social/emotional, physical and character development in addition to supporting the educational efforts of both the parent and school. We encourage children to balance learning and fun through homework help, physical activity and arts & crafts. Our focus areas give your child limitless opportunities to reach their full potential.
Hours: 7am until school day starts
Program & Activities include:
- Breakfast
- Homework Help
- Games & Activities
- Arts & Crafts
Hours: 3:40 - 6:00 pm
Program & Activities include:
- Transportation from DWS to B&G Club
- Snack
- Homework Help
- Games & Activities
- Arts & Crafts
Before School Care Program Begins September 5!
Driveway Dismissal Safety
As a reminder, please adhere to the DWS Dismissal Protocols if you choose to pick up your child from school (listed below). Dismissal time can be very busy and we understand that we are the late school and families are often rushing off to afterschool activities. It has been reported that some cars are pulling in and doing a U-Turn in the driveway to cut the line. Please follow the protocol and the flow of traffic pictured below so we don't compromise the safety of our children. Thank you!
DWS hours are 8:50am-3:30pm. Students will begin car line dismissal at 3:25 pm.
If you arrive before 3:25, please remain in your vehicle.
Please do not park your vehicle in the live line.
In the car line, students will be dismissed in order of car line up through the gym doors.
Please follow staff directions and pull all the way up to the marked location (red circle).
Please wait for the car in front of you to pull forward. Do not attempt to pass vehicles.
Arrival & Dismissal Protocols
The policy can be found here.
DWS Expectations
Marshfield Community Events
Kindergarten Class of 2036 Updates
As a reminder - We will be hosting Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday, August 29. Every Kindergarten family should have received a letter explaining that children will arrive in small groups, go to their classrooms, learn to navigate the building, take a ride on the school bus, and then spend some time with their teachers in their classrooms doing some fun activities. Families are welcome to join Kindergarteners on this visit, however, we ask that families attend without siblings if possible.