CMS Weekly Update:
May 5th, 2023
Attleboro Elks School Leader Award Winners
Math and Science MCAS begins next week
- May 9th and 10th: Grade 7/8 Math MCAS
- May 16th and 17th: Grade 5/8 Science MCAS
Someone Special Dance
The deadline for the Special Someone dance is fast approaching!!! Responses are low and it would be sad to have to cancel and lose all the deposit money. If your child received an invitation and plans on attending, please send back your RSVPs as soon as possible. Thank you! Please direct any questions about the dance by emailing either Mrs. Howe @ showe@attleboroschools.com or Mrs. Phillips. lphillips@attleboroschools.com
MCAS Survey for Grades 5 and 8:
VOCAL Survey:
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) voluntary Views of Climate and Learning (VOCAL) survey is administered after the MCAS in the following grades and content areas: Grade 4 Mathematics, Grade 5 & 8 Science, and Grade 10 Mathematics. It is designed to provide schools with information on student perceptions of three dimensions of school climate (engagement, safety, and environment).
If you would like to learn more about this survey as well as the questions that are asked, please click on the following link: Views of Climate and Learning (VOCALS) Survey Project
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.
Fee for Service Registration for 23-24 school year
APS will offer bus service on a Fee for Service basis for the 2023-2024 school year. Registration opens on Monday, May 8, 2023, and closes on July 31, 2023. Please review the email sent by the APS Welcome Center on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, or visit the Transportation website for more information: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
Session 3: Afterschool Club and Activities
HOMEWORK CLUB /Mrs.Amato...........................Tuesday and Thursday (Grades 5 /6)
HOMEWORK CLUB/Mrs. Goff.......................... ...Tuesday and Thursday (Grades 7/8)
GAME CLUB/Mrs. Winter.....................................Tuesday (Grade 5)
GAME CLUB/ Mrs. Ferreira...................................Thursday (Grade 5)
GAME CLUB/Mrs. Howe........................................Tuesday (Grade6)
GAME CLUB/Ms. Da Silva......................................Thursday ( Grade6)
GAME CLUB/ SOCIAL HOUR/Mrs.Holmes.............Tuesday (Grades 7/8)
GAME CLUB/SOCIAL HOUR/Mrs. Ricci .................Thursday (Grade 7/8)
MARVEL COMIC CLUB/ Mr. McKenna....................Thursday (Grades5/6/7/8)
BEGINNER BAND/Mr.Burre....................................Thursday (Grade 5 )
INTERMEDIATE BAND/Mr. Burre............................Tuesday (Grade 6)
TRACK CLUB/Ms. Luongo........................................Tuesday and Thursday (rotate through grades)
SPORTS CLUB/Mrs. Hindle.......................................Tuesday (rotate through grades)
SPORTS CLUB/Mrs. McVeigh...................................Thursday (rotate through grades)
ART CLUB/Mrs. Gerardi...........................................Tuesday and Thursday (rotate through grades)
ART CLUB/Miss Stevenson.......................................Tuesday and Thursday (rotate through grades)
SESSION III ....BeginsMarch 14th...ends May 23rd 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
All clubs are subject to cancellation due to attendance or inclement weather.
Comments, questions, or concerns can be directed to garrighi@attleboroschools.com
National Junior Honor Society/Mrs. Adams (Grade 8) meetings on 3/30 and 4/27
Student Council/Mrs. Amato and Mr. Scott (all grades) meetings on 4/4 and 5/2
PTO meeting on May 10. It will be at 6:30 PM in the school library for in person and there will be a virtual link available that morning. We would also like to remind everyone that all board member positions are available for next year and voting will need to take place to begin the year with the PTO board. Please attend the meeting for information, further nominations, and voting.
Parents: Action Needed for Communication
APS is currently updating the mobile phone numbers on record so that we can send school cancellations and other urgent notices via text message. We ask that you update your contact information in Aspen using the workflow directions listed here: https://5il.co/1ldxt
If you have multiple students, please complete the workflow for each one. Families who wish to have their child(ren) receive text messaging from the district/school, should provide student cell phone number(s) through this workflow as well.
Save the Date: High Meadows Grade 8 Field Tip
Apptegy Notifications
Late Busses and Afterschool Activities
For those wishing to participate in afterschool activities, these clubs will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:20 to 3:30. Students will get the opportunity to sign up the day before in the cafeteria.
For those students that need a late bus to get home please make sure that you are aware of the following:
- Late busses only run on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Only students that are registered and assigned to a bus are eligible for a late bus.
- Late Bus stops are different than regular stops. Students will be notified next week of what stop they are assigned.
- Late bus students are picked up at 4:00 PM
Access your account for ASPEN
Just so that you are aware, the expectation for updating grades in Aspen is every two weeks.
If you need your Aspen password reset, please follow the directions on this page.
If you are new to APS or can't remember your username as a parent, please email Kendra Alfred @ kalfred@attleboroschools.com and Heather Dennehy @ hdennehy@attleboroschools.com
You can also fill out the ASPEN username/password form and an email will be sent to you
2022-23 APS District School Calendar
Upcoming Dates:
- May 16th: Band Performance: CMS Middle School @ 6:30 PM
- May 17th: NJHS Induction Ceremony for Grade 8: @ 6:30 PM
- May 19th: Someone Special Dance from 6 PM to 9 PM
- May 29th: No School Memorial Day
- June 6th: High Meadows Field Trip for Grade 8
- June 7th: Welcome to Middle School Night for all Grade 4 parents and students at 6 PM at CMS
- June 9th: Grade 8 Dance: 6 PM to 9 PM @ CMS
- June 12th: Field Day: Tenative rain date for June 13th
- June 14th: Grade 8 Breakfast and Moving on Ceremony: There are 3 different time slots depending on what homeroom your child is assigned to. More details to follow about Grae 8 events
Community Updates
All APS Community Fliers can be found within the Welcome Center website. To view this week’s fliers, including information from throughout Attleboro please visit the Welcome Center webpage or click here for current fliers.