SAC Corner
Issue No. 2
Dear Student Supporters (including students themselves),
This page will be a place to find access and connection to resources for mental health, substance use issues, and updates from the SAC world. Thank you for stopping by to check out what is here, and thank you for being a supporter of a student (maybe multiple)!
Missed Issue No. 1? Here it is: https://www.smore.com/nejd3
Haddonfield Virtual Wellness Room
A place to go when you're stressed out, bummed, or feeling not yourself and need some resources to help reset yourself.
Let's Start with Some Apps.....
What's Up
A mental health app for getting grounded, habit tracking, journaling, and working within thinking patterns..psssst it's free! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/whats-up-a-mental-health-app/id968251160
Personal Zen
Mobile game to reduce stress and anxiety. It also includes mood tracking and tips/tools. Also FREE. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/personal-zen/id689013447
The original version is free but you get to complete quests and challenges with your own superhero self and "bad guys" that relate to what you're real life struggles are. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/superbetter/id536634968
Quit That!
Free habit tracker to help you quit things like addictions, behaviors, and more! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quit-that-habit-tracker/id909400800
MindShift CBT
We love free! This can help you face situations, ride out emotions, and change how you think about anxiety. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mindshift-cbt-anxiety-relief/id634684825
Self-help for Anxiety Management
Free free free. Self explanatory awesome app. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/self-help-for-anxiety-management/id666767947
A free app to help with stress and worry through science based activities and games. Anxiety, burnout, grief, and more can be helped here! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/happify-for-stress-worry/id730601963
Mood Tools
This is an app specifically to help manage depression. It's free! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/moodtools-depression-aid/id1012822112
This free app can help you practice mindful and meaningful breathing. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/breathe2relax/id425720246
Can't Stop Won't Stop Breathing
Well....unless you're vaping
Johns Hopkins Medicine says....
Vaping Facts from Spectrum Health
Vaping Myths from Spectrum Health
This is a LGBTQ+ Safe Space
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
The Tea
Remember that you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, once it is said or posted - it is out there. Be very mindful of what you say and to who.
Tea Safe Space
When you're in the SAC office you're in a safe place to spill the tea. We have stain guard! Everything you say here stays here unless you or someone else may be in danger or is getting hurt.
We Look Out For Each Other
Students! Make sure when you are on your socials, you are also looking out for one another. See something that may put someone (even the poster) in danger? Let us know! Get a weird gut feeling from something you see? Show us, there is probably a good reason for your concern.
Haddonfield School District SAC
Email: hpenna@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: A104 HMHS
Phone: 856-429-3960 . 1155