The Buzz
Summer Term - 8th June 2023

Message From The Head of School
We have had an exciting first week back from half term with a visit from Bounce Beyond. The hall was alive with children enjoying a trampoline disco and showing us exercise can be really fun!
Year 2 children enjoyed their scooter training and represented the school well with their excellent behaviour. They can now demonstrate how to ride their scooter sensibly being fully aware of pedestrians and traffic.
We are looking forward to our year group sports afternoons next week and welcoming you into school to watch. Please remember to apply sun cream and ensure a water bottle is in school on the day.
As you may be aware, the Mayor of London has proposed to provide free school lunches for all KS2 pupils for the coming academic year. This proposal has not been fully confirmed for schools yet but we are looking at the impact and the possible uptake of these free meals. All pupils currently in year 2 will receive an eform to indicate your preference. Please complete this to help us plan for our lunchtime next year.
Claire Cook
Head of School
Water safety is really important all year round but as the nice weather approaches please talk to your children to help them understand the dangers of the River Thames.
The class with the best attendance w/c 22.05.2023 was 2D - 99%
The classes with the no lates w/c 22.05.2023 were 1H, 2A, 2T and RK
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of INSPIRATION
RDC Morgan
RF Nysa
RC Jack F
RK Tahila
1B Isaac
1C Emily
1H Reya
1K Nathan
2A Maisie
2D Oliver
2J Khaila
2T Poppy
It has been a busy and fun filled week of learning as we enter our final term in Nursery. The children have been sharing their holiday news this week and loved hearing that we had some news to share too. Over the half term our butterflies finally emerged from their chrysalis! We had a total of thirteen painted lady butterflies. The children were so excited to see the pictures and videos of the butterflies which have been shared on Tapestry. Over the next few weeks we will be planting the seeds which you kindly donated to us to hopefully attract more butterflies into the Nursery garden. Thank you for always being so generous with your donations!
This half term our topic is 'Journey's'. We will explore different types of journeys through various stories, with a focus this week of journeying under the sea. Our story for the next two weeks is called 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' by Sarah Roberts. The children have enjoyed talking about sea life creatures and what does and doesn't belong in our oceans. This sparked lots of conversation around the importance of recycling and being responsible for our rubbish. We came up with a list of materials which can be recycled and thought about what things we can do to help save our planet.
In maths we have begun learning about capacity and have had lots of fun exploring this using different sized containers in the sand. We are working on developing our mathematical language and using words such as full, half full and empty.
Reception have had a busy week. The children have loved sharing their half term holiday news with the class. They were especially excited to see how much their beans have grown in the polytunnel - hopefully we will be able to harvest some beans and other yummy fruits and vegetables in a few weeks time.
We used the story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' to launch a topic on recycling, litter and the importance of protecting our seas. The children came up with some brilliant ideas for how we can reduce the amount of plastic we use, and they enjoyed using recycled objects to make their own jellyfish models.
We were lucky enough to enjoy a workshop from Bounce Beyond this week! The children loved this high-energy workout and we saw some amazing dance moves from the children during the mini disco at the end.
In PE, the children have been beginning to problem solve and work together as a team. They have had to communicate effectively and think of the best strategies to complete a range of activities.
In Computing, the children have been exploring different fonts to add to their ‘Lost Ted’ poster. We have also been using bold, italic and underline to make our typing stand out.
In Design and Technology, the children have enjoyed starting their new topic on mechanisms. The children have been exposed to sliders and levers and have had a go at making their own using picture scenes from Jack and the beanstalk and The Gingerbread Man.
In English, the children have enjoyed learning about the features of a fairy tale. #We have started reading our new focus book ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and the children have had lots of fun acting out the story. We have also spent some time recapping expanded noun phrases and have used this knowledge to write descriptions for the big bad wolf.
This week in Maths we have been expanding our knowledge of numbers to 100. We have been finding missing numbers on number tracks, counting objects by putting them into groups of ten, and partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We have then used our knowledge of numbers to estimate where numbers would be placed on a numbers line.
Year 2
English: We have begun to explore our new text 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett. The children first predicted what the story was going to be about based on the front cover and blurb. Then we opened up the first page to discover a family tree and the children created their own. Next we uncovered the tale of a young meerkat who sets off on an adventure to Uncle Bob's house and sends a postcard home to his mother.
Maths: Our new area of maths is 'Position and Direction'. We have thought about the language we use to describe where an object is and how it can move. Using different resources we have explored clockwise, anti-clockwise, left and right.
Science: We have continued our topic of 'Living things and their Habitats' and have looked closely at the different habitats we can find around the world. This week we have thought about how all living things depend on each other to survive.
Geography: Our new topic is 'Contrasting Localities' where we are thinking about a small country in Brunei. We have zoomed in close to Kampong Ayer, known as the 'village on stilts'. The children looked at a variety of pictures from the country and sorted them into physical and human features.
Bounce Beyond Workshops
Information for Parents below
Free School Meals
During the pandemic, children that were entitled to free school meals would receive a supermarket voucher to use during the school holidays to help families with the cost of lunches while children were at home. We are fortunate that Richmond Borough is still currently providing supermarket vouchers during the school holidays for families that are entitled to free school meals this academic year.
In July 2023 we will be issuing vouchers from Achieving for Children which will be £20 per week (£120) for families that are entitled to free school meals to help with the cost of lunches during the summer holidays.
If you think that you may be eligible, then please use the link below.
Please ensure you are signed up for ParentHub as this is the only channel that parent information is sent to you, not signing up may mean that you will miss out on important information.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815