Get Started-Part 1-Week 1
EDCI 318 Technology for Teaching & Learning-SUMMER 2018
Make sure you read and complete all the way to the bottom of this document
Turning in assignments LATE, know the consequences!
Work is expected to be submitted on or before the due date/time. This is summer session and every week is the equilivant of 2 weeks in a normal semester. There is NO time to proscastinate.
Yes, points are deducted for late work.......Think about a teacher, I am sure you are going to expect assignments to be submitted to you on time. Start thinking like a teacher NOW!
NOTE: if your assignment is not submitted on time, a ZERO is automatically entered in the grade book in Canvas until the assignment is submitted. Yes, I will accept your assignments late, however, points will be deducted.
If the late assignment was worth.......
- 25 points or less……...….5 points deducted
- 50 points………..10 points deducted
- 100 points………20 points deducted
- 200 points………40 points deducted
If you submit an assignment and it does not receive full points because something was incorrect, check the COMMENTS in Canvas. The comments will always tell you what is the problem was and you may always correct and RESUBMIT for re-grading within a reasonable amount of time. (couples days)
Just so you know!!
Have a question or need to get in touch with Cyndi?
- To get your questions answered quickly, please just send me a TEXT iMessage at (make sure you give me your name), I promise I will answer as quickly as possible. If there is a delay in answering, I am teaching or driving or otherwise busy, but I will answer as asson as I can.
- or you can use a slower method and email me at the class email address:
However, you will get a faster answer via iMessage TEXT from your iPad or Mac or any phone.
Watch the short video and learn about your New iPads features for iOS 11
POINTS Breakdown for Part 1-Week 1 assignments
- 10 points - Bitmoji (sent via iMessage)
- 10-points - Selfie and Introduction to Canvas Profile
- 10- points - Join Remind
- 10 points - Join Pinterest (submit pinterest URL in Canvas)
- 10 points - Join Twitter (submit pinterest URL in Canvas)
- 10 points - Join our Seesaw class site and upload your selfie photo
Complete your iPad Badge and write your Reflection of Learning (points awarded Part 2-Week 1-save your reflection to Notes on your iPad.
There will be an assign ment spot in Canvas for each assignment we do, Most of the time it will be just a place for me to add your grade and comments.
On an iPad, iPhone, or even an Android, download the Bitmoji app. Create your own Bitmoji (avatar) that looks as much like you as possible or what you would like to look like! You're actually making a cartoon character that resembles you. Here is mine, althought I need a little gray hair!!
The Bitmoji app is for 13+. So for those who are teaching younger students, your students will not be able to use this (there are some that are inappropriate). But you can absolutely make great use of it as a teacher.
Your students will love seeing you in this light! Bitmojis are very handy to put on your web pages, Keynotes, Pages, Google Docs, iMessages, presentations, handouts, etc. and probably lots more places. You'll find your Bitmoji holding up all kinds of signs and doing many things! Students will love seeing these on your personalized classroom posters, as stickers on their assignments, in personal notes, and I'm sure you'll think of many more places!
In iMessages, after following the instructions for adding the Bitmoji keyboard, you'll be able to click on the globe on your keyboard to access the Bitmojis.
Bitmoji-What is it and How to Setup
How to use Bitmoji on your iPad or Phone
You are going to be a teacher soon, you should always know how teachers are using the tools we are taking about!!
These websites will give you a better understanding of Bitmojis and how they can be used in the classroom (your classroom).
Consider adding these resources your Pinterest boards for future use, helps you make progress toward the 250 pins you will need by Week 7, July 5.
The Pinterest assignment is discussed a little further down on this page.
- Bitmojis: The "new" Sticker for Students' Digital Work:
- Bitmoji Feedback in a Google Doc - check out Alice Keeler's site for the how-to.
- Insert a Bitmoji in a Google Form - this is another post from Alice Keeler. Besides giving us the instructions, she also has a great example.
- Social Studies & Bitmojis - This link will take you to 2 examples of 7th graders using their Bitmoji to re-enact a historical event.
BONUS Information: Using the Chrome browser on a laptop, and the Bitmoji extension. Once added, the Bitmoji icon will show up on your toolbar. Just click on the icon and select the Bitmoji you want, then right-click on it to Save Image As . . . Name it so you'll recognize the Bitmoji by the name. I created a Bitmoji folder to save them all in. See the illustration below. To add a Bitmoji to your site, right click on the one you want in the chrome extension, and paste it on your page.
The Bitmoji Assignment
Visuals have a large impact on learning and play a big role in everyday living. They are engaging to students and often keep them focused on the content. Comics with personalized Bitmoji's might just be the hook to captivate students and give them an outlet for creativity.
Now that you have created your personal Bitmoji, send me one via the iMessage app on your iPad. In other words, a text message. Since Text messaging is the preferred method of communication to get your questions answered, le'ts make sure it is working for you.
Make sure your message also includes:
- Your first and last name (first & last),
- Level (Elementary, Secondary or K-12)
- Content area
- Send your Bitmoji text message to
I will reply when I receive your Bitmoji via text message, there are hundreds & hundreds to choose from, so be creative but be warned, there are a few are inappropriate emojis, so be careful. This will also get you started using the iMessage app on your iPad and help me learn a tiny bit about you.
10 points for sending me your message ON TIME, no points if received after the deadline of Wednesday, May 23rd.
The Message app is the best method for getting your questions answered quickly.
In fact, I strongly encourage and would prefer you to use the message app for your questions, just like any text messaging, it saves time and saves waiting for an answer via email. Please give use the message app.
I usually answer messages immediately unless I am teaching a class or workshop (which I am doing Monday thru THursday all of June from 8-3:30, in a meeting or otherwise busy, like driving, however, I will answer as soon as possible, I promise!
So, please do not think I am ignoring you, I will answer as soon as I get an opportunity, during a break or over the lunch hour or after 3:30. If you send late at night (after 10 pm), likely it will be very early morning when I answer.
MOST of the tasks below can be completed on your iPad or any computer and shouldn't take you very long to complete
- Part 2 of Week one Begins May 23.
- If you neglected to attend one the four-session iPad handout options, you will need to go to the Catalyst (Bluemont 016) immediately and make an appointment to check out your iPad. You will need your iPad in EDCI/DED318 immediately as well as in your other education classes. This must be done ASAP.
Add a selfie and introduction (BIO) to your Canvas Profile
Make sure it is a closeup picture of YOU and only YOU and it should be head & shoulders close-up selfie (like a school picture)!! This photo will be visible for ALL your instructors/classes in Canvas, not just EDCI 318 (formally ded318).
A good App to take CLEAN selfies with is Sticky-Al. It is actually an iPhone app but works on your iPad as well. Give it a try!!
FACT: all iPhone apps work on your iPad. Here is a direct link to installing the FREE Sticky-Al app for taking your selfie.
Please give Stick Al a try.
Sticky AI is free for iOS and Android. Sticky AI is designed to turn selfies into stickers that you can use on messaging platforms, but you can save your cut out images to your photo library and use them anywhere. The app automatically identifies people in a photo and isolates them from the background. I used to do this for photos of students on my class website with Photoshop. It would take quite a bit of time to cut them out with a lasso tool. Now Sticky AI does it instantly!
Remember, head & shoulders picture of YOU and only YOU!!
Additionally, write an introduction about who you are. What would you tell your students if you were introducing yourself to them? What do your instructors need and want to know about you are? (high school, hometown, Elementary/Secondary major, Content area, etc.)
- Add your photo and Introduction via Canvas on the WEB.
- Log in to Canvas with your eID & password.
- Just update your profile. This should only take you about 5 minutes to complete! 10 points.
Join Remind
(For reference, our class code is @636bcf)
P.S. Remind is a free, safe, and easy way for me to reach you with important information. Want to learn more? Go here:
- Remind is something classroom teachers, coaches, activity sponsors, etc. are using and we will use it during the semester as a quick way for me, your instructor to communicate and to help you discover how Remind could be used in your own classroom!!
- There is nothing to submit in Canvas, just join using the link above. Remind gives me a list of names of those who have nothing to submit in Canvas. but you will receive 10 points for joining.
Join Pinterest
Yes, I really did say PINTEREST......10 points for joining NOW, however, there will be 250 points for 250 educational resources at the END of the semester! Create your account and submit your Pinterest URL in Canvas.
It will only take you about 5 minutes or less to set up your account and add at least one pin. First, take a few minutes and look at my Pinterest to get some ideas and likely discover some resources you could repin to your own new education type boards.
Your Pinterest URL will be similar to mine and this
You will need at least 250 educational pins/resources by the END of the semester. The end of the semester is Week 7 (July 5th)! This means you should add approximately 15 for Part 1 of the week and 15 for part 2 of the week or more educational pins/resources each week. You will get plenty of practice and should find mastering Pinterest easy.
If you are already using Pinterest, as I am sure many of you may continue to use that same account or you may want to create a new one just for your professional things. (the choice is yours, but I will tell you, I find it challenging to have 2 accounts!)
However, if you do choose to use the same account, please try to rearrange your boards, here is a link to how to arrange your boards so that your professional boards are on TOP!
Move your Education/Professional boards to the top and move personal boards down below. You want other educators or future employers to see your education boards first rather than your personal stuff.
When you get your iPad, add the Pinterest App to your iPad and log in to your account.
Stay logged in. The 250 Points or resources will not be awarded until Week 7 (July 5). 250 points for 250 pins.
Suggestions for Pinterest BOARDS for your Professional Pinterest account:
- Apps
- Teacher Blogs/Websites
- Lesson Ideas
- Tutorials and Help
- Add a variety of Content Area Boards (science, social studies, math...), etc. Take a look at my Pinterest to get some ideas for the boards you could/should have.
- Putting everything on ONE board IS NOT an organized way to collect resources. Think of Pinterest as a file cabinet, only digital, would you really put everything in one file folder. Each board is like a file folder.
Join Twitter
I get a notification when someone follows me, so Yes, I will know.
There will be points involved for tweeting (it will tell you with each assignment) using our class hashtag #edci318 and other hashtags that will be explained with each assignment.
- ADD your Twitter URL to the assignment spot in Canvas.
- THE URL YOU ADD will look similar to mine.
- When you get your iPad, add the Twitter App to your iPad.
- Follow me on twitter @cyndidannerkuhn. Your Twitter URL will look similar to mine.
If you are new to twitter....How to do things: Twitter Tutorials
ASSIGNMENT: 1st Apple Teacher Badge...Reflection
In the Notes App (you learned about notes in the iBook), using your iPad, write a reflection/review about your learning. Be very detailed and specific about the things you learned and discovered in the iBook about using your iPad that you did not know. Even experienced users will learn some new tricks, especially in iOS 11. Give specific examples in your reflection.
- Here are a few examples from previous semesters what students wrote about.
- You will use this reflection piece during Week 1-Part 2 when we add your first entry to Seesaw. So just save your reflection/review in your Notes app for now. You will be able to copy & paste it into Seesaw.
- Screenshot your badge when you complete your quiz successfully. Instructions on how to take a screenshot on your iPad are in the video below.
- PART 2-WEEK 1 we will set add your reflection to Seesaw and add the screenshot of your iPad badge as well
- Take the quiz to earn your Badge: The quiz is on the bottom of the page from the iPad section of the Apple Teacher Learning Center site at the bottom after you login with your Apple ID. You will need to get 4-5 correct to pass and earn your badge. You may take the quiz as many times as you need to, but it is different questions each time. Reading the iBook will make the quiz much easier!! I know it seems silly I say that, but I also know many of you will just skip to the quiz!! READ THE IBOOK! Even if you are an experienced iPad & iPhone user, you will learn some new tricks!!
- We will use this reflection and the screenshot that is saved to your photos during Week 1-Part 2.
We are trying something NEW this summer
Past semesters we have created a Weebly website that would hold all assignments. It was a good solution for what schools are wanting out of teachers.
But this summer we are going to try something new. Since I don’t have 150+ students, it is easier to try something different. And schools are using tyhis tool like crazy!!
Seesaw is a tool that schools are using and I think just may be a good fit for EDCI318. But this is a bit of an experiment, so there may be a few bumps as we all tlearn. I have been using this tool in workshops I teach for some time, so I am fairly confident this will be successful. I love that it works on all kinds of devices, phones iPads, tablets, computers, everything.
It is FREE for you as the STUDENT, but also when you become a teacher, it is also FREE.
Seesaw is used by millions of students in more than half of the schools in the US and in over 150 countries around the world. Learn a little more about SeeSaws features:
Details for creating your STUDENT abount and joining our class are below. Make sure you join as a STUDENT and use your KSU email. Why, because later as a teacher you will need a NEW Teacher account and will need to use a different email. So for our purpose you will join as a student.
Seesaw is completely teacher controlled, which is great for K-12 teachers, which you soon will be. The teacher sees and must approve everything before it goes public. For us, not totally necessary, but approving posts is the way Seesaw works, so your posts will not show in the public journal or blog until the teacher, which is me, approves it. I was kinda worried about that, but I think it is going to work, I will just grade as I approve, or at least that is my plan at the moment.
Download and install the Seesaw APP on your iPad
How to Join our SeeSaw Class for Summer 2018
Seesaw Code and instructions for joining as a STUDENT
Hi Students,
This summer we’re going to use Seesaw to share our learning. Please join our class EDCI 318 Summer 2018 today!
If you’re using Seesaw for the first time:
- Go to
- Choose "I’m a Student"
- Choose Email/Google Account
- Choose "New Student?"
- Choose “Create Email Account” or “Sign in with Google”
- Type in the code: GNUQ IESE. This code expires on May 23, 2018
- Finish creating your account using your school email address
If you’ve used Seesaw before and have an account:
- Go to
- Choose "I’m a Student"
- Choose Email/Google Account
- Sign in to your Seesaw account
- Click on your profile icon on the top left
- Click on the +Join Class button
- Type in the code: GNUQ IESE. This code expires on May 243, 2018
I’m excited to share our learning in Seesaw this summer!
Cyndi Kuhn
Your first Seesaw task after joining
This is a teacher controlled site, which is a good thing for K-12 teachers and although I am not worried about anyone doing anything they shouldn't, posts still have to be approved before they show up in the public Blog and Journal.
For summer semester, approvals will take place mostly in the evenings, during breaks, over lunch or early in the morning. I am teaching workshops in Houston Monday-Thursday all of June. So please don't wait til the last minute to submit for approval. I promise I will approved post a quickly as I can during the day, (on breaks, lunch, before and after), but you should also know I am teaching teachers from 8-3:30 Monday thru Thursday.
Choose the Green Button
Choose Camera Roll
Add your first and last name
How YOU add your projects/assignments to Seesaw
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
Flipboard iPads in the Classroom
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn