Oregon ACTE
2023 Fall Newsletter
Coming Soon to a Computer Near You....
Oregon ACTE is unveiling the Oregon Professional Development Series, which will include several series in the coming year, including, but not limited to the following:
- New Teacher
- Hospitality
- Business
- Health Services
- Construction
More details to come soon!
Oregon CTE Legislative Highlights
The 2023 Legislative session ended June 25, 2023. The Oregon ACTE Legislative Committee is working on a summary from the Oregon Community College Association, OCCA of legislative bills that went through the complete process and are laws affecting education from K-12 and Higher Education.
As a subcommittee, we are also discussing holding 'Legislative Days' during the next short session for 2024. Watch the newsletter for valuable information about finding the various bills and the best methods to testify or write testimony. Additionally, we hope to provide a presentation about the legislative process during our next Oregon ACTE Conference.
See the link HERE for a full detailed list of 2023 legislative highlights.
MWEC Kickoff
Tom Goodhue and Alan Kirby will be presenting, and have a table at the Mid-Willamette Education Consortium Kickoff. Come visit us to learn more about ACTE, or just to talk and meet us!
CTE Revitalization Grants Open
From ODE:
On behalf of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Revitalization Grant Team, we wish to present the 2023-25 CTE Revitalization Grant Request for Application (RFA). In 2011, the Oregon Legislature established this competitive grant program which strengthens the alignment of Career and Technical Education, workforce development, and economic development. The grant program has continued to grow, with funds reaching nearly 200 projects throughout the state since its inception.
This cycle of the grant emphasizes the creation and/or expansion of CTE programs that address high-need career areas, including those areas targeted by Future Ready Oregon. Also evident in the grant are foci on small and rural schools, equity, and partnerships, including those with the nine federally-recognized tribes in Oregon, community colleges, and business/industry/labor/trades. The emphasis on sustainability helps recipients build programming that is both relevant and enduring.
Please feel free to share this announcement widely.
Key Items
- Release Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 6 PM
- Due Date: Monday, November 6, 2023, at 5 PM
Eligible Applicants
- Per OAR 581-044-0230, any public school district, education service district (ESD), public school, public charter school, or combination in Oregon is eligible to apply.
Technical Assistance Webinars (all will be recorded and available online on the CTE Revit page)
- October 11, 2023, 3-4 PM
- October 18, 2023, 3-4 PM
- October 25, 2023, 3-4 PM
- November 1, 2023, 3-4 PM
Please review the RFA in its entirety. Following this, please arrange to participate live in the Technical Assistance Webinars (or review the videos if you’re not able to attend). Should questions remain unanswered, please reach out to the CTE Revitalization Grant Team. One of our team members will help address them or connect you with someone who can.
ODE Secondary Career Pathways Grant, 2023-25
Here is a link to the webinar slides from ODE, regarding secondary career pathways. It includes links and information about CTE data submissions and more.
Your Place in Space
The U.S. Department of Education’s Your Place in Space Challenge invites high schools to submit designs for a product or service that will contribute to space missions and exploration. Students who participate will have a unique opportunity to connect the skills they’re building in CTE programs with fulfilling careers in the space industry.
- The Your Place in Space Challenge is the first challenge of the U.S. Department of Education’s CTE Momentum annual series to prepare high school students for rewarding careers and increase access to career and technical education.
- To get started, students and teachers can read more about the challenge and explore the curated resources.
- Submissions are due by 6:00 p.m. ET on October 30, 2023.
- Winning teams will each receive $5,000, as well as additional in-kind prizes.
CTE Leadership Collaborative 2023 Mini-Grant Program Recipients Announced
Now in its third year, the CTE Leadership Collaborative's Mini-Grant Program continues to facilitate partnership among ECMC Foundation Fellows (Fellows) from six fellowship programs, while elevating their leadership profile within the field of postsecondary career and technical education (CTE).
Read more about this grant, HERE.
Oregon ACTE Board of Directors
Tom Goodhue, Executive Director
Alan Kirby, Willamette Career Academy Principal/Willamette ESD
Caitlin Russell, IMESD Regional CTE/Dual Credit Coordinator
Robin Taylor, Chemeketa Community College Dean
Toni Zikmund, Baker High School CTE Teacher
Lisa Klingsporn, Portland Public Schools, Strategic Business Partnerships Manager
Brad Baxter, Wallowa ESD Asst. Superintendent
Sandi Kellogg, Chemeketa Community College Dean of Health Sciences
Lee Kounovsky, Lane ESD Construction Trade Sector Specialist
Carla Arciniega, Lane Community College Perkins Lead
Luis Juarez, HECC Education Specialist
Margaret Mahoney, ODE Program Specialist
Regine Childs, Sheldon High School Administrator