eLearning News
August 2022
Are you ready for this?
We are excited that it is August! As many classes are finishing up Spring semester we are preparing for Fall semester already.
- Course Merges will begin on August 12th.
- If you are using Intelligent Agents you need to change the from and respond to email address in all of your sections- Intelligent Agent Settings
- Copy a pre-made attendance register for your course by self-registering here, and then use Copy Course tool in your current semester course.
- For the fastest eLearning assistance place a help desk ticket instead of emailing. We create a ticket for all emails sent. Creating a ticket will provide us with important information that is often not included in emails.
Fall Course Merge Request
Trainings and open sessions with eLeanring
Knowmia is ending on August 12th! Switch your content video links to YuJa. If you need assistance with this process, please contact our office as soon as possible.
Add upcoming workshops and trainings to your calendar from our website.
Open Session
Questions about uploading content, creating a gradebook or quiz, or separating discussions by groups. Join us to get answers to your questions.
- August 10th at 1pm- Zoom
Simple Syllabus training
- Friday, August 12th at 9 am- Zoom
- Pre-recorded training of Simple Syllabus.
YuJa training
Fall Learning Days workshops and training
- Accessibility Workshop- Thursday, August 18th at 2:30 pm in K 104
- D2L Updates- Monday, August 22nd at 3:15 pm and 6:45 pm in J130
- Green light recording studio tour- Thursday, August 25th at 9 am in A 220
eLearning News and Updates
For Winter 22 and Fall 21, 61% of faculty used Brightspace for Syllabi and/or gradebook!
eLearning help desk tickets have almost reached 1000 tickets so far this year.
If you have an incomplete, we now receive communication from the Registrar's office for the start and completion of the incomplete. We will automatically set the student as incomplete to access the course even when its closed for the rest of the class and we will change their access back once the incomplete has ended.