Island School PTA Newsletter
2020-21 Term 3
Message from the Chair
This school year contained a lot of ups and downs, but with the support and understanding of the whole Island School community we kept on doing our best to keep the Island School spirit alive and well. Although ISPTA was not able to host in-person events this year, we were able to run most of our events on-line, such as the Parent Coffee Mornings and Higher Education Coffee Mornings. as well as to support a variety of school events and initiatives both on-line and on-campus. I would like to thank the ISPTA committee members, working group members, parent volunteers and ISPTA staff for their dedication and hard work.
ISPTA contributed towards the school's Diwali, Christmas and Chinese New Year events. Although the social distancing rules put some restrictions on the events, they still provided leadership opportunities for senior students, and plenty of fun and cheer for everyone. ISPTA also supported and sponsored the Book Week, Islander Yearbook, board games for home rooms, decorations and craft supplies to school events, Y11 graduation gifts, Y13 graduation gifts, teacher and staff appreciation breakfast, Ocean Park days and other similar initiatives. In addition to the events and initiatives, ISPTA continued to donate funds to enhance the learning experience of all Island School students.
Even though we were not able to meet up in person, our various online events and year level WhatsApp groups have kept the parents in contact and informed. Till we can meet again, we wish everyone a wonderful and well earned summer break.
Tania Shao
Chair, Island School PTA Ltd
Message from the Treasurer
The 2020-2021 academic year represented a second consecutive challenging year for everyone and one of the key impacts was not being able to host traditional in-person community activities or fundraising events.
Despite the challenges, ISPTA is pleased to have funded the initiatives and activities mentioned in the Chair column. We are also funding approximately $270,000 towards supporting and supplementing student learning this year. As in past years, ISPTA made these commitments on the basis of faculty recommendations. Between 2019-21 the priorities included STEM, Physical Education, Arts, Green initiatives and Robotics.
Finally, ISPTA remains committed to running efficiently while continuing to support the students, teachers, staff and broader Island School community. We are pleased to announce that the annual fee was reduced to $650 for the upcoming academic year with a view towards continuing to reduce the fees even further in the future, especially after the return to Borrett Road is completed.
Eric Chen
Treasurer, Island School PTA Ltd
Y13 Graduation
ISPTA's Vice chair and Y13 parent Manju Anand addressed the parents and graduates on behalf of the parent body:
Dear students,
Two years ago when you started your IB path, who would have thought how fundamentally your life would change in a matter of months, and how unusual your IB path would end up being. It has been a challenging two years. There is no denying that you have missed out on some things. Large part of your last school year was done in distance learning, and many of the fun aspects of the school did not happen. Things have not always been easy, but you have made it. You have shown that success is possible even under challenging and unusual circumstances. These challenges have turned you into resilient people with best “when I was in high school” stories of a generation - or maybe a century. I am sure I speak for all parents when I say that we are very proud of you all. And with the pandemic subsiding, you will spread your wings and soar. You will rise to the challenge and contribute to the opening up of the world again.
Dear teachers and staff,
I cannot thank you enough for guiding our children -- no -- our young adults through these years. We appreciate the enormous challenges that online teaching and working from home poses for education and running a school, and we are thankful for all the work and dedication put into this year. As parents, we thank you for helping to shape the Class of 2021 to these wonderful young adults they now are.
Dear parents,
Just seven short years ago they climbed those stairs at Borrett Road as fresh year 7 students. Doesn’t that feel like yesterday? Those seven years have been filled with so many joys, some challenges, and countless memories to hold dear. With this graduation ceremony, one chapter closes and a new one starts. This is true for us, the parents, as well. This chapter will be one about letting go, trusting the foundation that we, and this village of ours, have instilled in them.
On behalf of all parents.
Congratulations to Class of 2021, and thank you to each and everyone at Island school
With these words, we wish the Class of 2021 all the best for the path ahead.
Once an Islander, always an Islander.
Y11 Graduation
Y11 students celebrated the completion of IGCSEs in June. Due to the social distancing rules parents were not able to join the celebration on campus, but it was live streamed for all families and friends to watch.
In lieu of a family breakfast reception ISPTA presented the students with chocolate for a sweet end for the challenging year. According to the wishes of Y11 parents, 10k, half of the budget originally reserved for the reception, was donated to Island School Trust's Nicola and Kenneth bursaries, to help underprivileged Hong Kong students. Kandy Sum from ISPTA committee and Y11 student representatives presented the cheque in the name Island School Class of 2023
ISPTA also pledged a $10k donation to school designated towards enhancements of the senior common room at the new Borrett Road campus, to be enjoyed by this cohort as the first group of Islanders to graduate from the new campus.
ISPTA Coffee mornings
ISPTA coffee mornings for Y10 and Y12 took place during the second term. Members of the senior leadership team spoke about topics relevant to each year level. The Y10 coffee morning focused on exam preparation and pressure as well getting ready and organised for year 11. The Y12 coffee morning focused on year 12 assessments and higher education.
Stasher sales
To avail yourself of the price of HK$350 per set, we are accepting orders on a first come-first serve basis. All funds raised will go towards school initiatives.
Please see the order form for details.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email pta@online.island.edu.hk
ISPTA WhatsApp Groups
What are the ISPTA WhatsApp Groups for?
The ISPTA WhatsApp Groups are strictly for current IS parents, to bring
together the IS community to discuss school related topics.
How to identify ISPTA groups for current IS parents
All official ISPTA Whatsapp groups are created by the ISPTA phone number, 67652453.
You can recognise the year-level WhatsApp groups from their blue background logos.
How to join the new official ISPTA WhatsApp Groups
If you have not yet joined the ISPTA WhatsApp Groups please fill in this form
or email the PTA manager — pta@online.island.edu.hk
ISPTA Key Dates
- First day of school year for Y13: August 16, 2021
- First day of school year for Y7-12: August 18, 2021
Please see school calendar for details on school events
Please see Getting ready for School 2021-22 for details on new school year
ISPTA 2nd Hand Books & Uniform Shop
Island School Community Buy Sell & Swap FB Marketplace
As part of our sustainability efforts, ISPTA facilitates an unofficial Facebook marketplace Island School Community Buy Sell & Swap where members of the Island School Hong Kong community can buy/sell/gift/swap school related items. This group is only for actively enrolled families, students and staff of Island School.
When joining, you will be asked to state your affiliation to Island School. Any request to join that does not include this information within 7 days will be declined. Please read the group rules before posting.
Examples of items that are approved:
- School uniform pieces
- Uniform shoes
- PE shoes
- Sports shoes, such as football or rugby boots / cleats
- Other sports equipment, such as tennis, table tennis or badminton rackets
- Musical instruments
- Bags, including school bags and bags suitable to school camps or quest week travel
- Camping gear relevant to school camps, including clothing
- IB course books
- English readers required or recommended by school
- Other books relevant to school work
- Calculators and other stationery items related to school work
- Electronics related to school or hobbies
- Other items related to relevant hobbies
- Other similar items
ISPTA reserves a right to approve all posts. ISPTA is not part of any arrangement and will not facilitate them.
Mother Tongue Books collection
ISPTA is reaching out to parents to continue donating mother tongue books – books in languages spoken at homes of our Island School students – in new or near-new condition in approximately Y7-8 reading level.
As the Library has already good collection of books in English, Chinese, Japanese, French and Spanish (languages are taught at IS), they are focusing on all other mother tongues: Hindi, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Dutch, Urdu, you name it! Library is interested in both books originally written in mother tongues, as well as mother tongue editions of some of the very popular fiction series, like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Land of Stories, The Diary of Wimpy Kid, etc.
For further questions, please contact our librarian, Mr Chris Lee at chris.lee@online.island.edu.hk, or ISPTA at pta@online.island.edu.hk. Books can be dropped off at the library on either campuses.
A big thank you to all parents who have already supported the mother tongue books collection! Many great books have been added to Library’s collection thanks to your generosity.
Feedback and suggestions
ISPTA representatives in Island School Council, ESF Committee of Parents and Island School Trust
Island School School Council: Tania Shao
ESF Committee of Parents: Manju Anand and Tania Shao
Island School Trust: Jennifer Seeto
Island School PTA
Email: pta@online.island.edu.hk
Website: https://island.edu.hk/pta-home/
Location: 95CJ+P9 Hong Kong
Phone: 6765 2453
Island School PTA is the owner of the copyright in all content of this publication. Distributing, modifying, copying or using any content of this publication in any manner for public or commercial purposes without written permission from Island School is strictly prohibited. Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of Island School or the English Schools Foundation.