High School Counselor Newsletter
#7, February 10th 2023
Love does not hurt. If it’s hurting you it is not love. Love is supposed to heal you. Love is supposed to comfort you. Love is supposed to give you peace. Love is supposed to give you security,”
- Toni Gonzaga
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
That Texas Education Code 37.0831 requires schools to offer education on Teen Dating Violence...now you know! This edition of the newsletter will give teens and guardians tools to have open conversations about this topic.
Video for Students
Video for Parents
Women In Need - Crisis Hotline
Text: 972-591-7233
Call: 903-454-4357
An educator from Women In Need will visit our campus to give a presentation on Teen Dating Violence.
Here is the Schedule:
7th grade on Friday, Feb. 10th
8th grade on Friday, March 1st.
9th - 12th on Wednesday, March 22nd
6th Grade on Wednesday, March 22nd
There are on separate days and at different times because they are age appropriate presentations.
FAFSA Documentation
If you have not completed it and want to fill out the opt-out form, come by the Counselor's office and get a copy.
Thanks to those who have already sent documentation. I appreciate your help!
Lone Star AG Credit: https://lonestaragcredit.com/app/uploads/2020/03/Lone-Star-Ag-Credit-2023-Scholarship-Application.pdf
Whataburger: https://whataburger.com/community/applyforsupport
Hispanic Scholarship Fund: https://www.hsf.net/sign-up/
Don't Mess With Texas: https://egreenvilleextra.com/featured/dont-mess-with-texas-scholarship-contest-open-for-applications-deadline-march-31-2023/
H-E-B: https://www.sportsinaction.com/scholarship/application-form/
DWI Dawn Brooks Memorial Scholarship: Paper in the Counselor's office
Farmers Electric Cooperativehttps://farmerselectric.coop/community-involvement/
Buy Board: Paper in the Counselor's office
Greenville Rotary Club: Paper in the Counselor's office
Alliance Bank Scholarship: https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/alliancebank/
The Maria's Scholars Foundation: https://www.mariasscholarsfoundation.org/become-a-scholar
Texas Builders Association: https://www.texasbuildersfoundation.org/scholarships-grants/
TREA: https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/TREAStudentScholarshipApplication2023
Charlean Tanton: Paper in the Counselor's office
Brandy Clifton, School Counselor 💝🌹
Email: bclifton@campbellisd.org
Website: https://www.campbellisd.org/Page/139
Phone: 903-246-9305