Senior Countdown
Fife High School Class of 2021 Info
May 10, 2021
Senior Event Calendar
Dear Seniors and Senior Families,
Please read through this edition of Senior Countdown for important reminders and information regarding Senior events and activities. Remember, as we get more information regarding graduation, events like senior awards, etc., we will post it to this website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/guidance_center/senior_graduation_info
Please circle your calendars for our next Senior Class meeting Monday May 24th at 11:30AM in zoom. We will go over graduation details, expectations, and protocols in this meeting.
There is another big state update with COVID guidance May 15th so next week we will send out a letter updating everyone on the status of graduation, tickets, and all graduation related senior events.
Brandon Bakke
Senior Graduation Website
Seniors, last chance to sign up for Non-Olympic Event Attendance!
Senior Event Calendar at a Glance
5/17-26 Cabbage Patch Week. To learn more check out Fife High News
5/18 Honor Grad Evening Ceremony 6PM
5/29 Senior Xello Portfolios Due
6/7 Seniors Night Out Formal! (includes Pictures at Wild Hearts Farm, Decision Day, Senior Awards, Heart of the Trojan Awards 7PM at FHS Gym (Seniors attend in person also streamed)
6/8 Final exams Cohort A
6/9 Final exams Cohort B
6/9 ESPY Sports Awards (date and time still TBD)
6/10 Senior Checkout in all classes (Cohort A- In person)
6/11 Senior Checkout in all classes (Cohort B)
6/11 Senior Movie Night in Stadium (Senior Video and a Movie) Time 8:30PM
6/12 Senior Caravan Drive Through Fife, Edgewood, Milton AM Time 9AM
6/13 Senior Grad Party Event (ran by parents)- see below
6/14 Remote Students Senior Checkout AM (for info coming)
6/14 Senior Graduation Rehearsal Time 1PM
6/15 Graduation 6:30PM Washington State Fairgrounds (Limited in person and Streamed)
6/21 Diploma Pick Up Drive Up, FHS Bus Loop, Time TBD
June 13 Senior Parent Run Event
A group of senior parents has been preparing to host an oudoor socially distanced celebration event on June 13th. If you are interested in attending please click this link!
Seniors Night Out Sign Up!
If you didn't sign up to attend the Senior Night Out Formal Awards Night June 7th and would still like to, please email Mr. Meyer ASAP!
Didn't Get your Senior Yard Sign?
Pierce First Scholarship
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans