Sabre Scene
January 30, 2024
Principal's Message
Hello Sabre Families,
Well, from one swing of the weather to another, Alberta just cannot seem to settle into a seasonable weather pattern this winter. It does make travel a lot smoother, but for those of us who enjoy all the activities winter offers, a feeling of frustration exists. Plus, I do not like having such a dirty car.
Last week, we had over 800 students write diplomas, EIPS common exams and other course exams daily. The students took these learning assessments very seriously and showed up ready to complete their best work. Kudos to the students who demonstrated a level of rigor that exams bring to a learning community. Monday and Tuesday this week, the last two science courses will be written, then Wednesday is a Professional Learning Day and Thursday, February 1 is the start of Semester 2.
As we are starting a new semester, The Education Act requires the Division's Code of Conduct be provided to all staff, students and Parents/Caregivers. Student conduct is outlined in AP 311;Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments for Students and AP 350 Student Code of Conduct.
A Permission Click Form regarding the Code of Conduct will be sent out today to all families to acknowledge that they have read and will follow EIPS Administrative Procedures.
As was mentioned last week, the Parent Advisory Council Meeting will take place in the upstairs library on Wednesday, January 31 at 6:00 p.m. Join our Business Manager, Jackie Uhrig, as we begin a discussion of school fees for the 2024 - 2025 school year. The Agenda for this week's meeting is attached below.
Student Passwords:
Effective February 1, 2024, students in Divisions 2, 3, 4 will have a new password policy. The next time they sign into their account on any device, they will be prompted to set a new password that is at least 10 characters long and requires at least 3 of the following:
- upper case letters
- lower case letters
- numbers
- Special characters ('-!"#$%&()*,./:;?@[]^_`{|}~+<=>)
The 2023-2024 IB Information Night:
The IB Information Night is Tuesday, February 6 at 6:00 p.m. in our Salisbury Theatre. This is a great opportunity for prospective students to learn what the program is about from current and past students.
Graduation Photos
There will be an additional day of Grad Photo sessions at Salisbury on March 1, 2024. The bookings will be open by February 1, 2024. To book, please CLICK HERE to access the booking page. You will not need to enter the booking ID, but enter in (Sherwood Park), and (Alberta), then select Salisbury. Bookings time will pop up once you have entered your student's name.
As we close out semester 1, I would like to congratulate our students for their hard work and achievements. Thank you, parents, and caregivers for your support in guiding your children through exams. Overall, I feel Semester 1 was a success. It is a bit of an odd start to Semester 2 with two school days this week (Thursday and Friday). Next week is the Teachers Convention where staff will be engaged in professional learning with the goal of better supporting our school community. We do not have classes on Thursday, February 8 and Friday, February 9 so we will hold off on sending out a Sabre Scene. The next edition will be the week of February 12, 2024.
Have a good week everyone, and please reach out if you have any questions.
Liane Schultz
Salisbury Composite High School
Salisbury Composite High School
Location: Salisbury Composite High School, Festival Way, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-467-8816
Twitter: @SalComp