Miller News
November 14, 2022
From the Principal
Dear Families,
One of the ways that parents and guardians can get involved is to participate in the Booster Club meetings and activities. Please refer to the additional information below.
If you have not already seen our drama department’s production of Cinderella’s Waltz, I highly encourage you to do so. Our actors and actresses have worked hard on this fast-paced comedy. The last chances to see this excellent show are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 17-19 at 7:00 pm.
Principal da Silva
Upcoming Events
This week: A - B - A - B - Early Release A
Nov. 17, 18, 19: Cinderella Waltz (see below)
Nov. 14: First day of winter sports
Nov. 18: Metropolitan Choral Festival
Nov. 18-20: Western International Band Clinic
Nov. 24, 25: No School (Thanksgiving)
Dec. 1: Arms Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing in Library
Do you know about the SHS Booster Club??
The Booster Club is a group of parents and friends of the school who are interested in ALL student activities at SHS. We support ALL students and promote the interests of the school in general. We are looking for new members to join our team!
The Booster Club:
Supports all clubs, sports, and students at SHS
Provides fundraising opportunities for any student club or sport
Provides financial assistance to clubs, sports, and SHS activities through grants up to $500
Gives back 100% of the money we raise to the SHS community
How Can I Get Involved?
Become a Booster Club member! This is the easiest way to support your student and their activities.
Volunteer to work a 2-hour shift in the concession stand! Either answer a general call for volunteers or volunteer on behalf of your student’s club or sport.
Fill an open Booster board position and bring your fundraising ideas to the table!
Visit our website at https://www.shsboosters.net/ for more information, meeting schedules and membership opportunities!
Cinderella Waltz is a MUST SEE!
WIBC Honor Band Congratulations
After School Study
Math (Room 438) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:15-4:15
ELA (Room 603) Wednesday, 3:15-4:15
Chemistry/Physics (Room 414): Monday, Thursday 3:15-4:15
Biology (Room 403): Tuesday, 3:15-4:15
Thanksgiving Dinners Coming Soon!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and thanks to generous community donors, we are able to offer a free, uncooked Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings to a limited number of SHS families! Sign up HERE to get a dinner while supplies last!
¡Cenas del día de acción de gracias se acerca muy pronto!
El día de acción de gracias se acerca muy pronto, y gracias a la generosidad de donantes de nuestra comunidad, podemos ofrecer, gratis, una cena de Thanksgiving incluyendo un pavo congelado crudo y con alimentos para prepararlo. Las cenas están disponibles con cantidad limitada a familias de SHS! Regístrate aquí para poner su nombre en la lista!
Winter is Coming!
…and so are the cold students! It’s time for the Resource Room to stock up winter essentials, such as sweatpants, sweatshirts, flannels, socks, gloves and hats. Cleaning out your closet? Donate items that are clean and in good condition to the Resource Room! Want to buy new? Visit our Amazon wish list to buy directly or to get an idea of what we need.
Attention: Seniors and Senior Families
2. Would you like to reserve a page in this year's yearbook? Deadline for a page is October 31st!
3. Do you want to order a class ring, or a letterman jacket? Please see the PDF attached, "Graduation and More," for the links to get your orders in.
Click the tabs below for important information.
From the College and Career Center
What’s happening in the CCC? The College & Career Center is open to all grades. Make an appointment with Mrs. Dapkus or a mentor today!
11/14 Portland State University in the library at lunch - Learn about 4 YEARS FREE!
11/15 Marines in the foyer at lunch
11/16 Southern Oregon University in the library at lunch
12/1 ASVAB Exam in the library 8:30 all day
ESSAY EDITING: Need an essay edited? Share it with Mrs. Dapkus and multiple mentors will edit your essay.
Job Opportunities Volunteer Opportunities
COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE: Please turn in your pay stubs either through the CWE Google classroom or directly to Mrs. Dapkus in the CCC.
SENIORS OSAC IS OPEN! Seniors, the OSAC is one application with over 600 scholarships valued at over 10 million dollars for Oregon students only. There are some changes in the OSAC this year, visit the CCC for details. OSAC
SENIORS The Ford Family Foundation scholarship is an amazing opportunity for seniors who are pell grant eligible and have high merit, it is valued at UP TO $160,000 for ANY university in Oregon. Ford Family Foundation
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES are available for all students. Keep an eye on Naviance and your Google classroom for upcoming scholarships to be posted. Parents, if you’d like to be invited to the College & Career Google classroom, email cindy.dapkus@springfield.k12.or.us
SENIOR CLASS RINGS: Seniors, complete your Senior survey in Naviance and then come into the College & Career Center to answer a few questions regarding it and sign your commitment to graduate. Then, you’ll receive your FREE CLASS RING!
Counseling Team
9th Grade: Damaris Carlson (541-744-4866)
10th Grade: SueAnn Rangeloff (541-744-4796)
11th Grade: Erik Lansdon (541-744-4346)
12th Grade: Matt Adams (541-744-4793)
Mental Health Coordinator: Robyn Eicks (541-744-4797)
Multicultural Liaison: Elena Espinoza (541-744-4780)
Administration Team
9th Grade: Lisa Dillon (541.744.4795)
10th Grade: Tracy Ross (541.744.4783)
11th Grade: Courtney Minyard (541.744.4815)
12th Grade: José da Silva (541.744.4782)
Springfield High School
Email: Josedasilva@Springfield.k12.or.us
Website: http://shs.springfield.k12.or.us/
Location: 875 West 7th Avenue
Phone: 541-744-4700