Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- October 5th, 2023
St. Francis of Assisi Peace Prayer
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
During the month of September we completed the first round of IReady testing with our students. IReady is one of the standardized tests used by Holy Trinity Catholic School for grades 5K-8 in math and reading. The test is given three times per year - fall, winter and spring. By testing three times per year, we are better able to observe growth and development over time. IReady is an adaptive test that will adjust the questions to the student's level and performance. The tests are given on the school's iPads or Chromebooks. Each testing session is untimed and they are done within the regular classroom setting. We do not expect students to prepare for these tests, and we do not want them to be stressful. We just ask students to do their best. Parents will receive a IReady report at conferences. Please keep in mind that standardized testing is one of a variety of ways in which we gauge student growth and progress. We also utilize formal and informal in-class assessments, assignments, and oral question and answer to give us a comprehensive picture of how a student is performing and progressing. If the classroom teacher sees signs for academic concern, they will reach out to parents, and we ask parents to reach out to us with any concerns you observe.
Mrs. Longden
Did you ever think that pain has lasted longer than you expected? Or that something in your past would stay in your past, only to have it pop back into your mind randomly? Have you ever grieved a loved one and the pain and sadness seemed like it would never subside?
During those times, did you ever cry out to God and ask “Why?” We don’t always get to see the big picture. We feel confused, afraid, and do what we can, which isn't much sometimes, but we forget that Jesus often has a different agenda than our own. When we feel that weight, when in the midst of that darkness, take the time to spend even a couple of minutes in silence with Him. You don't have to say it all - He knows - and just sitting with Him takes a little of that weight off your shoulders.
Don’t forget that Jesus showed us the best way to live, especially through the pain. Jesus showed us that it won't work to just hide from the pain, to fall down and take the beating, but to stand up and continue forward out of love. If you're having a hard time seeing that hope right now, if you feel like you're suffocating and having a hard time seeing something better in front of you, take some time to sit in silence with Him.
Ask Him to just be with you and help you through whatever struggle you have, however impossible it may seem.
Saint: St. Philip Neri
Aspiration: Come Holy Spirit, increase in me the Gift of Fortitude
Meaning: Seeking with confidence to do great things in God, literally "having a large soul"
Prayer: Sacred Heart of Jesus, You loved us even to the point of death. Give me a big heart! Give me Your Heart! Help me to love others with all my heart!
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:10
Opposing Trait: Seeking to do great things for self-promotion - not seeking to do the good that is possible - pusillanimity (weak, spineless)
Ways to Cultivate: Acknowledge the good in others when it is difficult; strive to do difficult tasks with God's grace.
Looks Like/Sounds Like: Compliment someone else when you wanted to be recognized. "You did a great job." Allow others to receive the praise and credit they deserve. Ask God to help you recognize the good in others. Acknowledge the good in others when it is difficult. Strive to do difficult tasks with God's grace.
Family Folders
*Scholastic Book Fair and Coin Drive Information
*Trunk or Treat Flyer
*Wreath and Poinsettia Sale Information
*Girl Scouts Flyer (5K only)
*Good Info to Know Flyer
Long-Term Substitute
If you are interested, or know of someone that might be interested, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net.
Thank you!
Picture Retake Day
If a picture was already taken, but a retake is needed, please let the office know so your child can be sent for pictures. Please return the original picture package to the photographer at the time of pictures. The same package will be ordered with the new image. New packages will not be received unless the original package is returned.
Please contact Customer Service with any questions 262-780-2901 or customerservice@schoolandsportpics.com
Thank you.
Grandparents Day
Time: 8 A.M-11 A.M.
There are no busses for dismissal that day.
Catholic Schools Walk
Coming up soon our school will hold our annual Catholic Schools Walk. We will join other parochial and private schools in an effort to raise funds to operate our school. While public schools get funds from the state through your taxes, our Catholic school operates from other sources: tuition, fundraising, parish support, and donations.
Saturday, November 4th, 2023
Holy Trinity Catholic School Glow Walk
Watch for more information soon
Spirit Wear
Please click on the link to check it out!
The Spirit Wear Store closes on October 15th!
See the attached for more information.
Coin Drive for Book Fair
Book Fair Coin Challenge!
LAST YEAR We RAISED over $1,800!!!
Funds raised will put books in our classroom libraries.
Each classroom has their own ALL FOR BOOKS container.
Coins will be collected October 9th-12th. Totals will be shared out at the end of each day.
The classroom with the highest coin donation will win a PIZZA PARTY.
Every coin donated will help us put a book in your child’s class.
Thank you for joining in the fun!
ANY Dollar put into a class jar will take away that amount from that class's total!
For Example, if a 3rd grader put a $5 bill into 1st grade container, $5 will be deducted from 1st grade's total.
Dollar’s can be put in any day!
Monday 10/9- Pennies
Tuesday 10/10 - Nickels
Wednesday 10/11 - Dimes
Thursday 10/12 - Quarters
Thank you for your support!
Home and School Meeting
Please come and learn what Home and School all has to offer and how you can get involved!
They will be discussing Trunk or Treat and the Christmas Float!
Red Ribbon Week
See the attached for our dress up days!
Band Interest
If your child is in grades 4-8 and interested in possibly being in band, please email Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net.
Any veterans from our school families and parish are welcome to attend.
We will begin with Mass at 7:45, followed by a presentation in the Holy Trinity School Gym afterwards.
Students please wear a red, white, or blue polo.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the school office.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, October 6th - No School
Wednesday, October 11th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, October 12th - 6th-8th Grade Retreat
Thursday, October 12th - Home and School Meeting at 6:00 P.M.
Friday, October 13th - Mass
Monday, October 16th - Dress Code Changes - No shorts or capris. No skirts or dresses unless leggings are worn with them.
Wednesday, October 18th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Thursday, October 19th - Grandparents Day (Dismissal at 11)
Thursday, October 19th - Conferences 12 P.M.-6 P.M.
Friday, October 20th - Mass
October 23rd-27th - Red Ribbon Week
Saturday, November 4th - Catholic Schools Walk
Friday, November 10th - Veteran's Day Program
Calendar of Cash
September 28 - Isabelle Piwoni
September 29 - Beckett Melzark
October 2 - Sebastian Delgado
October 3 - Becky Krueger
October 4 - Scott Hass
Volleyball Schedule
Monday, October 9th - Divine Savior, Fredonia (B Team)
October 9th-15th - Holy Angels Tournament (A Team)
Friday, October 20th - St. Matt's
Friday, November 3rd - Shepherd of the Hills (8th Grade Night)
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
KEYS Run/Walk
With a legacy of over $3 million in academic scholarships awarded, KEYS, Inc. has transformed lives and paved the way for countless individuals to pursue their educational dreams. This year's event holds special significance as we celebrate three decades of unwavering dedication to education and empowerment.
Whether you're a preK-8 student eyeing the chance to win a local business gift card or a KHS student vying for a chance to win a $500 scholarship, these race registration incentives are just the cherry on top of a rewarding experience.
Join us at Keys-Scholarships.org or scan the QR code to register and secure your spot. Let's make this year's event the biggest yet, honoring our past achievements while building an even brighter future. As the countdown begins, we look forward to seeing you at the starting line on October 8th, united in our commitment to education and community. Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact for generations to come.
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603