Ottawa Newsletter
April 2023
Principal Message
We begin Spring testing in April for grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Please make sure to touch base with your child's teacher if you have any questions. It is important to get a good night sleep, eat a good breakfast, and get to school on time.
We are gearing up for a great last few months in school!
Jodi Schreiber
Sharing the Love of Reading in March
Thank You PEF
As we continue learning throughout the year, we are always thankful to our community and PEF for supporting our teachers and students. Deanna Milks is putting her PEF mini grant to use in her classroom. She was awarded a PEF Mini Grant in Fall 2022 to provide math and reading game interventions to increase student engagement and targeted learning practice. Pictured below are students playing math games which work on 10 friends/buddies; adding two numbers that equal ten. The games are “Clumsy Thief Junior and I Sea 10”. Both games work on strengthening number sense.
Spring PEF grants have been delivered. They were able to fund many grants. If you have ideas for grants, they will continue to support things throughout the years. We had two individuals receive grants at Ottawa. Martha Jansen and Kristin Monan. Thank you to everyone who applied for grants and who continue to find new opportunities for our students in the classroom and throughout the school.
Martha: Received a grant for the "Kangaroo Club and Endurance Club". Be on the lookout to hear more about these clubs.
Kristin: Received a grant for a "Sensory Path" that will go in the hallway to support students with movement breaks and time to get out a little extra energy.
Ottawa Family Fun NIght
Kindergarten Registration - The Time is NOW!
PTO Updates
At our last meeting we discussed Field Day, future fundraisers, teacher support, Teacher Appreciation Week, and PBiS next steps.
We are looking for Volunteers to help with Field day. Please click the link below if you would like to volunteer. Field Day is May 26 at PHS football stadium.
Teacher Appreciation week is May 8 - 12. A HUGE thank you ro PTO and our Ottawa Families for their continuous support to all of our staff and students.
April 20, 2023
May 18, 2023