Huntingburg City Transit
Transportation for all ages!
Public Outreach!
from Mayor Steve
The City of Huntingburg, in keeping with Governor Holcomb’s recommendations, masks will still be required to enter City Hall and employees not being able to keep social distancing while working should continue to wear masks until further notice. We still recommend the continued wearing of masks any time social distancing is not possible.
From the FTA
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the face mask requirement for all transportation networks, including public transportation, through September 13, 2021. TSA’s initial face mask requirement went into effect on February 1, 2021 with an expiration date of May 11, 2021.
This applies to all transit riders until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation!
Need a ride this summer?
A "Grateful" note of appreciation!
Good Luck Margie!!
Please join the City Transit Department in extending best wishes to Margie Cooper who will be leaving us at the end of May. Margie has been a dedicated employee for 8 years. The transit staff and our passengers will miss her friendly demeanor, great attitude, and warm smile.
"World Day for Safety & Health at Work"
The City of Huntingburg is celebrating “World Day for Safety and Health at Work” by achieving over 200,000 hours without experiencing a lost time injury. A lost time injury is when an employee sustains an injury at work that leads to loss of production in the form of absenteeism or delays. Employees were given stainless steel tumblers to mark this accomplishment.
For more information about Huntingburg City Transit visit the City of Huntingburg website
For questions or concerns you can email transit Director @ jlueken@huntingburg-in.gov
Or call 812-683-2211
Operating hours - Monday-Friday - 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Huntingburg City Transit will not be running on Memorial Day, Monday-May 31st!