September 10th Newsletter
Principal's Point of View
I hope that like me maybe you found some time to enjoy football and rest this weekend.
This week we want to invite your students to wear red, white, and blue in honor of 9/11 tomorrow. In addition, tomorrow; Monday 9/11; parents please consider joining us for our monthly SAC school advisory committee meeting. This is the place where you have an opportunity to share your voice, opinions, and ideas to help us guide our school. Our meeting is at 5:30 in the media center.
Tuesday is huuuge. Open house, where you meet your student's teachers begins at 6 pm, but please consider arriving early at 5 pm in the media center to learn about Title 1 grants that help our students every day.
I want to continue to share our expectations for students, as we strive to be better than good, to be greater:
Be goal centered
Always be positive and do something your family will be proud of
Take ownership by completing assignments, following rules like dress code, removing head coverings, and serving consequences
Be On-Time - metal detectors are down to less than a minute wait, and classes have 7 minutes between them… be on time
Lastly - be respectful and make connections
Parents, please check your student's grades and attendance in SIS as this is the progress report period. Now is the time to make sure your student is on track, or contact their teachers.
Looking forward to a great week, have a good evening, and Go Gators!
Greater Gator ALERT!
Prepurchase a Yearbook & Save Money!
Current price: $85, going up 11/1
Join the Asian Student Union
New Club on Campus!
SECME (Science, Engineering, Math, Communication, Enrichment) club held its first meeting last week, but it's not too late to join. Meetings are on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Media Center's Maker Room immediately after school from 2:50 p.m. - to 4:00 p.m.
Students have the opportunity to learn about physics through building, testing, and working on technical drawings and technical reports.
Projects include (See attached former student examples from my former school) a mousetrap Car Competition, a Balsa Wood Bridge Competition, a Water Bottle Rocket Competition, a Generator Build, Banner Design (Art students), and Brain Bowl (like Jeopardy for Math and Science).
If you would like more information, email Ms. Jordan.
Support Girls' Soccer!
Staff Snapshots
Mr. Dockery speaks to the TV & Film Club afterschool
NJROTC practicing for the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
Mr. Morris, one of our Greater Gator substitute teachers
One more highlight from our Social Studies Deparment... Mr. Gilmore keeping Florida safe from Hurricane Idalia!
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Palm Beach Gardens High School
Website: https://pbgh.palmbeachschools.org/
Location: 4245 Holly Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Phone: 5616947300
Facebook: facebook.com/PBGHSofficial
Twitter: @PBGHSofficial