Petey's Post
January 22nd, 2024 Edition
PTA General Meeting
In conjunction with the Winter Chorus Concert, our next general PTA meeting will be held on January 25, 2024, from 6-6:20 pm in the cafeteria! A hot chocolate bar will be provided (yum!).
Join us as we give a quick budget update and discuss upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. If you attend the PTA meeting you will have the opportunity to reserve your seat for the concert! Can't wait to see you!
Tentative schedule:
5:45 pm- drop of Chorus members ONLY in the gym (pick up your "Reserved" sign).
6:00-6:20 pm- PTA meeting in cafeteria
6:20 pm- Make your way back into the gym for the concert!
NC Check-Ins
All Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade students will participate in formative assessments for Reading, with Fourth and Fifth Grade for Math, and Fifth Grade Science End-of-Grade Assessments during the Fall NC Check-Ins 2 administration. The NC Department of Public Instruction NC Check-Ins provide teachers with valuable information regarding student progress toward learning classroom standards and demonstrating their mastery of the content.
January 19 - 5th Grade Reading
January 25 - 3rd Grade Math
February 1 - 4th Grade Reading
February 1 - 5th Grade Reading
February 8 - 3rd Grade Reading
February 22 - 4th Grade Math
February 27 - 5th Grade Math
March 19 - 5th Grade Science
Gifted Testing Window
Did you know teachers, parents, and other staff members may nominate a student for gifted services? While nominations can be made ANY time, gifted testing is offered only TWICE per year, during the testing windows. Students may test ONE time per year in grades 4-8, IF the student's data supports the need.
Click HERE to submit a nomination for gifted/ gifted testing. The Testing Form Completion Due Date is January 26th.
Additional Information:
The Testing Window is Jan. 29 - Feb. 9
Testing is for new-to-district 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who have never been screened with the Iowa or CogAT.
It is also available for 4th or 5th graders who show a need for gifted services but may not have performed well on the 3rd grade universal screening.
K-2 students are screened through a different early identification process, and they must be performing 1-2 years above that of their peers.
Parent nominations will be reviewed with homeroom teachers prior to adding students to the testing roster.
Testing invites will be sent to parents whose students are selected for testing.
No test prep materials will be provided. Students will take the CogAT and/or Iowa assessments and this may be shared with parents.
Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27th is recognized as International Holocaust Remembrance Day and is a day set aside for remembering the victims of the Holocaust and for reminding Americans of what can happen to civilized people when bigotry, hatred, and indifference reign. This specific date was selected as it also commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of the Nazi death camps. The United States Holocaust Memorial Council was created by Congress in 1980 to lead the nation in civic commemorations and to encourage appropriate Remembrance observances throughout the country.
PreK Application
Families of children who will be 4 years old by August 31, 2024 can now apply for Pre-K services for next school year. The Universal Application will allow families to submit one application to determine eligibility for one of three different services: WCPSS Title I Pre-K, NC Pre-K, or Telamon Headstart.