Sea Dragons' Diary
Week of January 30th
- Lunar New Year Parade MOVED TO TUESDAY, January 31th- 8:45am- Families Welcome
- Students teaching students about Lunar New Year
- Arts and Innovation Lab Needs Materials
- It's time for the 2022-2023 Linwood Howe Talent show!
- January Parent Workshop Flyer- Tuesday, January 31st
- Lin Howe Trains 4th-5th Grade Students to Facilitate Community Circles
- Return of the drop off lane
- January Boosters Meeting, January 30th
- Canned Food Drive for Food Pantry LAX- Organized by Buddies in Rooms 14 and 18
- February Physical Fitness Monthly Challenge
- Fitness Challenge Leaderboard
- TK and Kinder Tour Sign Ups Available
- 5th Grade Parent Information Night for CCMS
- LGBTQIA Playdate Sunday, February 5th
- Cheerleading Flyers
- Presidents Day Camp Flyer
Lunar New Year Parade MOVED TO TUESDAY, January 31th- 8:45am
Families enter Gate #1 to surround the turf and grass area, similar to our Halloween parade.
Students teaching students about Lunar New Year
Dry erase markers—10000(fine tip/black—NOT CHISEL)
Dry erase Board erasers
Ticonderoga pencils packs 10-12 packs
Pencil top erasers 10 packs
Composition books (10)
Pink Erasers 100
Thick crayons
Thick pencils with erasers
Washable thick markers
Anything you can contribute would be greatly appreciated!!
Please drop off items or have them sent to the front office.
4100 Irving Pl
Culver City, 90232
Arts and Innovation Lab Needs Materials
Hi Lin Howe families,
Our Art and Innovation Lab will soon be working on some maker activities involving cardboard, specifically empty paper towel rolls, empty toilet paper rolls, and 7x7" cut cardboard (from something like a shipping box). If you are able to save any of these items from your home and send them to school, it would be a huge help! I will put a box outside of the Art and Innovation Lab for students to drop off donations before school. For the rolls, please pull off any leftover paper on them. The 7x7" cut cardboard does not need to be exact, but please do not send cardboard that hasn't been cut down to this approximate size. Every little piece helps. Thanks so much!
It's time for the 2022-2023 Linwood Howe Talent show!
It's time for the 2022-2023 Linwood Howe Talent show! For any questions, feel free to email linhowetalentshow@gmail.com
Rehearsal: Wednesday, March 1st from 2-5pm
Performance: Friday, March 3rd at 6pm
All acts must be 3 minutes in length or shorter. Acts must be family-friendly and school appropriate.
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to audition for this year's Linwood E Howe Talent show! Acts of all kinds- singers, instrumentalists, dancers, gymnasts, comedians, magicians, bubble makers, illusionists, and more! Everyone is welcome to submit an application/audition.
Click here for the google form: https://forms.gle/QdAVEBiHjDATRosv5
This year, there is a new google form. This form acts like a permission slip, so every student that wishes to participate will need to fill one out. However, for group acts, only one person from each group needs to attach your audition video to the google form. You can attach a file (smaller than 10MB) or you can include a link to a video upload.
As we still have plenty of time for rehearsing, you can submit a video with a sampling of your act for consideration, or you can submit the whole performance as it is now, whatever is best for your student.
Also new this year, the introduction of a group chorus number! This is for our friends that are wanting to perform in the talent show, but would feel more comfortable doing it as part of a group setting rather than as an individual performance. Students interested should be willing to learn the song from home on their own time, as we will only have one rehearsal before the show, which will be around 430pm on March 1. You can read more about this experience on the google form. As interest right now is undetermined, initial casting will be based on students that do not otherwise have an act in the talent show. Space permitting, other talent show performers can be added. If there is significant interest, there may be a cut off based on order of registration/google form submissions.
January Parent Workshop Flyer- Tuesday, January 31st
Zoom Links Below
Spanish Presentation 5:15pm https://ccusd.zoom.us/j/86277835346
PTA is looking for volunteer leaders for next school year (2023-2024) and we want YOU.
The Lin Howe PTA is made up of parents of all backgrounds who want to make an impact on our school community through volunteering, leading a committee or simply attending meetings. All are welcome and we want leaders who represent our diverse community so we can support each and every student at Lin Howe. We have various roles (big and small) and would love to find a place for YOU to be involved and serve our school. As a reminder, PTA meetings are open to all and are always listed in the Dragon Diaries.
Leadership Selection Timeline during PTA Meetings (all are at 6pm)
Thursday, February 9th - Open Positions will be announced.
Thursday, March 9th - Interested Candidates will be finalized.
Thursday, April 13th - Positions will be voted on and confirmed.
We would love to increase our representation of Lin Howe Dads, dual language families and new leaders. If you are interested in getting more involved in PTA, email linhowePTA@gmail.com and we can help find the right area for you!
Drop off lane on Irving- Front of School
- Drop-off Lane- A Drop-off lane will be available on Irving starting on January 10th (day we return from Winter break). Drivers are encouraged to pull as far forward in the drop-off lane as possible. Students ONLY will exit the car and walk onto campus.
1. When entering the valet line, please pull up as far as possible to allow more cars to enter the lane.
2. Try to have your student on the passenger side of the car as to not have them get out on the side where thru traffic is flowing.
3. Have your students items in the car with them, we don't want additional pedestrians in the road way getting items out of trunks and possibly in the drive thru lane.
4. DON'T drop your students off from the drive thru lane. This is extremely dangerous both in having them in the road way, but also having them walk between cars in the valet lane.
5. Have patience in exiting the valet lane at the stop sign. This is a spot where we have a lot of students and family members crossing the street.
6. BE SURE TO USE THE CROSSWALK. If you do park on the street, please model for the students by using the crosswalk at Irving and Braddock. It's very dangerous for our families to be crossing in the middle of the block.
January Boosters Meeting
January Boosters Meeting
Join us for our January Boosters Meeting on Monday, January 30 at 7pm via Zoom. Reach out to emilysacchetti@gmail.com with questions!
Meeting ID: 805 198 1420
Passcode: 8xZaiR
Canned Food Drive for Food Pantry LAX- Organized by Buddies in Rooms 14 and 18
The buddies in rooms 14 and 18 have started advertising and putting boxes on campus going to Food Pantry LAX. (The names are wrong on the posters.). Students and families can bring cans of food, items in plastic jars, etc. by February 10th and my neighbors will come by to collect all that we get that day.
Items to bring:
canned vegetables and fruit
dried fruit
variety of beans
granola bars
protein bars
canned soups
Join February's Fitness Challenge-
Please use a Nickname as everyone will have access to the spreadsheet we will be tracking minutes (example Determined Dragon)
REGISTER HERE https://forms.gle/ya93pUB4uQRqxQfr9
Let's Do This Dragons!!!
Zero's Heroes1800
Fit teacher1,380
Super G1320
Mighty Mouse1,320
Survivor 2221070
Ruby‘s Epic Exercise Challenge1045
Principal Chabola902
Sweaty McGee660
Ms Hall660
Mr. Feeney570
Koopa Kid550
Mollywog Loves Dogs440
TK and Kinder Tours Sign Ups
Spanish speaking parents who are interested in enrolling their children in CCUSD's Spanish dual language and bilingual education programs at La Ballona and El Marino.
EARLY DISMISSALS: March 27, April 27-28, June 9, 2022
February 20, 2023 President’s Day – No school
School Closed March 27-April 7, 2023 Spring Break – School Closed School Resumes April 10, 2023
April 27- April 28, 2023 Target Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal
May 29, 2023 Memorial Day – School Closed
June 9, 2023 Last Day of School –Early Dismissal
Linwood E. Howe Elementary School
Email: caseychabola@ccusd.org
Website: https://linhowe.ccusd.org/
Location: 4100 Irving Place, Culver City, CA, USA
Phone: 310-842-4338
Twitter: @LinwoodEHowe