LCMS Weekly Newsletter
Friday, August 4, 2023
Dear Lubbock-Cooper Middle School Families,
As we eagerly anticipate the start of a new school year, we wanted to extend a warm welcome to all our students, families, teachers, and staff. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon, and are excited about the incredible possibilities that lie ahead this school year.
Jess McReynolds, Cathy Barnhill, Tracye McCallister, Jeffrey Thompson
Online Registration
Picture Day is Coming!
Note from the Nurse
ATTENTION Incoming 7th Graders! If you have not yet turned in proof of your child's 7th grade vaccinations (Tdap & MCV), your child is delinquent according to Texas State Requirements. Please email your school nurse at kbradshaw@lcisd.net with proof of vaccination prior to the start of school or your child could be at risk for withdrawal from school.
LCMS Drop Off & Pick Up Map
Upcoming Events
Friday, August 11 @ 4PM - District Online Registration Closes - Schedules will be viewable IF online registration is completed
Monday, August 14 - 6th Grade Orientation/Jump Start @ LCMS 9:00-12:00 - Call the front office to register! For Incoming 6th Grade Students
Monday, August 14 - 6th Grade Students’ Open House @ LCMS 1:00-4:00
Come visit the school to get all of the beginning of the year tasks completed. There will be information and tasks to complete to include: Student Pictures Taken, Immunization Records Turn In, Lunch Account Information, PTO Information, and much more! At the end of completion of tasks, students will receive their badges and schedule. New: iPads will be distributed during school hours.
Tuesday, August 15 - 7th Grade Students’ Open House @ LCMS 9:00-12:00
Come visit the school to get all of the beginning of the year tasks completed. There will be information and tasks to complete to include: Student Pictures Taken, Immunization Records Turn In, Lunch Account Information, PTO Information, and much more! At the end of completion of tasks, students will receive their badges and schedule. New: iPads will be distributed during school hours.
Tuesday, August 15 - 806 Roll N Go Ice Cream Truck @ 11:00-4:30
Ice Cream will be available for purchase.
Tuesday, August 15 - 8th Grade Students’ Open House @ LCMS 1:00-4:00
Come visit the school to get all of the beginning of the year tasks completed. There will be information and tasks to complete to include: Student Pictures Taken, Immunization Records Turn In, Lunch Account Information, PTO Information, and much more! At the end of completion of tasks, students will receive their badges and schedule. New: iPads will be distributed during school hours.
Wednesday August 16 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Wednesday, August 23 - Back to School Information Night 5:00-7:00
Come follow your students’ schedule to meet the teachers and administration