News From the Nest
White River Elementary September 17th, 2021
19000 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-770-2080 Fax: 317-770-2081
Follow us on Twitter @WHITERIVEREAGLE
Follow us on Facebook @White River Elementary School
Upcoming Events
9/21 PTO Dine To Donate Culvers 5pm to 8pm
9/22 Elearning Day
9/22 PTO Meeting at 7:30pm
9/24 Picture Day
9/29 Parent Teacher Conference's Early Release at 11:20am
9/30 Parent Teacher Conference's Early Release at 11:20am
10/11-10/22-Fall Break-No School
Note From the Principal
Hello Eagles!
Please read below for current White River happenings.
Elearning next Wednesday. Wednesday, September 22nd is our next eLearning day!
What’s happening out front? Construction is underway for brick footings and fencing to enclose the front early childhood and kindergarten classrooms. We are looking forward to creating a space for our youngest learners to explore. Anticipated completion is at the end of October. Thank you for your patience during drop-off and pick-up.
School Pictures. Mark your calendar for Friday, September 24th. Ordering information to come.
Parent/Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be scheduling a time to meet to discuss your child’s progress and current goals through a virtual conference. Specific details will come from your child’s teacher. This is always a great time for you to contact Ms. VanDermark with any feedback and ideas to grow our school community!
Culver’s Restaurant Spirit Night. Come see White River staff at Culver’s on September 21st. Staff will be on hand to serve our Eagle families!
Soaring with you,
Ms. VanDermark
Notes From the Nurse
**Noblesville Schools cannot accept at-home COVID test results.
call the front office at (317) 770-2080 by September 10th to let us know.
The 2021-2022 eLearning days will be:
September 22, 2021
November 3, 2021
February 9, 2022
March 2, 2022
PTO News
THANK YOU to everyone for participating in our Fun Run.
We were able to raise over $24,000!!!! This means we are able to provide school t-shirts for every student, provide monetary donations to teachers to help them set up their classrooms, show appreciation to our staff, and so much more!
Parent teacher Conference sign up to supply food.
In preparation for upcoming conferences, the PTO is asking for donations through our Amazon Wishlist (https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2KSV9XAP8WY1G?ref_=wl_share) or directly through PayPal (whiteriverpto@gmail.com) to provide lunches for the teachers both conference days.
If you or someone you know owns a local restaurant, and would be interested in making a direct food donation for this lunch or a future lunch, please contact whiteriverpto@gmail.com. Our PTO is a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Upcoming Events:
Culvers Dine to donate on 9/21 from 5-8 pm
The box tops program is digital now! What could be easier, just download the app, shop, scan, and earn money for the school!
News From Our Student Services Team
Be intentional and attuned
You can nurture your child's mental health by paying close attention to their verbal and nonverbal cues. This helps identify when your child needs support or when they need someone to talk with.
Being attuned to your child means you are consciously aware of your child's nonverbal physical and emotional needs, and respond empathically to meet those needs - children develop a secure foundation from which their mental health can flourish. Children learn best when they feel safe, so teaching them how to identify their feelings will go further if they are safe to express those very feelings. One way to do this is to name and normalize feelings for your child as well as provide space to talk about feelings a child may not completely understand. For example, "It looks like you might be feeling frustrated about what I asked you to do, let's talk about that."
If you would like additional support on how to nurture your child’s mental health at home, please reach out to one of our Student Support Team members Julie Williams, Kaley Billick, or Megan Thomas.
Community News
Please include the following in your newsletters:
Haybale Ball Fundraiser
Friday, November 12th (7pm-11pm) @ Lindley Farmstead
Click here for more details
Coats for Kids - Coat Drive
There will be a large box at each school for gently used coats, gloves, hats, and winter boats for Coats for Kids from 9/27/21 to 10/1/21.
Click here for more information.
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Two upcoming events - September 17th and October 1st, 2021
Click here for more information.
Fall / Winter Swim Lessons (K-8) @ NHS
Click here for more information
White River Sports Basketball
Registration now open
Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville
Click here for after school care registration information.
Join the Cub Scouts.
Click here for more information:
Noblesville Learn to Swim
For more information on swim lessons click here.