Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School
August 20, 2023 - Week One
A Note From Mr. Moeckel
Concord Families,
What a great summer. We hope everyone enjoyed some rest and relaxation. We are excited to kick off the 23-24 school year! School starts on Tuesday and this week's eNote focuses on all those last minute items on everyone's mind. (Warning: Information overload!)
Below are a few IMPORTANT details for our families:
- If you haven't completed online verification, you need to do that immediately.
- Please be sure to review arrival/dismissal procedures below.
- We have linked our hand book and included some graphics.
- Students be dismissed from campus no earlier than 3:35 pm
- Download the PikMyKid app. Everyone needs this.
- Expect delays in dismissal procedures and busses for the first week or two.
- Bus service - if you do not see it listed in the parent portal of IC, keep checking. If you do not see anything come early Monday morning, please make arrangements for getting your student to and from school.
- The doors open for students at 8:35. Please do not drop them off any earlier.
We are looking forward to this year!!
Brian and Liz
Mark your Calendar
August 22 - First Day of School
August 24/25 - Flight School Training Days for Students
Week of August 28 - LEAP begins
September 4 - No School - Labor Day
September 8 - Party in the Park @Watson Trail Park 5:30-7:00
September 15 - Buddy Day
September 22 - Picture Day
September 24 - PTG Top Golf Fundraiser 4:00-7:00 pm
September 29 - No School for Students
Student Transportation
If you have not done so already, please take a moment to complete the following form. Providing us with this information will ensure that we make the dismissal process as efficient as possible. Please complete a separate form for each of your students!
Parent Transportation: Click Here
Pik My Kid
We utilize the Pik My Kid app during dismissal and to communicate absences. If you are unfamiliar with Pik My Kid, you are strongly encouraged to review the content link below. If you don't have the app, please visit your app store and find the free download. [Please note: dismissal is a process that will grow in efficiency each day. Each year we have new teacher, students, and families that need a few days to learn the routines. Thanks for offer everyone some grace! ]
Pik My Kid Starter Pack: This link includes the "Parent App User Guide"
Pik My Kid Training Videos
Notes from Nurse Emily
Medications at School
If your child requires any medication during the school day (inhalers, epi pens, ibuprofen, lunchtime medications, etc.), please note the following requirements:
-must be in original box/prescription container with label
-must be brought in by an adult
-must have physician order (rx label or note from provider for any OTC meds)
-must have signed parent permission form (Click Here for the Form)
**PLEASE NOTE: Students are generally not permitted to carry medication to and from school. If your child's condition requires him/her to carry emergency medication, please get additional required paperwork from Nurse Emily
Nurse Emily will be available at K-5 Meet the Teacher nights for medication drop offs and regular school days 8:25-3:35. Outside of those times by appointment only.
Extra Clothes - ALL GRADE LEVELS
As you pack your child's backpack for the year, please include a spare change of clothes. At some point in the year, students from every grade level will need a backup outfit! These are used for much more than bathroom accidents - rips, falls in the mud, stuck in the rain, spills, and much more. This is especially important for older students who prefer their own clothes and need the larger sizes that are very limited in the nurse's office. Packing a spare outfit now will save you a trip up to school in the middle of the school year!
Counselor's Corner
Back-to-School Greetings! We can't wait to welcome back your learners. This time of transition can bring up so.many.feelings and ALL feelings are normal! Here are some positive sayings you can use with your students to help prepare their brains for school. Yay, Tuesday! Yay, School! Yay, Concord!
Concord Familiy Handbook
Lunch Pin : Practice, Practice, Practice
This year all students will be required to enter their lunch pins if they are purchasing lunch from the cafeteria. Lunch pins can be found on SIS. We will help students through this process, but please also practice at home.
Arrival and Dismissal Maps
Concord PTG
Top Golf
Registration for our Top Golf Fundraiser is now open. Space is limited, so don't wait too long to sign-up! We are looking for sponsorships and anything that could be used in our silent auction. If you would like to join the auction committee, please email - we would love to have you!!
Save the Date
Mark your calendars for the Party in the Park on Friday, September 8th! Join fellow Concord families at Watson Trails Park from 5:30-7pm for a little fun on the playground.
District Information
Bus Transportation
Student bus stop assignments, and pickup and drop-off times, will be available in the Infinite Campus Portal on Aug. 16.
To view bus route information in the Infinite Campus Portal, click “More” in the left menu, then click “Transportation” in the middle of the page.
NOTE: The deadline to guarantee bus service for the first week of school has passed. Families who have not signed up for bus service can still do so by completing the annual verification process. Once this process is complete, student bus information will be processed and made available on the Infinite Campus Portal as soon as possible. We recommend that parents check back often for updates.
Check Pickup, Drop-Off Times
Families should check pickup and drop-off times frequently during the first few weeks of school, since routes are subject to change as student enrollment continues. Please allow 10 minutes before and after your scheduled pickup time to account for traffic and other delays.
If You Do Not Have Bus Stop Information
If you do not have bus stop information it could be due to one of the following reasons:
Your student’s annual verification forms were not completed in Infinite Campus.
You selected "no transportation services needed" when you completed your forms.
Your student receives transportation from St. Louis Special School District (SSD).
Your family resides within a half mile of your elementary school or one mile from your secondary school and walking conditions are determined to be safe for students.
If you do not see bus stop information in the portal, please plan to transport your student until you see your bus stop information in Infinite Campus.
FirstView App
In partnership with First Student, Lindbergh Schools uses the FirstView app to communicate bus information with families in real time, including your student’s pickup and drop-off times, and any delays or notifications. For complete details about the app and how to download it visit our website at You will need your student's State ID to set up your account. The ID number can be found in Infinite Campus. The State ID is right under your student's picture. If you have multiple students, you will need to click on your student’s picture to see the State ID number.
Email for assistance with your transportation needs. Please include your student’s first and last name and your home address.
Lunch Information
Meal Menus
Meal menus are available on the district website, under the “Families” tab. Click “Browse Menus” on your student’s school to see meal options for each school day.
Meal Prices
Elementary, middle and high school student breakfast is $1.85
Elementary student lunch is $3.45
Middle and high school student lunch is $3.65
Reduced-cost lunch is $0.40, and breakfast is $0.30
Meal Payments
All students use their lunch PIN to purchase meals, and charges are credited to the student’s account in Infinite Campus. Before school begins, it is important to check your student’s meal account balance in the Infinite Campus Portal.
How to Add Money to Your Student’s Meal Account:
Log in to the Infinite Campus Portal. Your student’s current food service balance will be visible under their name on the Infinite Campus main page.
Click “Food Service” in the left-hand menu.
Click the “Pay” button.
Enter your dollar amounts for each student. You will see a message that reads “Deposits added to cart.”
Click “My Cart” to add a payment method and pay. Accepted payment methods include checking account, savings account, credit card or debit card.
Free and Reduced Meal Application
Families who qualify for free or reduced-price meals should fill out an application for the 2023-24 school year as soon as possible. Reduced-cost lunch is $0.40, and breakfast is $0.30. In addition, filling out a form could also result in additional financial assistance for your family. In Lindbergh, those benefits include:
50% reduction in student technology fees
50% reduction in middle school and high school annual activity fee
Financial assistance for eligible Lindbergh Community Ed and Rec programs. This includes up to 50% registration reduction for many sports and activities.
Free and Reduced Meal Application Instructions
To apply for free and reduced price meals, please follow these instructions:
Log in to the Infinite Campus Portal.
Click “More” on the left-hand menu. Then, click “Meal Benefits.”
Click “Meal Benefits Application" and follow the instructions on the screen.
Lindbergh School's : Back to School Checklist
Click Here: Don't miss out on Lindbergh's Schools: Back-to-School Checklist!
2023-24 Annual Verification of Student Information
Contact Information
2023-24 Annual Verification of Student Information
Completing your student’s required paperwork through the Annual Verification process each summer helps us prepare for a successful start to the school year.
Each year, our district requires Annual Verification of information to be completed for all new and returning students. This helps us guarantee bus transportation, confirm contact information, assign teachers and create student schedules, learn about your student’s health needs, and make sure meal accounts are set up and ready to go.
We appreciate your patience as we transition to our new student information system, Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus is replacing the SIS Portal that has been used in previous years, and we are working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is ready for the new school year.
If you have received your link and have been able to register, please complete the Annual Verification process on the Infinite Campus Portal.
If you have not received a link or your registration is not allowing you access, please email We ask for your patience as we work to respond to each email as quickly as possible.
How to Access Infinite Campus
To access Infinite Campus, parents and guardians must first create a new user account. This can be done by clicking the link in the Infinite Campus email that is automatically being sent to families each week. It is essential to follow the step-by-step directions in this auto-generated email, in order to ensure access to the verification process.
Helpful tips for creating an account in Infinite Campus:
Use Google Chrome.
Do not exit the Infinite Campus portal until your account security has been verified. Account security can happen in two ways after you create your username and password:
Go to your email inbox and click the auto-generated link to verify, OR
In Infinite Campus, select the person icon, then click “settings,” “account settings,” and “account security email” to enter your email address.
Bookmark the Infinite Campus link in your web browser.
Record your username and password for future reference.
Brian Moeckel, Principal
Liz Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman, Counselor
Mrs. Neibur, Counselor
Concord Elementary School
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd., St. Louis, MO 63128
Phone: 314-729-2436
Twitter: @ConcordFlyers