Burbank Bulletin
September 26, 2022
Dates to Remember
September 28: PTO Meeting, 6:30 PM
October 10: Holiday, No School
October 21: Early Release, 11:30 Dismissal
October 21: Nashoba Band Day, 7:00 PM, NRHS Football Game
After School Activities are Up and Running!
Luther Burbank School Council
The LBMS school council is a school-based representative body that is composed of the principal, parents, teachers, and community members. School Councils help improve outcomes for students by collaborating with and advising the building principal on a variety of subjects including: school policies, the school improvement plan, developing a shared vision and goals for the school, and the site-based budget.
The Luther Burbank School council is in need of two parent members. If you are interested in serving on the LBMS School Council please let Mrs. Ursuliak know at jursuliak@nrsd.net. If there is more interest than available positions, then Mrs. Ursuliak will provide the names of those interested to the PTO. A vote will then be held through the PTO to determine the new council members.
School Council meetings are typically held the third Thursday of each month at 3:00.
Religious Holiday Protocol
The months of September and October bring the celebration of religious holidays for some families in our community. Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on September 26th and 27th. Yom Kippur is celebrated on October 5th and Diwiali on October 24th. The school district has a specific policy related to all religious holidays. It states:
“We recognize that in our communities there are diverse cultural, ethnic, religious and social traditions which should be understood through educational practice. We shall recognize and honor our differences, not ignore them. Students and staff will be encouraged to appreciate and accept ethnic and religious diversity. We shall be respectful of the beliefs and practices of others.” Nashoba Religious Holiday Protocol
The policy also states that no student is required to complete school work while they are celebrating a holiday. Students who take time off for religious observances are not expected to make up daily homework assigned and no tests, quizzes or major assignments should take place on a day of religious observance.
At any time this year, if your child will miss school due to a religious observance, please notify Mrs. Ursuliak so that we can accommodate for their absence.
School Lunch Program
The universal free lunch program has been extended through the 2022-2023 school year. As a result, school lunches (and breakfasts) will be offered at no charge to all students this school year. Please be aware that this offer extends to one lunch serving per day. Should a student request a second lunch serving, their account will be charged accordingly.
All students need to register for a lunch account on My School Bucks to receive their daily lunch. Families can register by selecting “Lunch Menu and Payment” under Quick Links on the homepage of our web site nrsd.net.
Interested in Substitute Teaching for the 2022-2023 School Year? We Need You!
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: jursuliak@nrsd.net
Website: burbank.nrsd.net
Location: 1 Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal
Community Updates
Youth Basketball
Nashoba Youth basketball is an organization of volunteers who together help build and manage the various regional youth basketball programs. These programs include a Youth Basketball League, Central Mass. travel basketball, the summer basketball program and our association with the numerous AAU Programs.
Youth basketball is for students in grades 1-8.
Travel basketball is for students in grades 4-8.
Registration link: https://www.leagueathletics.com/Registration/Default.asp?n=177063&org=nashobabasketball.com