Kaikōura Suburban School
End of Term 4 Celebration Edition - Friday 16 December 2022
Birthday Celebrations
To all the Children & Staff who will be celebrating Birthdays in January. Have fun, be awesome, and enjoy time with your Whānau and Friends!!
From the Suburban Whānau
Piwakawaka News
Fun day at the river.
We had morning tea and then we got changed into our togs, packed our bags and sat on the veranda ready to go. Mum took Mikayla and me to the Kowhai River. Mikayla found our lipstick in the car. When we got to the river carpark there was a little bit more to get to the river so we got to have a ride on the back of Isla’s truck. Isla’s mum drove over a boulder and then Mum lifted me off the back of Isla’s Mum's truck. Graeme started to make a dam and I started to make a dam as well and Mikayla splashed me. Then I got cold and so did Michaela and we went in the tent and played with the games and did drawing. Then we had lunch and I lay down and so did Mikayla and Gracie and Klara. We all told Mum to sunscreen the back of our legs and massage our back and then I wanted to go back in the water. We played again and then Michaela called me over and I saw mud. I played in the mud and got mud all over my legs. I had to wash off my legs and then we all went back home.
By Peyton Nee
The best day.
We had morning tea then we got into our togs. We packed our bags and we sat on the veranda. Mackenzie’s mum took me to the Kowhai River. We had a swim. We had an iceblock and I had another swim. I found a muddy spot and me and Paddy jumped in it. We also made a dam. It was fun, then we got dry and went to the Mayfair Theatre. When it was up to the cleaners turn Mrs Hills took me to the High School then I hopped on the bus and went home.
By Mose Chann
The Boy Who Wanted To Make A cake
Terrific Titi's
Catching up with the Toroa's
Teacher for the day - Banqer auction prize
Bailee Herbert We started off the day with the roll, then we did a song (jingle bell rock). Afterwards we went out for fitness. For reading I chose to do reading rotations, where they had to see the teacher, literacy games and handwriting. Year 6 students practiced their speeches for the leavers assembly. For math, I gave the students the option to do Prodigy or Maths Buddy. Since it is Christmas time, we did elf writing and cross words. To finish off the day we had a whole school game. My day was good and it was nice being the teacher. It was also a bit different because I am usually a student.
Lunch with Miss Watt - Banqer auction prize
Pearl Poroa Welch
At the Banqer auction I won lunch with Miss Watt. I could invite 2 friends. I chose to invite Bailee and Neve.
We had pizza, hot chips, strawberries, liquorice and juice.
It was good and I had fun!
Year 6 Overnight Mount Fyffe walk 2022
This walk for the year 6 students is symbolic of their learning journey of 'reaching new heights', as well as a reflection on their time at Suburban.
A MASSIVE shoutout and thank you to Anthony Smith for taking up our overnight gear to the Mount Fyffe hut and back down. We really appreciate your help!
Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Planting photos
Colleen your helpful, creative and kind personality saw us through some busy times and big events for both myself and the Toroa tamariki. Without you, these wouldn’t have been possible! We will miss having you with us and your sense of humour, but wish you well on her next adventure. Please remember you are always welcome to come back to visit, always!
Year 6 Leavers
You have graduated primary and your onto your next learning journey at intermediate next year.
Each and everyone of you should be super proud of the way all of you have stepped up to become amazing Fyffe FORCE leaders.
I would like to say what a pleasure it has been getting to know each of you as individuals and being offered the chance to work with you as a team this year.
I look forward to hearing all about your successes at high school and I wish you all the best.
May the FORCE be with you!
Miss Watt
Thank you for joining us on our learning journey, and we look forward to sharing more in 2023!
Please head to our Whānau Facebook Page to enjoy a movie of memories, learning and outings in the Toroa 2022.
Community News
Hockey Marlborough 2023
Meri Kirihimete
We wish you all a Fun, Safe, and Happy Holiday Break with your Whānau & Friends.
See you Term 1 - Wednesday 1 February 2023
From the Staff & Board.