November 27 - December 11
Principal's Message
Harriet Tubman community, it felt good to welcome our kids back to school today! We finished Quarter 1 today with a Rotation 1 (R1) day. This ensured students were able to see each of their teachers from Quarter 1 while allowing space for closure. Tomorrow, Tuesday November 28th, will be the first day of Quarter 2 at HTMS and we will run with a No Rotation day. Below is some essential and the most up to date information we have for you at this time:
Reopening Date/Time
Classes resumed on Monday, November 27 on a two-hour delay, with all programs and services running as normal, including after school programs. Both breakfast and lunch was served.
Changes to School Calendar
The District and the Union have agreed to make up our 11 lost instructional days as follows:
- Dec 18-22 (previously week 1 of the winter break)
- January 26 (previously a professional development day for staff)
- February 19 (President’s Day holiday)
- April 8 (previously a professional development day for staff)
- June 12-14 (the dates set aside for inclement weather)
Quarter Grading and Conferences
Quarter 1 report cards will be available no later than Friday, December 8th. Information about rescheduled conference dates will be provided soon.
Rescheduled Events
We are working quickly to adjust our calendar based on the most recent and up to date information received from the central office at PPS.
6-12: Athletics and Extracurriculars
All athletics and extracurricular activities will resume as normal. High school and PIL Youth Sports schedules can be found here.
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
Thursday, November 30 Meeting, 7:30p on Zoom
Welcome (back) to Tubman! We’d like to extend a warm welcome to all students, teachers, counselors and support staff after the strike. As our students and teachers return to the classroom, we know they need support, more than ever. And Tubman families can help! Our small, but growing PTSA is here to encourage connection between our teachers, staff, and fellow parents/caregivers, who form such a wonderful and caring community around our students.
So how can you get involved?
Watch out for PTSA News: Principal Greer will be sending out information on our behalf until we get our website up to date. (More on that to come later).
We’re always looking for ways to promote the incredible Tubman community, so please feel free to email ideas/suggestions for how we can help our students and make more connections with each other.
You can email us at: htmsptsapdx@gmail.com
Attend PTSA Meetings (online or in person): Please come to our monthly PTSA meetings to catch up on important news around school, as well as participate in open discussions and vote on agenda items. This year we have already voted to fund reading programs and help pay for new white boards throughout the school.
Our next meeting is Thursday, November 30th at 7:30pm online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82408815979?pwd=WnpLcVlRa2xaUlJ3dWY1MmhPaThJZz09
Meeting ID: 824 0881 5979
Passcode: 697214
Come to Our Next Parent/Caregiver Social: It takes a village to raise middle schoolers in today’s world. In the coming months, we are hoping to gather parents/caregivers at a local restaurant to socialize and connect. Specific details are coming soon, and we would love to meet you!
There will also be more exciting school events throughout the year, so stay tuned for further opportunities to get involved. Please feel free to contact us with questions and/or suggestions at htmsptsapdx@gmail.com.
With sincere appreciation for our Tubman Community,
PTSA Officers
Rachel Oh, Phil Yien, Negar Heckscher and Mandi Hoyt-McBeth
Site Council
Site Council will resume Wednesday, November 29th at the HTMS library from 4:15-5:30pm. This is an open meeting for community to listen in. The meeting agenda is currently as follows:
- Update on Literacy Letter to the district
- School whiteboards
- Data broken down by race & HTMS efforts to address disparities
- Updated SCIP plan
- 2023-2024 Site Council work plan
14 Winter Band Concert, 7pm (all grades) *TENTATIVE*
15 Student of the Month Assembly and Fun Friday
18-22 Spirit Week
23 - 31 Winter break
JANUARY - 2024
1 Happy New Year
2 Return to school