Kendallvue Community Newsletter
January 28 - February 3
All Students are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
It was a 'bluebird' day weekend. I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. It looks like it may be that way for us this week. I can put away the handwarmers for a few days! Speaking of weather, here is Jeffco Schools official information regarding late starts and school closures (click here). Just a reminder for late starts at Kendallvue: our start time will be 10:05 on late starts, breakfast is not served on those mornings, and no AM preschool. Red Rocks also starts 2 hours later.
Our winter/spring parent/teacher conferences are approaching. February 15th will be here before we know it. Please remember this is an early release day for students. Buses will run and school lets out at 12:00pm. There will be no lunch served that day. Conferences will go from 12:00-4:00pm. Look for an email from your teacher if they are requesting a conference. Conferences are by parent or teacher request only in the winter/spring. After conferences is our next long, holiday weekend!
We have noticed a decline in our tardies in the morning. Thank you for making the effort to arrive on time. It is important students arrive on time and are in school so as not to miss our morning community building time and instruction. Missing just 10 minutes in the morning adds up over time and can lead to days missed of instruction. Thank you for making this a value for our community!
Have a great week and I will see you in the parking lot!
Bruce Lindsey
Colorado Symphony Orchestra
- Jan 31- 9am-12pm
- Grades 3-5
February 1
Class pictures
Individual pictures
February 15 - 12pm
February 15 - Students released at 12pm
February 15 - Spring conferences 12-4
February 16 - NO SCHOOL
Upcoming Events
January 31- 3rd-5th grade field trip - Colorado Symphony Orchestra
February 1- Class and individual pictures 8:30-12:30
February 7 - Empty Bowls event at Bear Creek HS
February 7- PTA Meeting- 6pm
February 8- PTA- Bad Daddy's Fundraiser - 4pm-8pm
February 8 - Kendallvue Family Support Night (virtual)
February 15 -Spring Conferences (12-4) -Students Released 12:00pm
February 16- No school
February 19- No school
February 26- Skate City 6-8pm
March 6- PTA 6pm
Front Office Updates
Kendallvue Howlers
Grades 3-5th are invited to join the school choir! Look for the flyer in your student's Thursday folder (attached below as well).
February 1- Picture Day- Class photos and individual photos- 8:00-12:30
Here is a link to Kendallvue's School Event Calendar
Panorama Education Family Survey
Our learners are our future, and your feedback will help our district continue to make decisions and measure outcomes based on how well we serve our students.
Please click here to take the survey: Panorama Education Family Survey.
Survey Details:
Timeline: Take the survey between Tuesday, January 16 - Friday, February 23.
Length: The survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete.
Complete One Survey Per Student: If you have multiple students at various schools, complete one survey for each student. If you have one or more students at the same school, please take the survey thinking about your oldest student enrolled.
Anonymous Participation: The survey does not ask for any personally identifiable information.
Language Options: The survey is available in eight languages, including English, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese. You can access the different languages by navigating to the language drop-down menu found in the upper left hand corner of your screen.
Paper Copies Available: If you would prefer to complete the survey on paper, you can request a copy from your student’s school.
Be sure to select the submit button at the end of the survey so your responses are captured.
Results will be used to improve our district and your student(s) learning environment. You can view previous survey results under the School Culture tab.
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning at Home
02/08/24 6pm-7pm (virtual)
Looking to engage in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being at home? We will explore a variety of strategies they can integrate into your household with learners of all ages. We review a bank of valuable resources parents and caregivers can access for additional information about supporting students’ SEL in intentional ways to build empathy, kindness, and an inclusion mindset.
PTA Updates
PTA Meeting
February 7 @ 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89517674454?pwd=cFdRdzlLUHFQWnAydS9EenhBbWtyUT09 Meeting ID: 895 1767 4454 Passcode: 429418
Bad Daddy's Fundraiser
February 8- 4pm-8pm
Watch Dogs- https://www.teamkendallvue.com/watch-dogs/
Staff Lounge treats (monthly): https://signup.com/go/XEbAYoT
Empty Bowls
- Each school in the Bear Creek area is participating in our First Annual Empty Bowls Event by contributing beautiful bowls and beautiful music! In art, your students (and all the staff!) have been creating beautiful bowls to contribute, and in music, 2nd graders have been rehearsing some great songs to perform. Our 2nd grade students will sing at 5:30!
- BCHS has asked Kendallvue to donate 1,000 forks and 1,000 small paper plates to the event. We are accepting donations in the office until February 2nd. Please help support this fundraiser.
- This event is a great opportunity to build community, and to support The Action Center. Visit https://sites.google.com/jeffcoschools.us/bear-creek-empty-bowls/home to read more about the event.
Summer Camp Opportunities
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