Newsletter 10/6/23

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
October 6, 2023
Upcoming Events
October 11-PTSA Senior Pancake Breakfast, want to help, click here.
October 11-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery-more information here.
October 12-PTSA General Meeting, 7pm, via Zoom
October 14-Jaguar Booster Club Fall Jag Rally, 4:30-6pm Pop Keeney, more details here.
October 14-Homecoming football game, 7:00pm Pop Keeney
October 17-Picture Retakes
October 19-ASB Community Dinner 5pm-7pm NCHS Commons, want to donate a dessert? click here
October 20-PTSA Staff Appreciation Souper Lunch, signup or learn more here.
October 21-ASB Homecoming Dance. Adult Chaperones are needed, signup here.
October 25-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery-more information here.
October 31-Last Day to Join PTA to win a JAG sweatshirt, click here to join.
November 3-Senior Pictures are due, click here for details.
Staff Lunch
NCHS PTSA will be sponsoring its first staff appreciation event with a “Soup-er Salad Luncheon in October, and we would love your help to show the staff how much we appreciate them! Check out more details and our signup here.
Click here to donate a dish or volunteer.
All Things Homecoming 2023
There are so many fun activities planned by our school & ASB(Associated Student Body) for homecoming so we wanted to take this section to put them all in one place for you.
- Homecoming Football Game is Saturday 10/14 at 7pm & JBC Fall Jag Rally 4:30-6pm at Pop Keeney, click more here to learn more about this fun community event.
- ASB Homecoming Community Dinner-10/19 5-7pm at the NCHS Commons. This is a FREE pizza dinner for everyone in the community. Please click here to read a note from our ASB and maybe donate a dessert or drink if you can.
- ASB Homecoming Heros Food Drive benefiting the PTSA food pantry, want to donate, check out our most needed items list here.
- "The Golden Gala" ASB Homecoming Dance--10/21, 7:30-10:30, NCHS Tickets on Sale NOW at the school ASB window
- Chaperones needed for the Dance on the evening of 10/21, signup here.
Come ask Dr. McDowell questions about senior year, crowding, AP classes, or clubs. It's your opportunity to meet him and ask questions about North Creek. We will also give PTSA updates for the school year. All are welcome to attend but only members can vote!
If you have trouble connecting to Zoom OR can't attend but want us to ask your question, email us at jaguars@northcreekptsa.com
NC PTSA currently has 172 members and has met the WA State PTSA Fall Membership Challenge of 75% of last year's membership. Let's see how quickly we can get to 100%
Thanks to those who have renewed and WELCOME to new members. If you haven't joined yet, sponsorships are available.
Members who renew or join by Oct 31st will be entered into a drawing for NC spirit-wear donated by Genesis Branding.
Join or renew today!
Reflections-Art Contest for Students
What is Reflections?
The Reflections Program is a National PTA and WSPTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works for the theme of "I am Hopeful Because"
Why Reflections?
Reflections is so much more than "just an art contest." It helps kids take risks, be inspired, think creatively, receive positive recognition, and be celebrated for their works of art. It also allows our community to celebrate creativity in our students! Studies have shown there is a relationship between the arts and health and well-being across one’s lifespan.
NCHS PTSA Reflections deadline is Wednesday, November 22.
Class of 2024 Section
This section is where we will share important class of 2024 information each newsletter.
- Join the NCHS Senior Boosters on FB to learn more about fundraising events, the Grad party (Jag Night) and more!
- Senior Pictures and Senior ads are due Nov. 3, please check here for all the specifics.
- Our school has a Graduating Class of 2024 website page, click here. GRADUATION DATE HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED Monday, June 17th.
- PTSA Senior Page-this will be updated regularly as a place that all information is gathered and a FAQ will be added soon. SENIOR PAGE
We all are working together to make their last year the best it can be.
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
Like and Follow us on Facebook, click here.
This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.