Weekly Wildcat
November 9, 2023
Hello Sundance Families!
We wrapped up another fantastic week at Sundance! Our Wildcats have shown remarkable dedication and progress, and we can't wait to celebrate their achievements during conference week next week. We genuinely appreciate your ongoing partnership in your child's education. Enjoy a restful weekend, and we look forward to seeing our Wildcats on Tuesday.
Please continue to keep our students, staff, and families safe before and after school:
- Please do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off lane
- Drop off lane: Ensure that you remain in the line under all cars move forward; please do not circle around cars if you see an opening in the drop off lane
- Watch for Pedestrians: Look forward while driving
- Reserved Spots: Avoid parking in reserved spots
- Crosswalks: Encourage your children to use designated crosswalks when crossing the parking lot for their safety
Action Items (New Section!!):
- Mindful Monday: Check out our Mindful Monday linked here
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Next week is Parent Teacher Conference week at Sundance. Our schedule for the week will be 11/13 (Non-Student Day) & 11/14-11/17 (Minimum Days, Students released at 12pm). Teachers are looking forward to meeting with parents/guardians to share and celebrate student progress. Synergy ParentVUE online access to progress reports will be available Wednesday, November 29th. Directions to access progress reports on Synergy: English Spanish
The Giving Tree
(Formerly Adopt a Family)What to Know About Adopting a Family
Because of your kindness and generosity,
we were able to serve almost 400 families in 2021.
Can't wait to do it again in 2023.Follow this link to see how you can help.
- Conference Week: This is a friendly reminder that we have a non student day on 11/13. Please make sure to pick up your child at 12pm 11/14-11/17 to ensure our teachers can begin conferences on time.
- Progress Reports: Progress reports are available on ParentVue on 11/29/23 at 5pm
Please complete the free/reduced-price meal application! Although school meals are now free to all students, the application for free and reduced-price meals is still very important. School funding depends in part on the number of students at our school who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. With all students now eating for free, fewer families are completing the application and our school is at risk of losing much-needed educational funds. Plus, students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for discounts on bus transportation, before and after school care, and home internet!
Income qualifications change annually, so a new application is needed every school year. For school year 2023-2024, children from a family of four are eligible if the total gross (pre-tax) household income is less than $4,625 per month, or less than $55,500 per year. Household income information is confidential and applying online is quick and easy. Apply online at MySchoolApps.com, or pick up a paper application in the school office.
Safety Reminders: With fire season upon us we want to assure parents and guardians that we have appropriate response systems in place when emergencies arise. Our first priority will always be the safety of our students and staff on campus. When Sundance becomes aware of any incidents in the geographic area of the school site, we will focus first on the safety of our campus while working with law enforcement, emergency responders, and the District for guidance and support for communication. Communication with parents is part of the response plan, but will be secondary to immediate safety. As soon as we can, we will message families with details of school-wide incidents such as lockdowns or evacuations. Please ensure your contact information is up to date in ParentVue in the “My Account” section. Finally, we have been asked by first responders to remind our families NOT to come to campus in times of emergency – there have been several instances when officers, firefighters, and their ability to respond to the emergency have been hindered by parents rushing to the scene. We will send out messages about dismissal or reunification procedures for families when first responders indicate it is safe to do so.
- Reporting Absences: When reporting absences, please include the following information - student's name (please spell first and last name), parent's name, teacher, and reason for absence. The number is 858-538-9574.
Go Wildcats!
Raquel Katz
Sundance Elementary
Next Week:
- 11/13: Non Student Day (Conferences)
- 11/13: Foundation Monthly Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Sundance Library & Zoom
- 11/14: November PAC Meeting @ 12:30 pm in the Science Lab
- 11/14, 11/15, 11/16, 11/17: Early Release due to conferences (12pm)
- 11/20-11/24: Thanksgiving Break
- 12/1: Friday Flag and Principal's Coffee
- 12/8: Xploration
- 12/11: December Foundation Meeting in the Library & Zoom
- 1/15: No School Due to MLK Day
- 1/29: Non Student Day (Professional Development Day for Staff)
Helpful Info/Links
- Music Schedule
- Library Schedule
- PE Schedule
- 2023/2024 Bell Schedule
- Counseling Referral Form linked here. Our counselor will hold group sessions on the following topics: Coping With Anxiety, Friendships, Social Skills, and Self-Control.
- Twitter: Sundance is now on Twitter - handle @SundancePUSD
- Instagram: Find us at SundanceElementary
Foundation/PAC Updates
Sundance Spirit Wear - On Sale NOW!
Ready to show off your Sundance spirit? You can buy the ALL NEW Sundance Spirit Wear online here - youth & adult sizes available in all styles. We can’t wait to see Wildcats, big & small, wearing their new Sundance gear! Email Jen Landau at jenlandau@aol.com with any questions.
Red Envelope - Thank You - We raised $38,500!!
Thank you again for all of the contributions to our Red Envelope campaign, we have raised over $38,500 to support P.E., staffing, school supplies, after-school activities, and MORE! We also announced the winner of the Sundance gift basket yesterday on Instagram, check it out!
Butter Braids - 5th Grade Fundraiser is Back!
The most delicious fundraiser is back to support our 5th Graders, and just in time for those December holiday celebrations! Place your order by Nov. 14th by selecting a 5th-grade student’s store or if you don’t know a 5th grader, just order directly here for pick up December 12th. Email noellemartin0923@outlook.com or jessi.brezy@gmail.com for help shopping or with questions.
Foundation Monthly Meeting - Monday, Nov. 13th at 6:30 pm in the Library & on Zoom
The November Foundation meeting is THIS Monday and everyone is invited to participate. To ensure a positive and respectful atmosphere we outlined these participation guidelines for everyone to follow. Hope to see you in the library or on Zoom.
PAC Meeting - Tuesday, November 14th, 12:30pm, @ the Science Lab
Did you enjoy attending the Halloween Carnival last month? Do you want to know how you can help contribute or volunteer for our next Sundance event? Then come see what PAC (Parent Activities Committee) is all about. We have a few upcoming events that we would love to hold this year but are in need of event coordinators like Winterfest, Family Game Nights, Dine Out Fundraisers, Talent Show, and International Fair. For more information, please email Rose Meloney at arroz1127@aol.com.
2nd Annual Turkey Trot at Mesa Verde Middle School on Thursday, November 23rd
MK3 Sportz in Partnership with Mesa Verde Middle School PTSA is presenting the 2nd Annual Turkey Trot. This family festival is filled with lots of fun activities, music, and food for purchase.
To register and for more information, please click on this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeimmVDKQXuDOEzmutuLzxLNr2jJkfuJXrOAXapO34vOr2bsA/viewform Any questions, please contact Mr. Floyd at MK3sportz@gmail.com.