Jeffrey Clark School
May 2023 - Clark Updates
April was a special month at Jeffrey Clark School. We celebrated the trait of Responsibility and enjoyed Spring Break. We enjoyed Take Your Child to Work Day and an Up, Up, and Away assembly. We also celebrated poetry each morning during our morning announcements. Favorite poems and original poems were read by classrooms and individual students. Please also see the details below of our Poem in our Pocket Weekend, which is happening this weekend. We celebrate Asian-Pacific Island Heritage during the month of May.
The school will be closed on May 29, 2023, for Memorial Day.
Poem In Your Pocket Days
A paper copy will be in student folders on green paper today.
A-Z Countdown
Trimester Three Updates
Mid-Trimester Three will occur on May 1, 2023. Progress Reports will be available to view on May 9, 2023.
Character Trait of the Month
Choice Board
A Character Choice Board will be sent home for each trait to foster home and school character connections. Our Integrity Choice Board is due on May 3, 2023.