Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 3 - Thursday 27 October 2022
2022 Professional Development Day
Monday 7th November is the one remaining pupil free day for 2022. Please ensure you have the date in your diaries.
Change of Date for Free Dress Day
Please note the kids for kids Free Dress Day has been moved to Friday 11th November.
I would like to inform you of the following staffing changes for 2023.
Miss Chelsea Moore has made her tree change to St Mary’s Primary School in Donnybrook a permanent one and has resigned from her position here at Queen of Apostles. I thank Chelsea for her many years of dedicated service to the students and community as a whole. I wish her all the best for the future.
Now that the international boarders are open Miss Georgia Mola and Miss Emily Barton have both decided the time is right to explore the world and will be off travelling in 2023. Although they have both only been at the school this year, they have made significant contributions to our community and will be missed. I wish them all the best on their travels.
To fill the vacant teaching positions, we have employed Mrs Emma Ashworth and Miss Jessica Jenzen to start at our school in 2023. Emma and Jessica are very excited to be joining our community next year and will be attending the Annual Community Meeting on 23rd November so parents will have an opportunity to meet them. They will also be attending our transition morning on 30th November where each class will meet their teacher for 2023.
Staffing and year level teachers will be announced at the Annual Community Meeting on Wednesday 23rd November. A great excuse to come along.
Annual Community Meeting of School Advisory Council and P&F
The Annual Community Meeting for the School Advisory Council and P&F will be held on Wednesday November 23rd in the school library, commencing at 6.00pm. There will be pre meeting drinks and nibbles in the undercover area starting at 5.30pm.
Reasons you should come to the ACM:
• Show your support of the hard-working School Advisory Council and P&F
• There will be a brief review of 2022 School Advisory Council and P&F activities
• Office bearers for the P&F will be elected
• 2023 staffing will be announced. You will find out your child’s year group teacher for 2023
• 2023 school fees will be presented
• Focus areas for 2023 will be shared
• You will be able to mingle with other parents, relax and enjoy a drink and some nibbles
Please consider if you would like to nominate for the P&F. We need a President, Vice President and Secretary for the P & F Committee for 2023.
We also have two vacancies for the School Advisory Council for 2023.
If there is anyone who wishes to nominate for these vacancies, you will need to complete the appropriate nomination form in the newsletter and return it to the school office by Wednesday 16th November.
School Disco
The school disco is on tomorrow in the Parish Hall. It’s a Glitz and Glam themed disco which promises to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see what costumes our students get dressed up in.
Junior Disco (Pre-Kindy to Year 2): 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Senior Disco (Year 3 to 6): 7.30pm to 9:00pm
Please see the flyer in the P&F section of the newsletter for more information.
Swimming Lessons
Next week our Year 1 to 6 students continue with swimming lessons at the Riverton Leisureplex.
Can parents please make sure the students are organised with towels, goggles and something warm to wear to and from the pool. Please also ensure all belongings are clearly labelled as items tend to get misplaced at this time of year.
Colour Explosion
The P&F colour explosion is on again this year (25th November). This is a fantastic fundraiser for the school and great fun for everyone in our community.
If you haven’t done so already please sign up at http://www.myprofilepage.com.au to create your profile and start fundraising. There are some great prizes up for grabs. You have until Friday 11th November to fundraise.
Pupil Free Day
We have a Staff Professional Development Day on Monday 7th November. This is a pupil free day. Please make sure you have this date in your diary.
Christmas Concert
This year we are very excited to be putting on a Christmas Concert for our community on Thursday 1st December. Each class from Kindy to Year 6 will be involved along with our choirs. The P&F book awards will also be handed out on this evening.
We aim to start at 5.30pm and will be finished by 7.30pm. Please keep this date in your dairy as it promises to be a special evening.
COVID Portal
It is still vitally important that parents and caregivers inform the school if their child tests positive for COVID-19.
Parents and caregivers can inform the school of their child’s positive or negative COVID result via this LINK - https://cewa-collections.powerappsportals.com/COVID-19-Self-Reporting-Form/
The information will go directly to me.
If a positive result is recorded via a RAT test it must also be registered on the WA Health RAT register website -
Please do not underestimate the importance of informing us of a positive COVID case. Your actions will ensure the risk to others is minimised and that we do our very best to limit the spread of the virus across our community.
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Fees Reminder
Families that have not settled their fees for this year are reminded that the cut off date is Monday 31st October.
If you are unable to meet this deadline please contact Caroline, our Finance Officer, at accounts.qoa@cewa.edu.au
If you know of anyone looking for a Kindy position please tell them about our wonderful school and urge them to submit an application. Be quick! Availability is VERY limited!
We would also encourage anyone with a child eligible for Pre-Kindy or Kindy in 2024 to submit an application as soon as possible as this class is more than half full already! Get your applications in now to avoid disappointment.
Queenies Glitz and Glam Disco
The Best Night of the Year is tomorrow!!
Queenies Glitz and Glam Disco
Friday 28 October - Parish Hall
Junior Disco (Pre-Kindy to Year 2): 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Senior Disco (Year 3 to 6): 7.30pm to 9:00pm
Glitz & Glam it up with your friends and enjoy some pizza and drinks.
All provided by our fabulous P&F.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Colour Explosion School Fun Run
Woo hoo! It’s time to start fundraising!
Students have received their sponsorship booklet and can now create their online profile at www.australianfundraising.com.au
Big prizes are up for grabs! Raise at least $10 and your child will receive a selection of awesome prizes.
You have until 11 November to Fundraise for a new playground for the school.
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water. Enrol at education.wa.edu.au/vacswim