The Star News

As the holidays approach, we want to take a moment to give thanks to everyone who supports Roanoke City Public Schools. From our staff, students, and families to community and business partners, we are grateful to everyone who works together in support of our students. To our Roanoke City Public Schools family, happy Thanksgiving, and we hope you have a peaceful holiday season!
Thank you for your continued support of Roanoke City Public Schools!
Provide Your Input
School divisions are required to periodically review their health and spending plans for the American Rescue Plan Act’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. The public is invited to review Roanoke City Public Schools' plans and submit input by November 30. Click here to learn more.
Donate a Coat Today!
As leaves fall, temperatures are also starting to drop. You can help ensure all students stay warm this winter by donating new winter coats for students who do not have adequate cold-weather clothing. If you would like to donate new winter coats or make a monetary donation, please call (540) 853-2816 or email info@rcps.info for more information.
School Board Recap
Superintendent's Corner
RCPS Family,
Each year, as we approach Thanksgiving, I take time to give thanks. There is so much to be thankful for in Roanoke City Public Schools, and I am so proud of our students, staff, families, and community for moving forward, staying focused, and working together.
It is fitting that November is Family Engagement Month, as you'll read about in the Family & Community Engagement section of the newsletter. Studies show that when a family is engaged with their student’s education, student achievement increases. We encourage you to take advantage of the many opportunities for you to become involved at both the school and division levels. I also want to thank our Central Council PTAs and our school-based PTAs for all they do and for working so closely with us to increase parent involvement. And to our parents and guardians who volunteer, provide your input, attend engagement events at your school, and more, thank you!
Our community and business partners also serve a vital role in helping students graduate with a diploma and a resume. From donations to providing work-based learning opportunities to our students, you are ensuring students have what they need to be successful. I especially want to thank members of the Superintendent's Business Advisory Board for taking the time to discuss how together we can best prepare students for the workforce. I also want to thank a few of our community partners for their recent donations, including our many faith-based partners who support the division and individual schools; Fleet Feet Roanoke, for donating hundreds of shoes to our students; and the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys, whose members recently held a Winter Coat Drive and donated dozens of new coats and provided a cash donation to buy clothes for our students.
Together, We Are One! We could not do this work without you, and I look forward to strengthening these partnerships and forging new ones as we enter the New Year. I wish you and your family a peaceful holiday season.
Verletta B. White
Save the Date
Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 23 is a non-student/non-teacher day, which means students and teachers will not attend. All schools and offices will be closed Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Students and staff will return on Monday, November 28.
Breakfast with Santa
Get your tickets today for Breakfast with Santa, hosted by the STAR Council and Roanoke City Public Schools. This annual event raises money for RCPS’ Help the Homeless Fund, and 100% of the proceeds support students who are faced with homelessness. This year’s event is on Saturday, December 10 at William Fleming High School. Tickets include a hot breakfast provided by SFE LLC, a storytime with Santa, caroling, holiday crafts, and more!
Click here to buy your tickets! (Tickets are available online by credit card only. Tickets the day of are limited, so get your tickets today!)
Thank you to Gold Sponsors: SFE LLC, Magic City Auto Group, KNA Contracting, Karisma Salon, and Hughes Associates Architects & Engineers. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email marketing@rcps.info or call (540) 853-2816 by Monday, December 5.
Early Dismissal
Winter Break
All schools and offices will be closed from Thursday, December 22, 2022 through Tuesday, January 3, 2023 for Winter Break. Students and staff will return on Wednesday, January 4.
School Highlights
Westside, Lucy Addison, William Fleming
Education students from Virginia State University visited Roanoke City Public Schools and met with students from Westside Elementary, Lucy Addison Middle, and William Fleming High School. Pictured are the college students while visiting Westside!
Breckinridge Middle School
Patrick Henry High School
Congratulations to Patrick Henry High School seniors Caroline Gilreath and Trinity Breedlove for signing to continue their academic and athletic careers at the collegiate level! Caroline will play golf at Radford University, and Trinity will play basketball at Wingate University.
Family & Community Engagement
Family Engagement Month
November is Family Engagement Month! In RCPS, we believe that family engagement is crucial to students' success, and we offer many resources so families can be involved.
Research tells us that when schools and families are engaged in meaningful two-way communication and collaboration, students have: more positive attitudes toward school; higher grades and test scores; better attendance; higher graduation rates; and greater enrollment in post-secondary education.
So make plans to today to join your school's PTA, volunteer at school, or attend an upcoming school event! Your child’s school can provide more information! Dr. Anthony Frazier, Director of Family Engagement and Special Programs, is also available to answer questions at CommunityEngagement@rcps.info and (540) 853-1359.
Parenting Workshops
Family Wellness Roanoke, which is a part of the Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare system, has a series of free workshops specifically for parents of students who have special needs. To register or learn more, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Levasseur at clevasseur@brbh.org or call (540) 982-1427 × 5154.
PTA Membership
We are proud of our Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) for increasing membership! More than 1,400 people have joined PTA so far this year, and we have five more schools with active chapters than we had last year. Be sure to contact your school if you'd like to join your PTA!
Congratulations to the following schools for winning the fall PTA membership drive:
1st Place: Crystal Spring
2nd Place: Grandin Court
3rd Place: Highland Park
1st Place: Woodrow Wilson
2nd Place: James Madison
3rd Place: John P. Fishwick
Have a question about PTA or Family & Community Engagement?
Dr. Anthony Frazier, Director of Family Engagement & Special Programs
P: (540) 853-1359 | E: CommunityEngagement@rcps.info
Twitter: @AnthonyFrazier
If you aren’t receiving robocalls, your phone number may be deactivated or incorrect in the RCPS mass notification system. Please contact your child’s school to ensure you continue receiving these important messages. In addition, if you have moved, make sure to provide your new address to the school as well.
Need help resolving an issue that impacts student learning, the school-work environment, or understanding how RCPS works and where to go for assistance? The RCPS Constituent Services Office may be able to help! Click here for more information.
Are you looking for a job that allows you to be on the same schedule as your child? Apply to become an Instructional Assistant, School Security Officer, Bus Driver, Bus Aide, or Food Service Worker! Other part-time and full-time positions are also available. Visit our website to learn more.
- Your child's school is a great source of information. They always welcome you to contact them directly with questions. Visit rcps.info/schools for school contact information.
- Missed an edition of The Star News? Access previous issues here!
Roanoke City Public Schools
Roanoke City Public Schools serves approximately 14,000 students in grades pre-K through 12. RCPS provides an inclusive and equitable, student-centered culture that empowers lifelong learning. Through meaningful, relevant, and engaging learning opportunities, RCPS will empower all students to dream, excel, and meet their full potential to benefit our city and its citizens.