6th Grade Monday Minutes
Welcome to 6th grade
Welcome Back!! Please make sure your students have the needed school supplies such as earbuds, pencils(lots of them), and colored pencils. There are many students who no longer have these supplies.
😀Dates to Remember
Community Service - Look below at dates for the Community Shelter (students will go with their Core 4/Advisory)- the class will be split in half to go to the shelter. Half will go one day and half will go the next during their lunch and CC.
Mrs. Adams - 1st half - Thursday, January 23
2nd half - Wednesday, January 29
Mr. Hollins - 1st half - Wednesday, Feb. 5
2nd half - Thursday, Feb.6
Mrs. Chapman - 1st half - Wednesday, March 5
2nd half - Thursday, March 6
Mrs. Grube - 1st half - Wednesday, March 26
2nd half - Thursday, March 27
Mrs. Soldo - 1st half - Thursday, April 3
2nd half - Friday, April 4
Grandparents Day - March 12 (look for info from M. York)
Friendly 6th Grade Reminders:
- Dress Code will be strictly enforced when we return. Please review this with your students. There are no Crocs, slides or any shoes without a back allowed. They also cannot bring shoes to change into for PE. (the only students who need alternate shoes is if they are in sports after school)
- Friendly reminder: students should not use their cell phones during the day. If you need to contact your child or if there is an emergency, please contact his/her teachers or the school office. Cell phones need to be put in homerooms in or lockers if they are found out during the day they will be taken until the end of the day.
- In the event of an absence, please fill out this form (all doctor's notes should also be uploaded on this form): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScv998K42ho15biAQmeJ4Y502nntzRXai1j98pAL8KE5XOLQg/viewform
Mrs. Plummer ELA
- Students will continue to have Vocabulary homework nightly. After the first of the year students will be required to read 20 mins a night and write their response in their agendas. (PARENTS WILL NEED TO SIGN THEY HAVE READ )
- Please have students that have been absent go on Canvas and either read or listen to novels to get caught up. Also, have them check canvas, flocabulary and CommonLit for assignments.
- Students are required to have a book to take to all classes to read during any down time. Please check with you student to make sure they have one from home. Students are allowed on Monday and Tuesday to visit the media center to get a book to read.
- Students need to make sure they are studying for vocabulary weekly and reading carefully their reading comprehension assignments.
- Students will have vocabulary this week and a test on Friday, January 10th
- We will be having ELA MAP testing on Tuesday, January 7th
- Students will begin looking a non-fiction articles for our unit we will begin this week. We will be reading the article Code Talkers and researching about this and how it was used in WWII
ELA & Social Studies- Ms. Parker
Students will have the opportunity to check out books from the UA media center on Tuesdays. Students should now be reading at least 20 minutes each night for homework and recording the pages read on their reading log sheet.
- Students will continue to have Vocabulary homework nightly. Reading Log Monday-Thursday 20 minutes a night. Parents need to sign nightly
- Please have students that have been absent go on Canvas and either read or listen to novels to get caught up. Also, have them check canvas, flocabulary and CommonLit for assignments.
- Students are required to have a book to take to all classes to read during any down time. Please check with you student to make sure they have one from home. Students are allowed on Monday and Tuesday to visit the media center to get a book to read.
- Students need to make sure they are studying for vocabulary weekly and reading carefully their reading comprehension assignments.
- Students will have vocabulary this week and a test on Friday, January 10th (RESCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, JANUARY 13)
- Flocabulary Unit 6 this week - homework will be on the computer and test will be Friday, January 17.
- We will be finishing up the CODE TALKERS article and begin our non-fiction unit on CommonLIt this week.
- We will also be going over MAP results and setting goals for the upcoming quarter.
Social Studies: This week we are continuing our study of Ancient India.
Mr. Chapman
Students have been hard at work! Students need to make sure that they are keeping their notebooks organized. The best way to be prepared for quizzes and tests is to know exactly where the notes are!
Friendly reminder: Please remind students to have their badge each day for school.
Websites student can access at home to help with math:
- Khan Academy
-Delta Math
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me!
Mrs. Adams (week of November 11-15)
And just like that...we're in the thick of the holiday season! Wow!
Our goal is to push through the integer unit before going into Thanksgiving break. As it's planned, we can do it but please make sure that if your child is out, you are taking advantage of the lesson recordings on Canvas. I feel it's beneficial for them to have access to the same lesson as if they were in the classroom.
Even if they aren't OUT and simply struggling: use them to rewatch anytime, self-pace and practice towards mastery.
There are no tests or quizzes this week as I will be out on Thursday and Friday of this week at the NC Math Conference. However, there will be graded classwork occurring. Please encourage your child to do their best whether I'm present or not. No "new" concepts will be taught while I am gone.
All classes are officially on Integers at this point. Core 4 will be beginning on Tuesday and all other cores are steadily working through the unit.
If you're student is struggling, you may want to look at some of these options...
Common Core Sheets- This is a great site just for extra practice sheets and it will give you the answer keys.
Mrs. Grube
Happy snow day!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some snow this afternoon. We learned all about the layers of the Earth this past week and will move on to plate tectonics next week. There is a mini-lab on Wednesday with graham crackers and cool whip to let students model the different type of tectonic plate boundaries. Thank you so much for signing up for the supplies!! The quiz from today (Friday) will be moved to Monday (January 13th). There is a study guide posted on Canvas. There is a gimkit students can use to study as well. This week's schedule is as follows:
Monday - Layers of the Earth Quiz and start Plate Tectonic notes (discuss Pangea)
Tuesday - Continue Plate tectonics notes (discuss continental drift and seafloor spreading)
Wednesday - Plate boundary mini-lab and notes
Thursday - Plate tectonics article and graphic organizer
Friday - Plate tectonic gizmo
A few quick reminders: students should come to class prepared with their green science notebook, pencil pouch, and ear buds. All students must have an ID badge. We check for ID badges every day and if a child does not have their badge, it is considered a dress code violation. If your child has lost theirs from last year, please order them a new one from My Payments Plus. All students should have a book with them at all times. If they don't bring a book with them to class, they will be considered unprepared for class. We're going to have a great week!
For a link to Mrs. Grube's Amazon wish list, click here.
Structures of the Earth Quiz #1
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 08:00 AM
Mrs. Soldo
Mon: Waves review on PBS learning Media
Tues: Sound and Electromagnetic Waves video notes
Wed: Ripple Tank Gizmo activity
Thurs: Finish Gizmo
Fri: Waves Bingo Review
Waves Unit Test Next Tuesday!
Please enroll as an observer on Canvas so you can see what is going on in class! If you need assistance, please use this tutorial.
Mr. Chapman
We are currently studying the Structure of the Earth. We will be learning all about the layers of the Earth, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, soil, and taking care of the Earth.
Social Studies
Mrs. Soldo
Monday: Notes on the Warring States period of China-Great Wall; Great Wall Virtual Field Trip
Tuesday: Notes on Qin Dynasty; Terracotta Warrior Tomb Virtual Field Trip
Wednesday: Notes on Han Dynasty; Silk Road Virtual Field Trip
Thursday: Finish Up and submit virtual field trips, catch-up/study day
Friday: China Stations activity
Ancient China Quiz upcoming: Tuesday 12/17!
Please see Canvas for more details.
Please enroll as an observer on Canvas so you can see what is going on in class! If you need assistance, please use this tutorial.
Mr. Gary Hollins
January 13-January 17, 2025
We will review our discussions of Buddhism this week, emphasizing the "Four Noble Truths and the "Eightfold Path". Furthermore, we will complete our comparison/contrast aspects of all of the major religions of India. Then, we will begin our discussions of Ancient China, by first studying the geography of China and the locations of the first Chinese civilizations. Then, we will explore some of the ancient Chinese Dynasties and their contributions to the culture and the history of China. Students will create a chart describing the contributions of the major Chinese Dynasties. This will count as a major grade. Finally, we will begin examining Confucianism and Taoism. We will have our Spelling/Vocabulary Quiz this Friday, January 17, 2025.
Exceptional Children
Mrs. Nolin
👩🏻🏫 I am the Exceptional Children's (EC) Teacher for the entire 6th Grade. Students know me as a 6th Grade Teacher who just "helps out." I have certain students that I see in and/or out of the general education classroom but I am another adult in the room that can assist ALL children. So if your child comes home and tells you that I helped them, just know that I support the students who ask for my help and it does not necessarily mean they need individualized services.
💌 If you have any questions, you can email me at snolin@unionacademy.org.
👋Feel free to come by my room Tuesday, Aug. 13th to say hi