North Side Family Flyer
October 2019
College Go Week
North Side Fundraiser
Help raise money to support our students!!!!
Fun times in gym class
The Importance of Family Time.....
Spending quality time with your family and loved ones is the most important thing you can do! Children grow up so fast and time with them is valuable!
October Family Challenge:
1. Choose one night per week that is for family ONLY!
2. Plan an activity, game, movie, dinner or something that the family can do together.
3. Put all electronic devices (maybe not the TV if it is movie night) on silent and put them up!
4. Enjoy each other's company!!!!!!
Not only will this produce great memories for you, it will also increase your children's social skills, communication, respect, responsibility, value of relationships and even more........
Reminders from North Side Office Staff:
Picture Re-Take Day is Wednesday, October 9th. Please return your original pictures if you wish to receive new pictures.
Bus Change Requests
If you need to change your bus location, please go to the North Side website, https://www.eastnoble.net/o/north-side-elementary, and follow these directions:
Click on the "Menu" at the top of the home page. Click the “For Families” tab and then the "Transportation" tab. When the dropdown menu appears, you will see a link called “Transportation Change Request.” When you click that link, you will be taken to a form that you can fill out and submit electronically. It will notify transportation via email that a request has been submitted and they will begin working on fulfilling the request. Once arrangements have been made and confirmed with drivers, transportation will communicate the arrangements to parents.
Doors Open/Breakfast – 8:15
(Grab-n-Go Breakfast if arrive after 8:35)
School Starts - 8:45
School Ends - 2:40 (bell rings)
Tuesday - Friday
Doors Open/Breakfast – 7:30
(Grab-n-Go Breakfast if arrive after 7:50)
School Starts – 8:00
School Ends – 2:40 (bell rings)
State law says that students should miss no more than seven days of school in a school year. This means that students would be in attendance for 96% of the school year. October 8th will be day 38/180, this means we are 21% of the way through our 2019-2020 school year. Please take a moment to reflect on your child's attendance thus far! We understand that illness happens and students must miss school for vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Please remember that it is important to gather doctor's notes for the school, if this is the case. Research shows that when children are in attendance at school, they grow and achieve at higher rates. Help us instill the importance of school attendance in your child at an early age!
Below you will find a very short article regarding the relationship between school attendance and student achievement.
North Side continues to focus on school safety. We will continue to practice monthly fire drills, periodic lock downs, an earthquake drill, tornado drills and we will also have a relocation drill. This drill is focused on leaving the building and moving to a secure location so that students may be reunited with family. Again, all of these drills are so that students and staff are ALWAYS prepared for the unexpected! Drills are not announced so they resemble real life situations. YOUR CHILDREN ARE SAFE HERE AT NORTH SIDE!
Omegaman was a success!
Teachers working one on one
Teachers supporting students in groups
Counseling Corner with Miss Headley:
The School Assistance Program
Who can access it? What is it? Where do I go? When is it offered?
Who can access it? This program offered to every East Noble student
What is it? The Northeastern Center and the Bowen Center offer two prepaid counseling sessions each school year
Where do I go? You contact the Northeastern Center or Bowen Center to schedule an appointment:
Bowen Center
101 East Park Dr.
Albion, IN 46701
(260) 636-6884
Northeastern Center
1930 E. Dowling St.
Kendallville, IN 46755
(260) 347-4400
When is it offered? Each school year, every student can access two free sessions through either the Bowen Center or the Northeastern Center
The Student Assistance Program is a tool to assist students with mental health issues. Some common mental health concerns may include, but are not limited to:
- School Problems
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Family Relational Problems
- Social Relationship Problems
- Self Harm
Services through this program are confidential and private.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, Oct 17, 2019, 03:30 PM
North Side Elementary School, Harding Street, Kendallville, IN, USA
Nurses Corner:
Flu Vaccines are set to take place on Friday, October 11th. If your child returned the vaccine form, they will receive their flu shot on this date.
Vision screening will take place on Tuesday, October 15th for grades 1, 3, and 5.
Please remember to keep your children at home if they are vomiting, have a fever or have diarrhea. They should be free of these symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school.
Fun at Family Reading Night
And more fun!!!!
Kids enjoyed making super hero masks
Our First E-Learning Day - How did it go?
Getting students involved in a reader's Theater
Listening to Super Hero stories
We love Wesley the Wildcat!!!!
PLEASE follow our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures For Student Safety and your safety:
1. Drop off by car in morning at door 3
2. Pick up by car in afternoon at door 3
3. Bus drop off and pick up is at door 1, students should not walk between busses to go in or out of door 1
4. Please have your car tag visible when picking up students in car line. If you need a car
tag, please visit our front office.
5. PLEASE DO NOT walk between busses to pick up a student or drop a student off at school.
6. ALL end of day changes for students way home, must be called in to the front office by 1:30 p.m. If called in later, we can not guarantee the change will be made. Again, this deadline is for the safety of your child(ren)!
7. All walkers will be dismissed after the busses leave the school and ALL students will exit out the front door, Door 1, to head towards the crossing guard or to our staff who will cross students in front of the car line exit.
Super Heroes....
Always helping
October PTO Events:
Join us for our PTO Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 3:30 p.m.
Donuts with Dad or Someone Special is Wednesday, October 9th at 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. for those who already returned their RSVP forms.
NS Merchandise Sale (will be able to purchases online) – Coming October 28th!!!!
BOX TOP CONTEST - Starts Monday, October 7th through October 25th
Send in Box Tops or use the app and help earn money for North Side.
Winning class earns a party!
Upcoming North Side Events:
Wednesday, October 9th - Picture Re-Takes
Friday, October 11th - Flu Vaccines for those who returned the form
Tuesday, October 15th - Fundraiser orders/money due to school
Tuesday, October 15th - Vision Screening for Grades 1, 3, and 5
Thursday, October 17th - P/T Conferences, 3:30-7:30 p.m.
Monday, October 21st - 25th: RED RIBBON WEEK
Tuesday, October 22nd - NEHS Induction Ceremony, by invitation only
Wednesday, October 23rd - Board Meeting, 6 p.m.
Thursday, October 24 and Friday, October 25th - 5th graders to Camp Potawatomi
North Side Elementary School
Email: sleasure@eastnoble.net
Website: http://ns.eastnoble.net/
Location: 302 E. Harding St.
Phone: (260) 347-1354
Facebook: facebook.com/NSElementary/
Twitter: @NorthSideElem