MiOTA Member Newsletter
January 2023
Happy New Year!
In this issue...
- From the Leader of the Executive Board
- Member News & Events
- Claudette Reid retires
- Spotlight on: Cindy Klinger, COTAL, FMiOTA
- Points of Practice
- Upcoming Events
- National & Statewide News
- College & Student News
- MiOTA Supporting WMU OTD Graduates
- Conference Committee Updates
- Director Reports
- Finance
- Membership
- Advocacy
- Member-At-Large
- Communications
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Advertisements
From the Leader of the Executive Board
Hello MiOTA members,
I hope this newsletter finds you well! Your professional association volunteers have worked hard this year to advocate for the profession and promote professional educational and networking events. We had two successful conferences, April’s virtual event and then our fall conference in Grand Rapids. A big thank you to the conference planning committee members for pulling off two great events with
excellent speakers.
All our volunteer leadership, executive leadership as well as our association assembly have offered countless hours supporting our profession in the state of Michigan. A big thank you to all of the volunteer leadership of MiOTA.
If you have not checked out the updated MiOTA website, please do so. We are very fortunate to have Co-Directors for Communication - Holly Grieves and Robin Pegg; both have accelerated our capacities to refine and enhance the website and the newsletter.
Denise Hoffman has supported us in advocating for the compact act especially by establishing a relationship with Julie Rogers, the new head of the Health Policy Committee in 2023. We are looking forward to a great lobbying event in Lansing on March 2 nd , Denise and her advocacy committee members are creating a wonderful opportunity for professionals and students to advocate for the profession in the state of Michigan.
Our membership continues to grow with a 2023 goal of 1000 members. Remember that you are part of the membership committee by simply being a member. Speak to your peers and coworkers about the benefits of membership to help our organization meet our goals as well as be able to optimally support members. We will be hosting a fun event in January, this will be a trivia/Jeopardy type game where both members and non-members can attend, earn PDU, and consider joining if one is not a member.
We have our upcoming 2023 conferences – our April virtual conference on April 15 th and the fall conference on Mackinac Island at the Grand Hotel on October 5 -7 th .
I appreciate each member and our volunteer organization leaders. Looking forward to a successful 2023!
Cathleen Johnson, OTD, OTRL, FMiOTA, FNAP
Leader of the Executive Committee and Co-Director for Membership
Member News & Events
Claudette Stork Reid Retires
When the year ends so will 47 years of working for Claudette Stork Reid. For the last 24 years she has worked for the Business Network Division of Michigan Rehabilitation Services, the vocational rehabilitation program for the state.
With a special interest in assistive technology, she has served many workers with disabilities across the state in obtaining or retaining employment. She has assisted businesses in dealing with barriers to employment for workers with disabilities by assessing the physical access to the facility, providing disability awareness training, analyzing jobs to support reasonable accommodations or consulting on issues related to the ADA.
However, she is not going to get totally away from OT. She will continue to participate in the OTs in VR Community of Practice, a national group she helped to form, as well as the GM Zero Barriers Accessibility Forum, an advisory group to the automaker regarding accessibility. She will also continue to chair the Friends of OT in Michigan PAC and participate in the Advocacy Committee for MiOTA.
Claudette is looking forward to play time with her grandsons, Jack and Vinny, spending more time with hobbies and friends, as well as traveling with her husband, Rick.
Member Spotlight - Cindy Klinger, COTAL, FMiOTA
Cindy Klinger has worked extensively in skilled nursing facilities (SNF), working at more than 26 SNFs throughout MI. She has also worked in other settings including acute care, home health and assisted living facilities. Cindy is the former Rehabilitation Director at Broad River Rehabilitation. Allendale, MI.
Cindy has had an interesting route to Occupational Therapy. She graduated from Baker College, Muskegon, MI with an Associate Degree in Applied Science, and Grand Rapids Baptist College (now Cornerstone University) with a bachelor’s degree, majoring in Communication and minoring in Psychology and Physical Education in 1982. Post-graduation, her desire was to obtain a master’s degree in Audiology, however, life did not present the opportunity. After working in the banking sector for 29 years, during the Great Recession of 2008-2009, Cindy changed direction and returned to
school obtaining a degree in occupational therapy as an OTA. Cindy says, “It was a big decision
to return to school after so many years, but I took the leap and succeeded”.
Outside work, she loves sewing, quilting, crocheting, hiking, and biking the trails in and around
Grand Haven. Her favorite vacation time is visiting lighthouses in Michigan, and she has seen 58
of the 116 lighthouses.
While in the OTA program, Cindy learned the importance of being a part of the state and national
Occupational Therapy Associations and joined MiOTA and AOTA right away to support the field.
She recalls attending her first MiOTA conference as a student where she was learning things
outside her understanding at the time. However, this led her to study beyond the classroom to help
solidify her area of concentration. Now, she has presented sessions at many MIOTA conferences
with concentration on SNF interventions.
Cindy was honored with the COTA Award of Excellence in 2016. She says, “I have strived to
stand up for that honor throughout my career”. At the annual MIOTA Conference this year, 2022,
Cindy was honored with the MIOTA Roster of Fellows Award. She attributes her success in the
field of Occupational Therapy to all who have helped her grow including the professors at Baker
College; her CIs including Robin Pegg and the management teams at Concept Rehab, HCR Manor
Care and Broad River Rehab.
Cindy became involved with MiOTA working with Denise Justice on the conference planning
committee in 2014 and continues to be a part of that committee. She has been the Finance Director
of MiOTA’s Executive Board since 2017, leveraging her expertise from a former career for the
Michigan OT community. Cindy would like to acknowledge Kirsten Matthews, Denise Justice,
Cathleen Johnson and other MIOTA executive board members who supported and encouraged her
for the past 11 years.
Learning the benefits of MIOTA early on in her career, Cindy encourages “every one of the 8000 +” OTRs, COTAs, and students in the state of Michigan to become members of MIOTA to continue learning, to have a stronger voice toward relevant legislative changes that affect the profession, and to establish broader networking opportunities which could assist in navigating professional changes that are sure to occur in the years ahead.
If you would like to be highlighted or would like to nominate a MiOTA member, please email us
at: website@miota.org (Attn: Renuka ‘Ray’ Roche) or renukaroche@gmail.com
Points of Practice
SNF Intervention Suggestions by Cindy Klinger, COTAL, FMiOTA
After hosting the webinar in December I was asked to share some of my favorite intervention treatment ideas. Here are a few:
1. CMS has many Critical Element Pathways that help direct treatment in a SNF setting. I really like using the ADL and Bladder and Bowel pathways. Here are the links to view them:
2. A very long time ago I created the chart below listing ideas.
3. I love to have patients make bread dough with yeast. Kneading it is a great strengthening workout for the hands and arms. You don't have to bake it, but you can. Here is a easy recipe:
Pizza/ Bread Dough
1 ½ cup white flour
½ cup whole wheat flour
1 pkg. Quick rise yeast
1 tsp. Salt
1 Tlb. Sugar
1/8 cup olive oil
¾ cup water
Mix flours, yeast, salt, and sugar together. Warm water and oil to temp on pkg. 115 – 130 degrees. Add to dry items, mix and knead. If too sticky, add more whole wheat flour a bit at a time. Let set for 20 mins. before spreading.
If you would like to contribute an article to "Points of Practice" please send them to Cindy Klinger at finance@miota.org for publication in the next newsletter.
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. It is a key time for us all as professionals to educate ourselves and others about human trafficking and crucially to learn to spot the signs of trafficking.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on January 11th. To raise awareness of human trafficking take a photo of yourself wearing blue and share on social media using #WearBlueDay
For more information on Blue Campaign and human trafficking visit https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign
Impacts and Changes of Auto No-Fault Insurance on Occupational Therapy Practice
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pbz-nrde-bhf
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 931-389-4165 PIN: ‪581 810 465#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pbz-nrde-bhf?pin=4233623105306
Event registration link:
Fri, Jan 13, 2023, 07:00 PM
Pediatric SIS Meeting
We will be talking about Pediatric Occupational Profiles as well as member concerns. If you are interested in attending, please email Donna Case at casedon@umich.edu or casedonna2003@gmail.com
Mon, Jan 23, 2023, 07:00 PM
State Legislative Sessions Preview
Save the date! On February 1, 2023 at 8pm ET AOTA’s Health Policy and State Affairs team will be presenting on key issues of importance facing the occupational therapy profession during the 2023 legislative session. This webinar will go more in depth on our annual state memo, which will be distributed ahead of the webinar in late January.
The webinar will be recorded and there will be plenty of time for questions and answers.
Here is the information to join:
Topic: State Legislative Sessions Preview
Time: Feb 1, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 807 332 0753
Passcode: state
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,8073320753# US
+13092053325,,8073320753# US
Wed, Feb 1, 2023, 08:00 PM
MIOTA Advocacy Day 2023
Event Schedule:
8:00 am- 2:15 pm EST
8:00 am - Check in, breakfast, and social hour - Mackinac Room, Anderson House Building
9:00 am - Welcome and Lobby Day overview (Advocacy Committee)
9:30 am - Legislative Updates (Bret Marr, MiOTA Lobbyist)
10:00 am - Attend House Meeting (if in session)
10:30 am - Meet with representatives (small group, pairs or individual)
12:30 - 1:15 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:15 pm - Regroup, debrief on the representative meetings
2:15 pm - Dismiss
*Registrants will be assigned a time to meet with state representatives and/or state senators. Information will be sent out 1-2 weeks before the event.
Thu, Mar 2, 2023, 08:00 AM
Anderson House Office Building, North Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI, USA
AOTA Live Webinar Series
Delivering quality OT services does not guarantee payment in today's health care environment. How and what OT practitioners document directly impacts reimbursement. AOTA's Detailing Documentation 4-part webinar series offers OT practitioners a deep dive into documentation strategies to improve reimbursement across payers and settings, delivered by member experts and payer representatives.
This series includes:
- Documenting for Payer Compliance - January 12
- Supporting Maintenance Therapy - February 7
- Documenting Pediatric Services - March 9
- Applying Documentation Strategies for Audit Success - May 9
State & National News
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs - Draft Rules have been approved. Title: Occupational Therapists - General Rules
Upcoming LARA public hearing for the proposed OT General Rules scheduled for January 17th at 9:00AM in Lansing:
- Link to the actual notice is below and also here for ease of access: https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDAsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsImJ1bGxldGluX2lkIjoiMjAyMjEyMjkuNjg5ODgwNTEiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2NvbnRlbnQuZ292ZGVsaXZlcnkuY29tL2F0dGFjaG1lbnRzL01JTEFSQS8yMDIyLzEyLzE5L2ZpbGVfYXR0YWNobWVudHMvMjM1OTAxMy9Ob3RpY2UlMjBvZiUyMFB1YmxpYyUyMEhlYXJpbmcsJTIwT1QlMjAxLjE3LjIwMjMucGRmIn0.HDCB5UG_REt04eWyCTM3gSrgGfDjes_y-AGCK5R6JJY/s/580306604/br/151468615108-l
- Link to the Rules Making Page: https://ars.apps.lara.state.mi.us/Transaction/RFRTransaction?TransactionID=1343).
The public comment period is now open. The proposed language changes can be found here: https://ars.apps.lara.state.mi.us/Transaction/DownloadFile?FileName=DraftRule.doc&FileType=DraftRule&TransactionID=1343&EffectiveDate=Pending
College & Student News
MiOTA Supporting WMU MOT Grads!
In December 2022, WMU’s last Masters level Occupational Therapy class graduated on a snowy but glorious day. These students, like many of our December graduates, transitioned classes from live in the classroom to hybrid platforms. And they persevered!
MiOTA has consistently been invited to their OT graduation ceremony to speak about the value of association membership and to welcome them into the profession. Thank you for the invite WMU faculty. MiOTA is willing to participate in other graduation events just send us an invite and we are happy to support. Think about those upcoming spring graduations!
Conference Committee Updates
Our annual fall conference that was held October 6-8, 2022; at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Grand
Rapids was a success with over 300 attendees. Thank you to the Keynote Panelists for sharing their insight on resilience during the pandemic. We had a special guest at our business meeting, Julie Rogers, physical therapist, who shared her experience as a state house representative here in Michigan.
We are planning the second annual SPRING VIRTUAL conference for April 15, 2023, which will run from 8AM -5 PM. The focus of the conference will be on licensure renewal related topics such as diversity and pain. Registration for the virtual conference will begin in January.
The next annual fall conference will be held at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island from October 5 to
October 7, 2023. Discounted room rates are available. The call for presenters will open in January and
will close on April 15, 2023. We are always interested in having new or returning exhibitors at
conference. Let us know of companies that you would us to invite to exhibit at our conference.
Companies can also find information regarding being an exhibitor by visiting the MiOTA website.
For any questions, feel free to contact the conference planning committee at: conference@miota.org.
Committee Reports
Finance Report
MIOTA members have succeeded in reaching financial goals in 2022. I am happy to announce that we have 1 year of bottom line expenses in the savings account and look forward to great success in 2023. Currently our finances stand as follows:
Checking: $23,336.20
Money market: $51,523.42
CD: $23,066.67
May each of you find joy in 2023!
Cindy Klinger, COTAL, FMIOTA
MIOTA Finance Director
Membership Report
Happy New Year MiOTA Members!!
On behalf of the membership committee, THANK YOU so much for your membership and support. We have continued to grow our numbers this year and that would not be possible without each of you!
We are continuing to focus on reaching out and providing education around the state about the benefits of being a MiOTA member. Please invite us to attend an event or even a lunch meeting (virtually or in person.) We are always available to answer questions that anyone has about membership so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
The membership committee will also be planning an upcoming membership PDU Event in January 2023. Please keep an eye out for an invitation and additional details via Email and the MiOTA Website. This event will be for both Members and Non-Member so please think of a few friends or colleagues that are not MiOTA members you can invite to join us.
We also want to HEAR FROM YOU about exciting NEWS, Promotions, Anything OT related that is
happening with YOU, Colleagues, friends or in your clinic.
Thank you so much for your support!!
-Sonny Grendel (MiOTA Membership Co-Director) sonnykay12@gmail.com
Advocacy Report
Lansing Lobby Day 2022 - IN PERSON at the capitol!
Save the date: March 2, 2022
8:00 am- 2:15 pm EST
Lansing Lobby Day will be hosted in person at the capitol building this year. Students, OT's, OTA's, MiOTA members, or non members are all encouraged to attend the event and advocate for your profession. Interstate Compact and Mental Health are the two main topics we are focusing on this year to discuss with each other and with your representative. MiOTA will provide you will talking points for the event and the two topics of discussion. Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 7:00-8:00 pm EST, MiOTA will host a webinar to help you prepare for the event.
Advocacy Talking Points:
1. The Interstate Compact Bill was introduced in September 2022 by Representative Julie Rogers. John Roth, Terence Mekoski, Felicia Brabec, Cynthia Neeley, Sara Cambensy, Rachel Hood have also signed on and supported this bipartisan bill which would help occupational therapy practitioners in Michigan.
For more information on the OT Compact: https://otcompact.org/about/
To follow the bill 6446: https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(xir3tp5ypu5v0q1jnefwn3ji))/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2022-HB-6446
Mental Health: Advocacting and educating individuals on the role of occupational therapy in mental health and wellness across the lifespan. How to manage the needs of COVID burn out, safety, and shortages.
Tentative Schedule:
8:00 am - Check in, breakfast, and social hour
9:00 am - Welcome and Lobby Day overview (Advocacy Committee)
9:30 am - Legislative Updates (Bret Marr, MiOTA Lobbyist)
10:00 am - Attend House Meeting (if in session)
10:30 am - Meet with representatives (small group, pairs or individual)
12:30 - 1:15 Lunch (on your own)
1:15 pm - Regroup, debrief on the representative meetings
2:15 pm - Dismiss
*Once you register for the event you will be assigned a time when you are meeting with your representative. Information will be sent out 1-2 weeks before the event.
Register today!
Denise Hoffman, OTRL
Member At Large Report
AOTA Statement on Promoting Fair Payment with Commercial Payers
MiOTA attended a virtual webinar hosted by AOTA to learn what WE as occupational therapists can do to promote fair payment for services. AOTA provided simple steps to follow: 1) be familiar with the CPT codes that payers have state policies for, 2) understand payers policy and the impact on billing, 3) appeal claims that are denied and 4) if a code isn't covered by a commercial payer policy, advocate to have the code included (Sandhu et al.). Most importantly, reach out to MiOTA if you or your company need assistance in managing issues with reimbursement.
Sandhu, S., Lenhardt, J., & Karr, K. (n.d.). How State Association Leaders Can Help Aota Promote Fair Payment with Commercial Payers. Lecture, November 15, 2022; November 15, 2022.
Paige Natke, OTD, OTRL
Paige is the newest member of MiOTA's executive board committee and will assume the position of Member at Large in January 2023. Her involvement with MiOTA began by serving on the Advocacy Committee for over a year now. Paige brings a youthful voice to MiOTA as a recent graduate from the University of Michigan - Flint Doctorate program. Following graduation she began her professional career at a pediatric outpatient clinic in Bay City. In her free time, Paige enjoys exploring nature, Lighthouses and reading. MiOTA welcomes Paige!
Communications Report
New Year - New Website!
if you haven't had a chance to check out our new website - please take a minute to stop by www.miota.org! Huge THANK YOU to Holly for all of her hard work on bringing MiOTA up to date.
We will have more updates throughout the year so stay tuned!
Member newsletters will go out 4 times this year: January - April - July - October. These newsletters are full of information about upcoming events and important information related to occupational therapy practice, certification, and licensure.
Volunteer Opportunities
Chapter Leaders Needed!
Hey MiOTA members,
We are seeking chapter leaders for Flint, Lansing, Northwest, and Western chapters. A chapter leader
supports a “regular” meeting of the members of the chapter. Chapters can meet live or via a webinar.
Many chapters use the meeting to talk about clinical practice. Sometimes a chapter will have a quest
speaker. Professional Development Units (PDU) are provided to participants. The chapter leader is
responsible for emailing participants an invitation, securing a speaker or identifying a topic of discussion,
track attendance, and submit attendance to the MiOTA office so that participants can receive a PDU
Please consider taking on this leadership opportunity. If you have a colleague who would like to share
co-leadership that is an option as well.
Robin Pegg administrator@miota.org or Holly Grieves website@miota.org if you are interested.
UM-Flint launching 3+3 program to doctorate in Occupational Therapy in Fall 2023
As the University of Michigan-Flint continues to grow their Occupational Therapy Doctorate
program and prepare more students to enter the profession, they are excited to announce an
innovative new pathway program that will allow students to save one year of time and tuition on
the way to the doctorate degree.
Applications are now being accepted for UM-Flint’s new Occupational Therapy Accelerated
Pathway program for fall 2023. This innovative 3+3 program will give high school graduates
interested in occupational therapy the chance to complete both a Bachelor of Science in Health
Sciences and a doctorate in six years instead of seven. This pathway is 31 fewer credits than
the traditional route, saving students a minimum of $13,000.
Students will take classes required for the bachelor's degree, including general education
courses, occupational therapy prerequisites and health sciences courses, during their first three
years, and then apply to potentially enter the OTD program in their fourth year. If they are
accepted, the first two semesters would also work as the final semesters of the bachelor's
UM-Flint’s Doctorate of Occupational Therapy was the first fully-accredited OTD program in the
state and graduated its first class in 2022. The new 3+3 program is another way they hope to
increase the number of doctorally-trained occupational therapists providing quality care and
growing the profession through leadership, research and teaching. You can learn more about
the Occupational Therapy Accelerated Pathway at umflint.edu/chs.
Opportunity for Advertising
There are many opportunities to advertise through MiOTA. Go to our website and in the dropdown box titled “About Us” find the Advertise with Us dropdown. Advertise your jobs, company, research study, or event through MiOTA.
The Michigan Occupational Therapy Association welcomes all therapists, assistants, students, and educators in the profession of occupational therapy to explore and enjoy this website. Patients and their family members and advocates will find information about how the OT practitioners across the state can help them to participate fully and perform at the highest level within their personal life roles...truly living life to it's fullest! As you use this site you will note that some areas are for members only. We wish to thank those members who have demonstrated their support for their profession and this association, which is the Voice of OT within the state of Michigan. We hope that those who have not yet joined will take this opportunity to become a member of MiOTA. MiOTA is a voluntary professional association of occupational therapy practitioners who are dedicated to supporting the profession through advocacy and communication.