September 28, 2023

Exciting Announcement: Our GOAL store opens Monday, 11/13.
Are you interested in having GOAL merchandise? Do you like cozy t-shirts and sweats?
We have something for you! Our GOAL store will be open November 13-December 1.
Order your favorite GOAL apparel. Every item you purchase will equal one GOALIE Point for your student(s).
Thanksgiving Break- November 20-24
Parents and Students,
Students won't have new assignments to submit during the break. If your student is behind on work, needs to improve grades, this will be an excellent opportunity to catch up on late work.
Our preference is for students not to be required to work on weekends/over breaks, however if your student is not progressing in the coursework, it is an excellent opportunity to catch up.
Last day of First Semester: Friday, 12/15 11:59 PM
Veteran's Day Thank You Mr. Wise!
We will recognize our special guest speaker Mr. Caleb Wise during our Morning Meetings on Thursday, November 10th for a special time to hear Mr. Wise share his experience serving in the U.S. military. He uses his talents in a unique service to our Country. We appreciate his service.
Mandatory In-Person Make-Up Sessions Grades 9-12
Grades: 9-12 Mandatory In Person- Make-Up Sessions Criteria
- Missing 5 or more assignments in a credit bearing course
- Failing one or more courses
Monday, 11/20: 8:30-2:30- District Office
Tuesday, 11/28: 8:00-2:00- GOAL Classroom
Wednesday, 11/29: 8:00-2:00- GOAL Classroom
Thursday, 11/30: 8:00-2:00 GOAL Classroom
Saturday, 12/2 8:00-12:00 District Office (revised date/time)
Roving Chef Grades 6-12 Monday, 11/13/23
Grades 6-12,
You are invited to our next Roving Chef event on Monday, 11/13 from 2:15-3:15 at Forest Hill ES.
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4CA5AA2EA7FC1-45793047-november
Roving Chef Grades K-5 Tuesday, 11/14/23
Grades K-5,
You are invited to our next Roving Chef event on Tuesday, 11/14 from 2:15-3:15 at Forest Hill ES.
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4CA5AA2EA7FC1-45793316-k5roving
K-8 Save the Date: Playhouse on the Square School House Rock Live! Wednesday, 12/6/2023
K-8 Goalies,
We will meet at District Office Wednesday, 12/6 at 9:30AM. We will ride the bus to Playhouse on the Square to watch School House Rock Live. We anticipate returning to District Office at 1:30 PM.
We have 6 spots available for parents who would like to chaperone. Any participating student must have a signed permission slip on file.
Germantown Community Theater: Season's Greetings Memphis Symphony Orchestra Lunchbreak Concert Series12/15 at Noon
If you are interested in meeting up for the upcoming Germantown Community Theater's Season's Greetings Memphis Symphony Orchestra Lunchbreak Concert Series, sign up here. This is not a required event. If a student is interested, please sign up. $10 concert ticket will be covered for students. Parents will need to purchase tickets through GCT. If you are interested in learning more: https://www.gctcomeplay.org/
Location: Germantown Community Theater
Date: 12/15/23- 12:00 PM-1:00 PM.
Student Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4CA5AA2EA7FC1-45805211-goal
Deadine to RSVP: Friday, 11/17/23
November: Gratitude/Goalie Giving
November of the Noble Minded
Fun Facts about Gratitude/Giving
1. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.
2. Gratitude increases mental strength.
3. Givers Are Happier Than Non-Givers
4. Giving promotes cooperation and social connection.
5. Giving helps social connection
Always have an attitude of gratitude.
-Sterling K. Brown
Collegefortn.org is an excellent link for all things college in TN
Turning 18? You may be eligible to vote
If you are turning 18- you may be eligible to vote. Here is a link for voter eligibility and how to register to vote. https://sos.tn.gov/elections/guides/how-to-register-to-vote
We are happy to assist, if you have any questions.
Required: Seniors US Civics Exam
You will need to save the dates for the upcoming civics exam.
10/25: You should have received US Government Civics Practice Test in your email.
11/27: Virtual Google Meet to review Civics Practice Test 8:30 AM
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/uev-ypca-dih
12/4: In-Person Paper Civics Exam at 8:00 AM GMSD District Office
Students must make an 85% to meet your graduation requirement on this exam.
Looking for ways to volunteer in Germantown and the Midsouth?
Here's a link that will assist you in finding ways to support our community. Seniors, this is a great way to earn community hours that will count toward TN Promise Scholarship requirements.
Start Spreading the News: GOAL is Making Headlines
Exciting News: K-5 Music Field Trip Series
Music Box Workshop Series dates/times
Field Trip 1: 10-11 November 10
Field Trip 2: 10-11 December 8
Field Trip 3: 10-11 January 12
Field Trip 4: 10-11 February 9
Field Trip 5: 10-11 March 8
Exciting News: Audio Production Workshops (6-8) and (9-12)
Grades 6-8
Friday, January 19th: 10-11
Friday, February 16th: 10-11
Friday, March 22nd: 10-11
Friday, April 12th: 10-11
Friday, May 10th: 10-11
Grades 9-12
Friday, January 26th:10-11
Friday, February 23rd: 10-11
Friday, March 22nd: 11-12*
Friday, April 12th: 11-12*
Friday, May 17th: 10-11
Question Stems: How to Ask Your Teacher for Help
Morning Meeting Information
We have Morning Meetings Monday-Thursday.
8:00-8:15 K-5 Morning Meeting:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jms-ssus-jaw
8:15-8:30 6-12 Morning Meeting:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/twx-yzdr-pft
Turning 16? Need a Drivers License Permit Form?
Intervention News
RTI support: Tier 2, Tier 3, ESE Intervention
Our GOAL interventionist: Tammy.Mitchell@gmsdk12.org
Inclement Weather: School Closures and GOAL
In the event that Germantown Municipal School Districts makes the decision to close GMSD schools; GOAL will also be closed. When school is closed, students are not required to work in Pearson. Students will have an additional 24 hours to submit school work, in the event that school is closed. We do encourage students when possible to continue with their school work to avoid missing deadlines.
GOAL Nuggets for Success
Avoid doing the bare minimum. Give your subjects your best. Don't rush through your assignments. Get outside (with your parent's permission) and enjoy fresh air and exercise. Make time to connect with your friends, family, hobbies and interests.
- Reach out to your teachers when you have questions
- Attend Live Lesson
- Go to Live Tutor when you need more detailed help
- Meet weekly with your Eagle Hour Learning Coach (Grades 9-12)
Attendance Reminders
Parents please notify Ms. Carnathan if your student is absent. Attendance is taken daily. If your student is out due to illness or a medical appointment, please email: Jodi.Carnathan@gmsdk12.org. We are required to receive absence excuse notes or doctor's notes within 5 days of a student's absence.
- If your student misses homeroom for a reason other than illness or a doctor's appointment, please email Jodi.Carnathan@gmsdk12.org.
- After 10 absences accumulate, a physician's note will be required.
- Please complete assignments for the instructional day between the hours of 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM- Monday-Friday.
- Students will have 6 hours of instruction/coursework (online and offline) provided each school day by Pearson.
"Kindness is a Strength."
Student Shout Out
Congratulations Rachel Tankersley for HHS' Cross Country Team's 5th place win at State.
Great Job!
Student Shout Out
Chloe Tankersley's XC Girls Cross Country team placed 2nd in the State! Way to Go.
Way to Go!