Raider Report
February 10
17 - No School, Teacher Prof. Development
20 - SBDM Meeting, 4:30pm
21 - Winter PEP Rally
26 - Incoming Freshman Parent Night
11 - All Juniors and Sophomores take the ACT
14 - No School, Teacher Flex Day
20 - SBDM Meeting, 4:30pm
22 - Prom, Receptions
7-11 - No School, Spring Break
17 - SBDM Meeting, 4:30pm
15 - SBDM Meeting, 4:30pm
16 - Graduation Practice, 8-12pm
19 - Senior Field Day
20 - No School, Primary Election
31 - Class of 2025 Graduation 10am, Truist Arena
No Drop Offs - Please remember that we cannot accept items in the office to be dropped-off for students during the school. Our office staff works very hard to monitor and process visitors to the school and it is not feasible to contact and coordinate items being dropped off unless an emergency exists, such as reading glasses or medicine to be kept in the school clinic.
We are asking that all parents pay their child’s fees online if possible. Please contact the front office if you have any questions.
Lunch Account
You can deposit money online at myschoolbucks.com. Please call Jill Buckalew in our cafeteria with any questions.
Ryle Gear
- CLICK HERE for our online store (items will ship directly to your house)
- Password: raiders
Ryle PTSA supports our classrooms, activities, fun events and more!
Click here for a link to find more information and sign up.
Please consider joining this vital organization!
ACT - Parental Consent Form
Attention Juniors and Sophomores;
This year all students in grades ten and eleven will be taking the ACT. This test will be administered on March 11, 2025.
The ACT educational Opportunity Service (EOS) is an optional program to help students learn about educational, scholarship and other opportunities. Through the EOS students are also able to send their ACT scores to up to 4 college/universities at no cost. Students who are under the age of 18 must receive parental consent in order to participate in the EOS. Attached you will find the document that needs to be completed by any 10th and 11th grade student under the age of 18. A signature is required to participate or not to participate. Please return the form to the guidance department ASAP.
SENIORS! WE HAVE EXTENDED THE DEADLINE TO SCHEDULE YOUR SENIOR PORTRAITS! Senior pictures for Ryle’s yearbook are taken at Prestige’s portrait studio in Crestview Hills. (No purchase necessary.) EXTENDED DEADLINE: Schedule your senior portrait session for Ryle’s yearbook by 2/20/25. Those already photographed must choose their preferred pose by 2/06/25. At this point, scheduling appointments can only be done ONLINE by going to: prestigeportraits.com/studio. If this is your first time going to their website, you will need to create your account before scheduling your appointment. See Ms. Caldwell in room 125 for more info. See Prestige flyer here. NOTE: Since the original deadline of 1/16/25 for scheduling senior portraits has passed, the Prestige portrait studio is only open 2 days a week. For that reason, you can no longer schedule appointments by phone. The studio number of (859) 578-0110, extension #80112 WILL NO LONGER WORK.
2025 Yearbooks Are On Sale. $75.00 each. Yearbook covers will be printed in April, so orders must be placed by April 18, 2025 to guarantee a yearbook. Reserve your copy now. Ryle yearbooks sold out in 2022 & 2023.
Order now using the yearbook order flyer linked here and pay with check, money order, or via MySchoolBucks. Or, go to www.YearbookOrderCenter.com and use order number 21595 for yearbook sales. This allows payment with a credit card or the 4-payment option via PayPal. You could also call 1.866.287.3096.
ALL GRADES: The Ryle yearbook is looking for pictures to represent Student Life and Student Academics...
Attn. Teachers, Parents and Students! Have a candid shot that would look great in the yearbook? Submit them for consideration for use in the 2025 yearbook. Remember, the yearbook needs candid shots (not staged or posed) for publication in the yearbook. Selfies are unlikely to be accepted. Ways to submit photos:
Option 1: Find us online at https://hjeshare.com/eShare/ and share photos you've taken this year. Our school code is 21595.
Option 2: Email photos to cher.caldwell@boone.kyschools.us
2024 Yearbooks were distributed the first two weeks of September. 2024 graduates must pick up their yearbooks in the main office during normal office hours. Currently enrolled students who do not have classes on campus must stop in and pick up their yearbooks in the media center. Forgot to order your 2024 yearbook? We have some extra copies. Buy one today for $75. See Ms. Caldwell in room 125 to drop off cash or check to purchase your copy. Extra yearbooks are being sold first come, first serve. Once those are gone, we will not have more. Contact cher.caldwell@boone.kyschools.us for more information.
For College & Career Opportunities, click HERE
2024-2025 Raider Recovery and Tutoring Information
- ​CLICK HERE to see all of the Great things that are happening at Ryle
Click link below for all the info!
Carrie Kotte, LSW
Youth Services Center Coordinator
Larry A. Ryle High School
10379 US 42, Union, KY 41091
859-283-3233 (Direct)
859-384-5300 (Main)
Counseling Information
Attention Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors:
Scheduling for students has been completed. On February 18th students will receive information with all of the classes that have been input into their schedule. At that time counselors will provide instructions on how to make changes and next steps.
Attention Juniors and Sophomores;
This year all students in grades ten and eleven will be taking the ACT. This test will be administered on March 11, 2025.
The ACT educational Opportunity Service (EOS) is an optional program to help students learn about educational, scholarship and other opportunities. Through the EOS students are also able to send their ACT scores to up to 4 college/universities at no cost. Students who are under the age of 18 must receive parental consent in order to participate in the EOS. Attached you will find the document that needs to be completed by any 10th and 11th grade student under the age of 18. A signature is required to participate or not to participate. Please return the form to the guidance department ASAP.
Parent Orientation for Incoming 9th Graders (class of 2029)
Wednesday, February 26th
Last Names:
A-K - 6:00-7:00 (scheduling presentation, clubs & extracurriculars following)
L-Z - 6:30 arrive for schedule request pickup and club info; 7:00-8:00 presentation
Suicide Prevention and Awareness Training
As part of our commitment to student well-being and in compliance with state requirements (KRS 156.095), Ms. Dorgan (School Counselor) provided Suicide Prevention and Awareness Training for all students and staff via the morning announcements on Monday, February 3rd ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCoy4reQtAY) . The purpose of the televised training was to equip students and staff with the knowledge and tools to recognize warning signs, seek help for themselves or others, and foster a supportive environment. If you or anyone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please reach out to the National Hotline by calling or texting 988. For more information on suicide prevention and awareness:
Counseling Department
9th Grade Counselor
Liz Tackett elizabeth.tackett@boone.kyschools.us
10th Grade Counselor
A-D - Michelle Schilling michelle.schilling@boone.kyschools.us
E-L - Liz Tackett elizabeth.tackett@boone.kyschools.us
M-Q - Amy Coleman amy.coleman2@boonekyschools.us
R-Z - Tammy Dorgan tammy.dorgan@boone.kyschools.us
11th Grade Counselor
Michelle Schilling michelle.schilling@boone.kyschools.us
Amy Coleman amy.coleman2@boonekyschools.us
Special Education
Tammy Dorgan tammy.dorgan@boone.kyschools.us
Ryle High School
Website: https://ryle.boone.kyschools.us/
Location: 10379 U.S. Hwy 42, Union, KY, USA
Phone: 8593845300
Twitter: @Ryle_HS