Points of #PHMExcellence
November 18, 2022
#PHMExcellence is more than just academic excellence; it's also kindness, empathy and helping others. Year round, but especially during the holiday season, our schools find creative ways to engage students in community activities teaching them the importance of giving back. Here are some examples:
- At Northpoint, students collected nearly 2,000 boxes of cereal for an area food bank.
- At Grissom, student food drives help keep the schools' food pantry well stocked for students & families in need.
- At Penn, teachers collect student donations for Riley Children's Hospital for the best "Turkey Legs.
#PHMExcellence is about giving thanks! Penn-Harris-Madison is thankful for all our students, families and staff. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Important Dates
Nov. 22 - Penn Music Tour
Nov. 23-25 - Thanksgiving Recess; No school
Dec. 14 - 3rd Grade Performance
Dec. 22- All-School Sing-a-Long
Dec. 23 - Winter Break
CogAt Testing for K, 2, and 5th Graders
In accordance with Indiana law, we are required to have an identification process in place to identify High Ability students. According to the Indiana Department of Education, ‘“High ability student” means a student who: performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests.’
Indiana requires the screening of all kindergarten, second grade, and fifth grade students who are not previously identified as High Ability. A student may be labeled as High Ability in Language Arts and/or Math.
PHM uses two nationally-normed assessments to identify High Ability students: CogAT and NWEA. CogAT - Cognitive Abilities Test - testing will be done during the month of December. CogAT is an aptitude test that measures a student’s problem-solving skills and thinking abilities. There is no preparation that can be done for this test. Students will participate in a practice test to familiarize them with the type and format of the questions.
Depending on your child’s results and grade level, he/she may participate in NWEA testing in February. That information will be forthcoming.
About Us
Horizon Elementary School
An Indiana 4-Star School, Rated "A"
Mrs. Amy Fadorsen, Principal
Mr. Jared Melander, Assistant to the Principal
Email: afadorsen@phm.k12.in.us
Website: horizon.phmschools.org
Location: 10060 Brummitt Rd. Granger, IN 46530
Phone: 574-679-9788
Facebook: Facebook.com/HorizonElementaryGranger
Twitter: @HorizonPHM