Counseling Corner
November Newsletter
Academic Support
Progress Report Grade Extension: Teachers will be updating their grades for progress reports by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 29th. We encourage you to review your student's grades with them to either congratulate them on a job well done so far or to encourage them to get help for the remainder of the semester.
Saturday, Dec. 2
Saturday, Dec. 9
Saturday, Dec. 16
Social/Emotional Well-being
Parent Voices on SEL: The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has been a leader of the SEL movement since first introducing the term more than two decades ago. CASEL has helped grow social and emotional learning (SEL) from a promising theory to an essential part of education. Learn more about SEL curriculum and the impaction from the parent’s point of view here.
College and Career
ROP Spring Registration Reminder
Spring 2024 Priority Registration: https://coastlinerop.coursestorm.com/
11/13/23: Seniors at 4pm
11/15/23: Juniors at 4pm
11/17/23: Frosh/Soph at 4pm
IVC Virtual Spotlight Week Nov 13-17
UC Application Help
UC Application Help Center:
As of October 1 students can submit their UC application. The deadline to submit is November 30. Applicants should be aware that once the application has been submitted, very little personal information can be changed. Please remind your students that applications are not considered on a first-come, first-serve basis during the submission period, though we do encourage them to submit the application prior to November 30.
As your students work on their UC application, they can utilize the built-in help and support throughout each section. Applicants can view answers to their commonly asked questions on each page by clicking ‘Help’ in the top navigation bar or by clicking on the blue ‘i’ icons seen throughout the application. Students needing further assistance can contact the UC application help center via phone or email. The center is available Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. (Pacific Time). Visit the UC application login page for more information.
- ucinfo@applyucsupport.net
- (800) 207-1710 (within the U.S.)
- (925) 298-6856 (outside the U.S.)
Grade Level Information
Senior Scene
Helpful Reminders:
Be sure your student applies to colleges by their posted application deadline. Most colleges' early admissions happen in early November, UCs/CSU’s are on November 30th, and many colleges have deadlines for regular admissions into January.
Encourage students to attend college planning events or college fairs. It’s helpful to attend workshops that give information about what types of colleges might be good for you or guide you in choosing a major. Here is an updated list of upcoming BHS College Visits.
Double-check that they have recommendation letters secured if required by their colleges. The CSUs and UCs don't require any recommendation letters to apply.
The Beckman Counseling Team will be offering college application (Common App, CSU/UC, or Community College) support in the Career Center on Wednesday, November 29th, during the tutorial. Be sure to have students bring their electronic devices!
Financial Aid Updates: FAFSA/CADAA
Good news – the FAFSA/CADAA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid/CA Dream Act Application) will be ready for parents and students to dive into by the end of December 2023. While we're waiting, a key move you can make right now is setting up an FSA ID for both parents and students. Check out this video that walks you through creating an FSA ID and offers some other handy tips to get you ready for tackling the FAFSA or CADAA application:
Junior Junction
During CCR, juniors were provided a lesson on careers and related majors. See what they learned below. Please encourage your student to continue their journey in discovering who they are and how to get their! Spending a little time each month will ensure they are ready for their next steps. English teachers will be working with students starting in March, followed by their counselors in April, to finalize their postsecondary plans and create their plan of attack.
Sophomore Stop
What's the Link Between Cortisol and Sleep Deprivation?
Cortisol isn’t the enemy of sleep: you need a healthy cortisol rhythm to keep your sleep cycle in check. You want higher cortisol levels in the morning to help you wake up, and lower levels in the evening to help you fall asleep. The sleep loss and elevated cortisol connection goes both ways. High cortisol levels in the evening can cause a lack of sleep and sleep loss can increase your cortisol levels. High cortisol levels may also cause or perpetuate sleep disorders such as chronic insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea. High cortisol levels are linked to obesity and weight gain.
You can reduce high cortisol levels quickly and naturally by: lowering your stress levels, implementing a relaxing bedtime routine, improving your diet (supplements may help), and improving your sleep hygiene. Plus, lack of sleep increases a hunger hormone called ghrelin. Ghrelin compels you to seek out nourishment. It also acts on your brain’s pleasure receptors which is what prompts you to reach for your second, or third, or tenth chocolate chip cookie. Your pleasure receptors know how great they taste, and they want to replay that rewarding experience.
Factors That Affect Our Sleep Negatively:
• Eating late at night
• Consuming caffeine (for some)
• Brain-stimulating activities before bed
• Surfing the net and scrolling through social media before bed
• Watching the news or anything stimulating before bed
The Power Down Hour:
• Calculate what time you need to go to bed to get seven hours of sleep.
• One hour before you go to sleep, you want to start powering down your electronics, your
television, your smart phone, your computers.
• In that hour, you want to create a routine of things that you do before bed to ready your
system physically and mentally, for sleep (read, take a bath, listen to calming music, draw).