The Acorn
Oakview's Online News Flash
Project Pinwheel
Oakview’s Pinwheel Garden will be planted in April!
Oakview is happy to participate in Project Pinwheel another year. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Project Pinwheel (brought to you by GHS Children’s Hospital) will plant over 45,000 pinwheels across the upstate. The Pinwheel is a symbol of a happy, healthy childhood, which each and every child deserves.
Our pinwheel garden will be planted after spring break to in time for Week of the Young Child April 11-18. There are community activities like Children’s Fest on April 11, Walk for Prevention on April 12, and other resources are available online at www.projectpinwheel.com.
Parents, please know that Dr. Reavis will announce this Project Pinwheel, but will NOT use words like abuse in his language. He will call it Child Safety Month and there is no discussion about child abuse specifically. This will only be mentioned in the morning announcements.
PTA President's Report - Jean Scott
Happy end of winter, Oakview families! Our 4K-, kindergarten- and first-grade families can celebrate the start of spring Friday night with our final Art Show and Bingo Night of the year. And next week, because the fourth-grade Breakfast with Dads was canceled due to snow, fourth-graders will join fifth-graders for Breakfast with Dads on March 26.
Also, our Nominating Committee is hard at work filling the slate of PTA officers and committee members for next school year. If you would like to work with a great group of parents to serve children and enhance our school, please contact one of the following: Celeste Blinston,cblinston@charter.net; Allison Levato, Allisonmurphy1@charter.net; Jen Pestrak,robertpestrak@bellsouth.net; Jennifer Smith, jennifersmith5@charter.net; or Michelle Stoudemire, mstoudemire@att.net.
Last Art Show and Bingo Night of the Year!
Families of K-4, Kindergarten, and First grade students, please join us on Friday, March 20 for your Art Show and Bingo Night. The Art Show begins at 5:00 p.m., dinner begins at 5:30 p.m., and Bingo games run from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Be on the lookout for more information and volunteer opportunities for this fun family event! Please contact Jennifer Phillips at scjenphillips@gmail.com with any questions.
Restaurant Night, March 24 - Subway!
For our third month of the new year, we have a restaurant night that covers three locations! Join us on Tuesday, March 24 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at any of the these three Subway locations: 106 Batesville Road (Five Forks), 1846 Woodruff Road (Corner of Woodruff and Butler in BI-LO shopping center) or 700 Garlington Road (behind CVS). You can either dine in or grab food to go, and a portion of all the proceeds comes right back to Oakview. Spring is definitely the time to "Eat Fresh"!
5th Grade Day
Plans are underway for this fun Oakview tradition! Each year our 5th graders celebrate the end of their elementary school career with a day full of fun. The homeroom classes will compete against each other in a talent show and outdoor games. They will come together to laugh, dance and remember all of the good times they have had at Oakview!
We would like to thank Lori Knoblauch for heading up sponsorships for 5th Grade Day. Without support from our business partners in the community, this day would not be possible. With our deepest gratitude, we would like to thank the following for their generous donations:
Harrison Orthodontics
Master Kims Tae Kwon Do
Reflection State-Level Winners
Congratulations to Oakview’s State Level winners who will be honored in a special ceremony in Columbia on March 14 for the PTA Reflections Contest:
The World Would Be A Better Place If...
For Primary Category two, two Oakview students won Honorable Mention: Christian Foggie for his literature entry entitled ‘Cruz’ Community; and Sarah Tervo in the music category for a song about friendship that she wrote and sang. For the Special Artist Category, Brook FitzGerald won first prize in the music category with a piece entitled If Everyone Played the Harmonica.
Great job to all who participated. There will be a special awards ceremony at Oakview Elementary on April 16 for all the students who entered the PTA 2014-2015 Reflections Contest. We’ll see you there!
Thank you to the following Oakview sponsors:
Ashby Park Dentistry
Crockett Pediatric Dentistry
Davis Orthodontics
Goddard School
Great Harvest Bread
Harrison Orthodontics
HomeTrust Bank
J. Freeman and Associates
Java Jolt
Massage Envy
Master Kim's TKD
Parkside Pediatrics
Pump It Up
Saint Giles
Southern First
State Farm - Eva Hurley
Steadman Hawkins
Summer Orthodontics
Twisted Cup
Upstate Podiatry
Venture Aviation
Wells Fargo