S.H.E. Says
February 24, 2023
Important Dates to Remember
- February 27: Read Across America: Cozy with a book-wear PJs; Staff PLC
- February 28: Read Across America: Wild about reading-wear animal print
- March 1: Early Release Day 1:15 pm; Read Across America: Wordy Wednesday-wear clothing with words
- March 2: PTO Meeting 5:30; Read Across America: Character Day-dress up like book character
- March 3: Read Across America: Silly Friday-wear mismatched/backwards clothing
- March 2: PTO meeting
- March 7: Report Cards go home
- March 15: Parent/Teacher Conferences: No School
- March 21: World Down Syndrome Day: Wear Crazy Socks!
- April 7: Good Friday: No School
- April 10-14: Spring Break: No School
- May 15-26: Third Grade Smarter Balanced Testing
- May 24: Early Release Day: No School
- May 29: Memorial Day: No School
- June 6: Tentative Field Day: Theme Fun in the Sun
- June 7: Tentative Field Day Rain Date
- June 13: Tentative last day of school: Early Release Day 1:15
Updates & Reminders
New Updates:
- Here is the link to the Family Newsletter sent out this week. https://www.smore.com/wy54s
- Teachers, information on the PD March 1st is below.
- Please see the attached flyer for Read Across America Day.
- Teachers, please send out notification of conferences to families next week. Please give MJ a copy of the schedule once it's finalized. Families do often call the office because they forgot their assigned time.
- Report cards are open and they go home March 7th.
- Field Day is tentatively scheduled for June 6th. The rain date is June 7th. This year's theme is Fun in the Sun.
- Please welcome Gabe Uhlar, new ILP Para. We said goodbye to Alyssa Petrarca.
- Staff PLC on February 27th will be gifted time to work on report cards and MLP Review of Practice. A friendly reminder that the review of practice is due by the end of year meeting. It is gathered evidence from one domain. The evidence should cover all indicators. This means if you choose Domain One. You need at least three pieces of evidence that supports indicators 1a, 1b and 1c. Evidence can include pictures, lesson plans, student work, meeting minutes, etc. Please see Kristen if you should have questions.
Friendly Reminders:
- A friendly reminder that each and every time assistance is called for, staff should follow up with an ODR. We need to track these behaviors and ensure that the family is always aware.
- SHE has an Instagram page @shepardhillelementary Please follow us if you have Instagram.
PD March 1st
- Dismissal 1:15-1:45
- Additional Data Team time 1:45-2:45 (Kristen will bounce around between grade levels)
- 2:45-3:00 Travel time to MES
- 3:00-4:00 Safety Meeting with Mr. Brenton and Mr. Sugarman at MES
Kristen Trahan
Email: trahank@plainfieldschools.org
Website: www.plainfieldschools.org
Location: Shepard Hill Elementary School, Shepard Hill Road, Plainfield, CT, USA
Phone: 860-564-6432