Carman Paw Print
January 4, 2021
Blended (In-Person) Learning Model
Dear Carman Families,
I wanted to provide a reminder that students will participate in distance learning on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Attendance will be taken and new learning will be introduced. Our winter party is on Tuesday and students MUST attend class in order to participate in the party.
This week students will have distance learning on Tuesday, January 5 and Wednesday, January 6. There is NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, January 4. Group 1 will resume with in-person learning on Thursday, January 7 and Group 2 will resume with in-person learning on Friday, January 8.
For your reference, here is the blended learning calendar.
With CT pride,
Helpful Tech Tip
Parent Pointer - Tech Tip: Creating Bookmarks on the Chromebook
Help your child navigate to a video conferencing room with just a click of a button! To do this on the Parkway-issued student Chromebooks:
Click on the teacher’s video conferencing link to get the web address.
Highlight the star at the end of the web address to add it as a bookmark.
Change the name of the bookmark to the teacher’s name or the subject.
The icon with its name will appear below the web address.
Elementary In-Person Calendar
- Elementary students in grades K-5 will continue the blended schedule through the end of the semester. See the Elementary School In-Person Calendar here. Distance learning days have been added around the upcoming holiday breaks to limit the spread of illness. Distance learning days are the three days after Thanksgiving (November 30-December 2); and before and after winter break (December 21-22 and January 5-6).
We will continue to practice health and safety precautions at school and if at any time we reach critical illness or staffing levels, we may need to close an elementary school or schools for a period of time until the situation improves.
- Virtual Campus students will continue with their daily schedule for the remainder of the first semester.
- Parkway Early Childhood students will continue on their current schedule with the same distance learning days as our elementary schools as outlined above.
Chromebook Insurance
If your troop is interested in taking on this project, we have a SignUp Genius link below for your use. We would appreciate having a minimum of 2 scouts each day. The sign up form is designated by Group 1, Group 2 and Virtual students. Please be sure the date selected for the student is a date they will be available at school that day (their Group day). For any Virtual students who are scouts, students will need to be driven to school in the morning to raise the flag and brought back to school at the end of the day to lower it.
We appreciate your help!
Needs Assessment Links
Dear Carman Families:
As the days continue to change our circumstances, we wanted to make sure you were aware of some of the resources that are available to you and your family. Please know that we are with you and for you! If you need help or have questions about any of these resources, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help you in any way we can as we all maneuver the days ahead.
The attached is a form you can fill out to request one or more of the resources that are available to you and specific ways we may be able to help. There is one in English and one in Spanish. Please complete the attached form and let us know how we can support you.
We are Carman and we are stronger together!
Tracy Kiso (K-3 Counselor) and Grant Steward (Grades 4-5)
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2Ep6iALFg-0q4MxeG22KIJtrq19JdO3rz9w-BUVEHnHS_Vg/viewform?usp=pp_url (English version)
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1StJSDMq4FhzJhO0rlGKFC8cEbxOw_MvftN99qpo-vQKllA/viewform?usp=pp_url (Spanish version)
A Message from Dr. J. Stanfill, Director of Parkway Virtual Campus
Virtual Campus Parent Update
ACS International Schools wrote, “The anxiety of receiving online learning guidance, multiple resources (which although of the highest online quality, can never match the detailed and responsive learning offer that takes place in the school) managing their children’s responses, trying to give feedback and missing the ongoing dialogue with teachers, not to mention managing ‘working from home’.” This is how they define “distance” for parents.
Remember that Virtual Campus and learning at school won’t look the same — and that’s okay. There is an unlimited amount of organic learning that can happen in daily family life and that this is a unique opportunity to prioritize home and family. Some ideas to participate in over winter break that do not involve traditional schoolwork. Play some board games with your kids (board games promote all sorts of academic and social-emotional skills!), read books with them and to them (ask them questions throughout), and talk! Have conversations with your children about their thoughts, fears, hopes, desires. Integrate lessons into real-life activities and experiences. This makes learning more engaging and relatable. This could include having students follow a recipe to practice fractions or heat transfer. It can also be an opportunity for students to shop for groceries with a budget.
Resources for Families
Dr. Jennifer Stanfill
Director of Choice Programs
Director of Parkway Virtual Campus
Kindergarten Registration
The required documents are as follows:
- Birth certificate, passport, or other appropriate documentation to verify age.
- Immunization Records
- Two Proofs of Parent/Guardian's Residency. These documents should contain parent/guardian's name and address.
- Current real estate tax receipt, mortgage statement, deed or signed lease and
- One other proof of residency such as: current unpaid utility bill, credit card statement, employer's record of address, bank statement, or governmental acknowledgement of address (i.e., Social Security, voter registration, etc.).
- Custody Papers. A copy of the section of the parenting plan which stipulates educational address of the student.
- Individual Education Plan and Evaluation (IEP) and/or Section 504 Accommodation Plan (IAP) and Evaluation (if student has a disability)
Daily Health Screening
Daily Health Screening
- All students and staff will complete a daily health screening before coming to school. If your child has any symptoms, including known exposure to COVID-19, flu or cold symptoms, you should keep them home and call your school. Medical evaluation will be required if students are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-like illnesses.
Parkway Community Health Dashboard
The Community Health Dashboard now includes the number of cases and quarantines for our students and staff in each school. The dashboard is updated daily.
You can follow our key metrics on the new Parkway Community Health Dashboard
Parent guide to student health
As we return to in-person learning, we want to share the procedures we will use to notify parents and staff when there is a positive case of COVID-19 at school and how you can help keep our children, staff and school communities healthy.
We have also outlined some scenarios here to help you determine what to do if your child has had contact with a symptomatic person or positive case, as well as other scenarios.
Free Meals
Free meals and changes to food service
All meals including breakfast and lunch will be distributed for free to all students K-12. Free meals will be available for Virtual Campus students and those attending in-person at school.
Students enrolled in Virtual Campus will need to complete the weekly meals signup page. You can sign up for meals here. Only students not attending school in person need to signup for meals. You can choose your pickup location as well as how many days you will be picking meals up for your children. Families can choose a box that includes three meals or five meals, which will be available for Virtual Campus students and during blended learning schedules.
Students learning in-person will receive lunch at school. This free program is provided to all public school districts with federal USDA funding through the end of the school year.
Free and reduced lunch links for parents.
Here is the link to our home page.
- Here is the link to the direct application by zip code.
Meals and menus can be found here.
Nurse's Notes
Please check out the December Nurse's Newsletter for health information, safety tips, COVID resources, and so much more!
Coronavirus-Evaluation of Symptoms
All students and staff should complete a daily health screening before coming to school.
If your child has any symptoms, including known exposure to COVID-19, flu, or cold symptoms, they should stay home and call your school.
When will your child be sent home from school?
- If your child has 1 low risk symptom they will be sent home and may return to school in 24 hours after symptom resolution if there is no known COVID-19 exposure
- If you child has 2 low risk symptoms OR 1 high risk symptom they will be sent home and require a medical evaluation
When will we need a doctor's note?
- Healthcare provider confirms alternative diagnosis for symptoms
- Medical clearance required from your healthcare provider or Department of Health for student to return to school after medical evaluation
When can my child return to school after COVID testing?
- If negative, the student may return after 24 hours without fever and symptoms improving
- If positive, the student may return to school after 10 days since symptoms onset, 24 hours without fever, and symptoms improving
When can my child return if they are found to be a close contact?
- The student may return after 14 days from last contact with COVID positive individual, unless symptoms develop
- If symptoms appear the student should receive a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test
Counselors' Corner
Stay Connected with These Updates!
January 4: No School-Professional Development
January 5: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
January 6: Distance Learning K-5 (at home)
January 7: Group 1 (in-person)
January 7: Virtual Kindergarten Registration opens
January 8: Group 2 (in-person)
January 11: Group 2 in-person, Group 1 Virtual
January 11: Virtual Student Supply Pick up (9:00 am-5:00pm)
January 15: No School-Grading/Records Day
January 18: No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19: Wonderful World of Kindergarten (virtual)
January 27: Progress Reports Sent Out
February 15: No School Presidents' Day
February 26: No School-Grading
Connect with Us!
Email: alove@parkwayschools.net
Website: parkwayschools.net/carmantrails
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Facebook: http://facebook.com/CarmanTrails
Twitter: @trailscarman