Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 10th March 2023
Archaeology and the Vikings
Year 4 visit the Dig and Yorvik
Developing an outdoor gym
Fun in the snow
Fun in the Snow
Year 3 Advocates for the Blue Cross
Year 3 have raised over £150 by selling Blue Cross merchandise in school. This week, they handed over their collection to Ollie, the Assistant Manager of the Ripon shop, who was thrilled at the children's fundraising efforts.
Apart from raising money to help such a worthwhile charity, the children's courageous advocacy has also raised awareness of the work Blue Cross do to support pet owners. We have heard how parents who attended our worship earlier this term, have been able to direct pet owners in need to get some support from the Blue Cross charity.
Year 3 will continue their fundraising by completing a sponsored dog walk later this month.
Amazing Art
Flourishing Awards
Phoebe in Reception was recognised for amazing enthusiasm and the way she is flourishing in all her learning. Year 6 pupils received their award for helping others to flourish by volunteering at Ripon Library. The Ambassadors felt that Mrs Pitt and Mrs McIlmurray deserved recognition for how they have helped Year 3 to raise money for the Blue Cross.
Red Nose Day - Friday 17th March 2023
School Uniform
Can we ask that children do not wear jewellery, or decorations in their hair. Headbands are allowed but should be appropriate for a school context.
For PE lessons can parents please ensure that children have their black shorts and plain white T-shirts for indoor lessons.
Year 5 and Year 6 attend a workshop at Bethel Church by Emery and Ethan
On Monday, Year 5 and 6 went to Bethel Church where we did a workshop to learn about what Jesus did whilst he was on Earth. We also listened to stories about Jesus such as the paralysed man, the resurrection and when he got baptised.
We went because we needed to learn about Jesus' life and to hear about different parables. It was a really fun afternoon and we learnt about the Bible and how many books are in it. It was a good experience to learn about Christ.
Stars of the Week
Malachi for being a persevering parrot and working hard on his cutting skills and phonics.
Travis for putting in such a super effort with his writing and handwriting. Well done superstar.
Year 1
Alice for effort with quantity of writing this week whilst maintaining her usual high quality! Keep it up!
Year 2
Gabby for really stretching and challenging herself with maths and trying especially hard to join and improve her handwriting
Year 3
Charlotte for having a super attitude to her learning and making a real effort to present her work beautifully.
Year 4
Olivia for always having a fabulous attitude to her learning and for producing amazing work in geography. Well done.
Year 5
Semas for increased focus in all lessons and offering answers.
Year 6
Neo for setting an excellent example for his peers, always being ready to learn, trying hard and participating well.
Oscar's Holiday Club
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 14th March - Year 3 visit Murton Park for a Roman day
Wednesday 15th March at 9am - Reception Class Worship
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th March - Year 6 London visit
Tuesday 28th March - Easter Service in the Cathedral (TBC)
Friday 31st March - Music Concert
Friday 31st March - School closes for the Easter holidays
Oscar's Easter Holiday Club - Tuesday 4th to Friday 6th April, 9am to 5pm (booking essential)
Monday 17th April - School opens for the summer term
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