PMSA Weekly Update
October 14, 2023
From the Principal's Office
Homecoming Weekend 2023 is finally here for PMSA Students! Due to inclement weather, the traditional outdoor pep rally was held in the auditorium this year. Each grade level had their own assembly, but that did not diminish the Pythons from ramping up their school spirit. Students can continue riding the wave of excitement by attending tonight's "Under the Light's varsity football game at Proviso East vs. Downers Grove South. Kickoff is at 7:30pm. The weekend festivities culminate with tomorrow evening's highly anticipated Homecoming Dance, starting at 6pm in the student cafeteria. Students who purchased a ticket must bring their student ID in order to get into the dance. Special thanks to Ms. Stompor, Student Council sponsor, and Mr. Brown, Student Activities Director, for coordinating both the pep rally and the dance, along with all their preparation leading up to both events. And to the choir, band, and MC's who performed at today's grade level pep rally assemblies, congratulations on bringing down the house four times in one day! We are beyond lucky to have so much talent under one roof!
This coming Tuesday, 10/17, all freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9, and all sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT. PSAT stands for Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, and NMSQT stands for National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. All students, including seniors, will report to school at regular start time - 8am - on Tuesday. A hot lunch will be served as usual that day, and dismissal is regular time - 3:15pm. As mentioned in last week's newsletter, this year's testing format is completely digital, so every student must have their school issued laptop on Tuesday. Parents, please remind your student(s) to charge their device overnight and ensure they get a good night's sleep. For sophomores and juniors, the NMSQT is taken by students all across the country, and it is an opportunity to qualify for a merit scholarship and/or a certificate of commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Thus, the more rested and relaxed students are when they come into the building on Tuesday morning, the better. Breakfast will be provided as usual, and all students should arrive early so they can take time to eat in the cafeteria and digest before the test begins.
Have a safe and restful weekend! Pythons - Happy Homecoming!
Ms. Cristin Chiganos
Staff/Student Spotlight
Mr. Pete Zak
Q: What do you love most about teaching here at PMSA?
A: The kids, the students, our scholars. They really make this place enjoyable. With our fitness center not being your typical high school gym, our students do a great job with what we have.
Q: What has been your most memorable moment while teaching here at PMSA?
A: So many memories, some good, some bad. Finding out that the hallway was part of the “gym”. I will never forget how students spoke up during the strike, or teaching yoga poses via TEAMs during covid. But probably every after every SAT, the sighs of relief for the juniors when that test is over, you can see the excitement about the next step.
Q: What is an interesting fact (s) that many do not know about you?
- I almost had a freshwater shrimp named after me. I took a comparative ecosystem class trip in high school; we were working with a researcher in the rainforest of Belize as we were seining the riverbed, I found a shrimp that was not recorded in that area and the researcher did not know of its species. Never really found out what happened after that.
- I am “Blue Diamond” award winner in group hip hop; I was in Parent hip/hop dance group with my daughter’s competitive dance team this past summer, we placed first at Nationals.
- I have three daughters that make my world go round.
Q: What book (s) are you currently reading?
A:The Idiodyssey by Mr. Rutstein’s Class
Eunice Ho
Eunice Ho is a senior at PMSA. She has participated on the Volleyball team, Key Club, Culinary Club, Art Club, and has been an officer for the National Honor Society.
Q: What is your most memorable moment as a student at PMSA?
A: Participating in the Asian American and Pacific Islander assembly. We were last minute organizing, but it turned out really well. I loved how the students were able to collaborate and we showed unity. I believe that it was a big accomplishment.
Q: What do you love most about PMSA?
A: I love the collaborative nature of the students. This is not a traditional high school. We have students from all communities here. We are able to meet new people and almost everyone here is open minded. I appreciate how the students at PMSA are supportive.
Q: What are your plans post high school?
A: I want to either be a physician's associate (PA) or go into developmental biomedical Tech. I want to major in either biomedical health science or biomedical engineering.
Q: What is your number 1 college choice?
A: I have a lot of options. I am looking at schools in California, Boston, The University of Michigan, and The University of Wisconsin.
Q: What is your favorite subject(s)
A: I love science classes and social science classes.
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: Frankenstein
Q: What is something interesting about yourself that you want to share with the PMSA school community?
A: I participated in missionary work where we went to EL Salvador and helped out in the medical field. I went with a leader from my church, Dr. Hannah Chow Johnson. It was a global health outreach under the Christian Medical Dental Association.
We went and provided free healthcare and it united healthcare professionals and students.
We were there for a week and spent four days in the clinics. We worked with pharmacies to provide vitamins to the community. We also provided reading glasses. There were medical staff from internal medicine, pediatrics, and the dental clinic.
PMSA Homecoming Pep Rally
Cool Things Happening
Gallery on Five- New Work
G A L L E R Y on five is featuring pen drawings by students in Professor Grace Schmidt's art classes. Please visit the 5th floor gallery, read the inspiration and enjoy the artwork.
G A L L E R Y on five at PMSA, is located on the 5th floor opposite the elevators on the north side.
Drivers Ed Field Trip
All Driver’s education classes took a quick field trip to the parking lot to learn about the different parts of a car. The Driver’s education car was put on display and students had the opportunity to check out the engine, find the spare tire, and even sit in the driver’s seat. Students are gearing up for the permit test, so they were eager to learn.
Culinary Club
World Language National Honor Society Application
Eligible students were notified and invited to apply for the WLNHS on October 6th. To be eligible, students must currently be in their third or fourth year of a World Language class where they have earned 90% or above in the last three semesters, as well as maintained a 3.0 unweighted GPA overall. Interested students that received an invitation attended an informational meeting after school on Tuesday, October 10. They must turn in their teacher recommendation request form by October 13th and the completed application packet to either Ms. Duvall or Ms. Restivo by October 24 at 3:30pm.
Accepted students will be notified by November 14 and the official induction ceremony will be held on November 30 at 6pm in the PMSA Auditorium. The Proviso Math and Science Academy chapters of the Société Honoraire de Français (French Language National Honor Society - FLNHS) and the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica (Spanish Language National Honor Society – SLNHS) exist under the umbrella of the American Association of Teachers of French and the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. When evaluating candidates, the selection panel reviews the qualities of leadership, service and character as they manifest in the daily classroom experience as described by the candidates’ teachers on their applications. The selection process begins once all student applications are submitted. After the final decisions and selections have been made, all juniors and seniors who qualify for membership will be notified upon acceptance into the Society. While the academic criteria qualify students for consideration, as mentioned above, membership is not considered based on grades alone.
Thank you,
Ms. Duvall and Ms. Restivo
Upcoming Events
Save the Dates
PSAT Testing
Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be taking the PSAT test on Tuesday October 17, 2023. Please make sure that your laptops are charged and ready for the test.
Seniors still need to report to school. Please meet in the auditorium for important senior announcements.
PSAT Testing is right around the corner! Students, please be sure to follow these instructions for downloading the College Board Bluebook Digital Testing application.
PMSA Picture Day
Picture Day Information for both Underclassman and Seniors.
Clubs/Activities Meeting Dates
Multicultural Club (214)- 3:30-4:30
Key Club (425)- 3:30-4:30
Genealogy Club (407)- 3:30-4:30
Yearbook Club (424)- 3:30-4:30
Culinary Club (322)- 3:30-4:30
Black Student Union (307)- 3:30-4:30
Student Council (400)- 3:30-4:30
Newspaper Club (316)- 3:30-4:30
Girls League Club (217)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2026 (210)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2024 (421)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2027 (400)- 3:30-4:30
Mental Health Club (213)- 3:30-4:30
Art Club (504)- 3:30-4:30
Gospel Choir (008)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2025 (213)- 3:30-4:30
Counselor Caseloads for 2023-2024
Ms. Paulus- Last Names A-D
Ms. Paprocki- Last Names E-LE
Ms. Mejstrik- Last Names Li-Rob
Ms. Lugo- Last Names Roc-Z
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Our goal this year is grow our membership. By growing in numbers, forming committees, and planning events at our school, we can accomplish so much more to make PMSA great for our students.
This year we are asking for a $10 dollar membership fee per family. We are hoping to also collect an ADDITIONAL $10 fee for fundraising to allow us to do events, activities, and support our students and teachers without having to hold a formal fundraiser.
It’s not too late to sign up to be a member, pay your dues and participate. This year we are holding a raffle for membership. A box of Halloween Candy and goodies will be given away to one lucky parent or teacher that joins PTO and pays dues before October 23rd.
If you have already filled out our membership form and paid dues for the 2023-24 school year, we thank you. If you have not, please see below.
To officially join the PTO for the 2023-24 school year, please click on this link to sign up:
To pay your dues you can use Zelle (, OR bring a Check (PMSA PTO) or cash to a meeting.
Our PTO Treasurer spot is OPEN. Please contact us if you would be interested in taking over the duties of treasurer for our PTO. We are so grateful for Ms. Chris Serrano for serving as our treasurer for the last year.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the first Wednesday of the month this year for our PTO meetings. All meetings will be held in person and virtually on Microsoft TEAMS. The remaining dates are as follows: November 1, 2023, December 6, 2023, January 10, 2024, February 7, 2024, March 6, 2024, April 3, 2024, and May 1, 2024. Any questions? or text President Anissa Butler at 630-240-2191.
Thanks for your support,
Anissa Butler, Maria Barba, Chris Serrano, and Kathleen Franzwa
Dear Proviso Township, more than 1 in every 5 students’ experiences Bullying!
Chances are this could be happening to someone you know and care about! Students who are bullied may avoid school and experience a decreased ability to focus, a loss of self-confidence, and an increase in anxiety and depression.
This can no longer be considered a childhood rite of passage and with your help now our community of proviso township members can lead social change & promote and model Kindness, Acceptance, and Inclusion In the month of October 2023 with a wonderful opportunity to help create changes in our community with some learning tools bring awareness and celebrating on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023!
During National Bullying Prevention month in October, Students and Adults can participate in the theme of the week to promote a united message or displaying Orange at home in school boundaries, at the library's, in community center, at the Firehouses and landmarks of our community!
Librarian’s, Teachers, Parents and Adults throughout each community can work together to create a climate that doesn’t accept bullying. When bullying is addressed, communities will see more students with Higher self-esteem, better school attendance, less physical and Mental Stress and a better school Performance.”
THIS IS CALLED (Unity Day) October 18th, 2023, A one-day event will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of October to come together in one Giant, ORANGE message of hope and support. It’s a day to WEAR AND SHARE ORANGE to visibly show that our society believes no child or adult should ever experience bullying. Would you please join us in National Bullying Prevention month? Thank you! Create workshops with children and parents alike encourage them and our communities of proviso township to wear your pride of orange on October 18th, 2023. Create a Unity Tree! Take the Pledge against Bullying! Wear Orange!
Paper Tutoring Support
Local Library Opportunities
Bus Info
PMSA Club and Activity Bus
Arrives at PMSA at 4:45 PM
Departs PMSA at 5:00 PM
The activity bus will drop the students off at their bus stop location.
It is important that all students know their bus stop location and that they share it with the bus driver.
Click the button below and visit the Proviso Transportation page to find your bus stop location.