New SSD/Clayton Dispatch
January 2024

Dear Families,
It was a busy and cold January with a lot of events. It was great to see so many families at the 5th to 6th and 8th to 9th transition curriculum nights. We also had a great turn out at the Clayton PAC.ED "A Party for Everyone." I appreciate Grace Wolf for reading her book and Christina Blankenship for organizing the event. The teachers enjoyed being able to participate in a variety of learning opportunities that they could pick from on January 12 around the district strategic plan goals. I have been working with Dr. Robyn Wiens on ideas on enhancing the summer experience for the students with disabilities.
Thank you for your continued support!
Melissa Logan
Director of Special Education; Clayton
Upcoming Events
School District of Clayton Calendar
February 16 No School for Students (Professional Learning)
February 19 No School for Students or Teachers
Community Opportunities
St. Louis County Library and St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Announce New Partnership
St. Louis County Library (SLCL) and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra (SLSO) are excited to announce a new partnership aimed at fostering a deeper appreciation for symphonic music within the community. Starting January 17, all SLCL branches will provide free SLSO concert vouchers to library patrons. Vouchers will be available at any SLCL branch, while supplies last. Each voucher provides up to two tickets to a classical concert or up to four tickets to a family concert for first-time SLSO attendees. There is a limit of one voucher per patron.
Spring Break Sexuality Education
Session 1 March 18-22
Session 2 March 25-29
Students will learn about:
- The difference between public vs. private
- How to make friends and be a good friend
- How to tell if someone is interested in being your friend
- How to what to do if they are not interested in being your friend Different types of relationships
- What is appropriate in different types of relationships (language, touch and actions)
- Boundaries
How to register:
Contact Youth & Family Manager Stephanie McDowell at smcdowell@paraquad.org or 314-289-4265
Neighborhood Experiences
As a teenager with a disability, the goal of post-high school employment can seem huge. The St. Louis Arc provides a summer project, Neighborhood Experiences, which supports teens in identifying their post-graduation goals and in building the skills needed to achieve them.
Neighborhood Experiences is an 8-week, youth employment training project. This unique summer project focuses on building career interest while exploring and connecting with the community. Individuals are provided with the tools needed for career awareness, exploration, and discovery through volunteer and work sites in their neighborhoods. During the summer, teens will gain employment training skills, form new relationships, and explore opportunities in their community. Building upon individuals’ employment and social-related skills are essential for individuals to achieve their goals in this project and succeed in a work setting.
Registration for Neighborhood Experiences begins February 10, and spaces are limited. Registration and payment can be completed online beginning on February 10, via our secure online payment link. For more information or questions, please contact Clinton Hall at 314-817-2293.
Family and Community Engagement
Family Resource Hub Food Pantry is stocked with food and supplies and open for families who are in need. Contact FACE or your school social worker to find out more.
The Community Action Agency of St. Louis County (CAASTLC) will also be available at the SSD Family Resource Hub (located inside North Tech High School) on Friday, February 2nd, from 10am-2pm to provide information and access to many of their programs, including the Low-Income Home Energy Program (LIHEAP) and Water Assistance Program (LIWAP).
Face to Face
FACE will be hosting Part 2 of our 2 part webinar, Behavior Strategies in the Home and Community on February 7th at 6 PM. Join us as we expand on previous lessons which discussed crisis procedures in the home and reinforcing alternative behaviors, a review of acceptance and commitment therapy strategies, and a focus on present moment and diffusion techniques. Register here today! You can access part 1 on the SSD YouTube channel.
Save the Dates: STL County Apprenticeship & Career Pathways Showcases
SSD will be partnering with Affton, Pattonville, and Rockwood school districts again this year to host the St. Louis County Apprenticeship & Career Pathways Showcases. Last year’s events were very successful and helped middle and high-school students throughout the St. Louis region learn about the many careers available to them that require specialized training. Visit the Showcase webpage for more information! The District will host three Saturday events, each held from 10 AM – 1 PM:
Feb. 24 – Eureka High School
March 2 – North Tech High School
- March 9 – South Tech High School
American Sign Language (ASL) Series
A few spots remain for families to sign up for American Sign Language (ASL) classes. This six-week class will be held weekly beginning February 8 at 6:00 PM at SSD’s Central Office. Families will be in an immersive environment for learning American Sign Language (ASL)! Learn to communicate with Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HoH) individuals with an introduction to fingerspelling and basic signs to use in the home, school, and community. Topics include family, school, food, and community signs. Deaf cultural norms will be discussed, which include introductions and daily interaction between the deaf and the hearing. Space is limited. Register here.
FACE is set to host Family Academy on Saturday, February 24th, from 9 AM to 12 PM at Neuwoehner High School, 12112 Clayton Rd, St. Louis MO 63131. Families can connect with various community providers and vendors and partake in self-directed learning opportunities. Round up the kids and head to Family Academy for a morning of fun and empowerment. You don't want to miss this academy if you’re looking for Summer Recreation opportunities. The Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis and many of our local camp vendors will be onsite to discuss funding and recreation options. Visit the FACE webpage for more details and to secure your spot!
Family Cafe
Are you craving more meaningful connections with members of the SSD community? Do you like learning from others in a safe, inclusive environment? If so, join us on February 8th from 6-8 PM at North Tech for the first Family Cafe of the Spring Semester. Cafes are hosted by families for families. They provide parents and caregivers with a safe and welcoming space to connect and learn from each other. They are centered on strengthening families' protective factors: Resilience, relationships, knowledge, support, and communication. Click here for more information and to register.
Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP) Application
Through the SWEP program, students hold a summer job in their community and receive job-coaching support. They are paid an hourly wage for their work. SWEP is funded by the Productive Living Board of St. Louis County, and is open to county residents with a qualifying disability. It is conducted through a collaboration of six area agencies - MERS/Goodwill is the Lead Agency.
Follow SSD on Instagram!
SSD launched a new Instagram account in October and would love for you to follow. The District will be sharing photos and updates from all across the District, including our students and staff in partner districts. Follow us to stay connected and see what we are up to: www.instagram.com/ssdstlco/
Exciting news! The FACE second-semester calendar of events is now available. Packed with enriching activities, it aims to strengthen family/school partnerships. You can access the calendar here. Mark your calendars and join us—your participation is key to fostering a positive and engaging school community.
Want to learn more about opportunities for families in our district? Sign up on our website for the new FACE-to-face newsletter from SSD’s Family and Community Engagement Division. Scroll to the bottom of the page, look to the right-hand corner, and share your name and email address to stay up to date on our events.
The Special Education Foundation is offering 10 sponsorships (valued at $500) for Junior year students to attend the 2024 American Legion Auxiliary Missouri Girls State and American Legion Auxiliary Missouri Boys State. The programs will be held the week of June 22 – June 29, 2024 at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO. The program includes a college campus experience of staying in the dorms overnight at the university for a week as a citizen of a mythical state that all the citizens will govern at the city, county and state level. Students must send a sponsorship solicitation email/letter and letter of reference from the student’s SSD teacher to Tim Eby, SEF Executive Director at tim@sef-stl.org by March 1, 2024. Read here for more information, or contact Jackie Ruhm Dunn jackiedunnstl@gmail.com or 314.640.1154 for questions.
Fred Saigh Leadership
The Special Education Foundation is accepting applications for next year's Fred Saigh Leadership Academy class. Started in 2004, this program provides high school students with unique community-focused opportunities to broaden their horizons.
Each year, up to 20 students displaying leadership potential are chosen to participate in a training program that introduces and develops their leadership skills, engaging them in community issues. Students dedicate one day per month to visit key sites and meet leaders in the metropolitan area, exposing them to vital institutions that address community needs. Applications are accepted now through February 20, 2024. Learn more about the program and how to apply
PAC.ED: Parent Advisory Council of Children with Educational Diversity
PAC.ED advocates for awareness, understanding, equity and inclusion of and for all students with disabilities in the School District of Clayton. PAC.ED is a volunteer organization made up of families, Clayton, and Special School District (SSD) staff and administrators, as well as community members. Check our webpages to keep up to date on current PAC.ED events, as well as family resources.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with Clayton PAC.ED please contact Christina Blankenship, President, Clayton PAC.ED at cmblankenship@sbcglobal.net or 314.402.4920.
St. Louis County Family Navigation & Community Resources Presentation
Have you ever wished that there was a FREE “Concierge” type service to assist families and individuals with disabilities to “navigate the system”? Good news, there is! Please Join Us! Tuesday, February 13th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for a St. Louis County Family Navigation & Community Resources Presentation and Q&A Session via Zoom. Click HERE for more information and Zoom credentials.
Building Representatives
The School District of Clayton, families, and the community have enjoyed a strong and active PAC.ED for the past 13+ years.
Please consider being a part of that legacy by representing your school for the 2024/2025 School Year!
Transition Orientation & Planning for the 2024/2025 school year is underway! For more information on being a Building Representative, Clayton PAC.ED and its mission, click HERE. If you are interested or have any questions, please email us at paced@claytonschools.net
Megan Lenihan & Rachel Phillips, Co-Presidents 2024/2025
Christina Blankenship (Retiring President)
Clayton PAC.ED Inclusion Awards and Visual Arts Contest
Submissions for the Clayton PAC.ED Inclusion Awards and Visual Arts Contest are open now and close at midnight on March 1st. Award recipients will be honored at the Inclusion Awards Reception & Ceremony on Tuesday, April 2nd 2024. For more information on the Inclusion Awards click HERE and the Visual Arts Contest click HERE.
PAC.ED advocates for awareness, understanding, equity and inclusion of and for all students with disabilities in the School District of Clayton. PAC.ED is a volunteer organization made up of families, Clayton and Special School District (SSD) staff and administrators, as well as community members.
SSD Parent Advisory Council (SSD PAC)
Greetings PAC Family! It can be overwhelming figuring out school, insurance, future planning, not to mention what to make for dinner, all while parenting our beautiful kids who require extra attention. We're here to help you navigate the confusing waters of the disability world with our PAC meeting presentations. We want to help you now so your child’s future is bright.
Check out our upcoming meeting topics below. Note: Our PAC meetings are always held on the second Wednesday of the month, 7-9 PM, August through May (except March):
Feb. 14, 2024: Our zoom topic will be guardianship alternatives. This is a VIP topic to educate yourself about before it's thrown at you in high school.
May 8, 2024: Mark your calendars for our in-person celebration at SSD Central office! We are working to make it a one-stop shopping experience that will hook you up with integral resources for your child all in one place.
Come join your PAC family and get that help you haven’t had time to ask for.
Peaceful holidays to all,
Rebecca Flieg
President, SSD Parents Advisory Council
SSD PAC Elections 2024
SSD's Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is now accepting New/Renewal of Membership Self-Nomination Forms. Completed nomination forms must be returned to the Executive Committee no later than Feb. 15, 2024.
Elections are rotated each year, with Affton School District, Bayless School District, Brentwood School District, School District of Clayton, Ferguson-Florissant School District, Hancock Place School District, Ladue School District, Mehlville School District, Normandy Schools Collaborative, Rockwood School District, School District of University City, and Valley Park School District holding elections this year. Learn more at https://sites.google.com/a/ssdmo.org/ssdpac/home
Special School District of St. Louis County
Melissa Logan, Director of Special Education
Kate Pavlisin, Instructional Coach
Email: mjlogan@ssdmo.org
Website: www.ssdmo.org
Location: 12110 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314.989.8100
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SSDStLCo
Twitter: @SSDDStLCo
Clayton School District
Website: https://www.claytonschools.net/
Location: 2 Mark Twain Circle, Clayton, MO, USA
Phone: 314-854-6000