Paw Prints
Mound City Elementary and Middle School

October 2024
Mark your calendar!
- October 4: Kinder. ABC Bootcamp Fashion Show, 2:30 PM in multi-room
- October 7: NHS Blood Drive in multi-room, 2:00 PM
- October 8: Parents as Teachers playgroup at Craig playground, 3:00-4:00 PM
- October 11: Homecoming
- October 14: No School - Teacher Inservice
- October 18: Grade 2-4 Qtr. 1 AR Party
- October 21: First day of Qtr. 2
- October 21-24: Book Fair in the Library
- October 24:
- Early dismissal at 12:30 PM
- P/T Conferences from 1:00-7:00
- Fundraising U (cookie dough fundraiser) pick-up in the cafeteria from 1:30-7:00
- October 25: No School, Senior Night
- October 31: Class parties - More information will be sent home by teachers.
- November 1: Quarter 1 Awards Assembly (MS at 8:05, EL at 9:00)
Mr. Shipman's Athletic Newsletter
- Please do not drop off students before 7:40 AM. Students are NOT supervised before 7:40 AM at the school.
- Please share an active email address on the enrollment form and with your child's teacher for easy communication.
- Please send a water bottle to school with your child.
- 2024 MAP scores will be distributed to parents/guardians during P/T conferences in October.
Character Trait of the Month
Responsibility is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Strong. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal-setting.
Responsibility is worth THREE PBS points during the month of October.
Click on the Responsibility Newsletter below for conversation starters and information about how to support empathy development at home!
Counselor's Corner
"How was your day at school?"
"Did you learn anything new?"
"Not really."
Sound familiar? Here's some prompts to help get the conversation going!
Title Talk
Progress monitoring will begin in K and 1st grades. It will include the same assessments that were given at the beginning of the year. We will be working toward achieving the middle of the year goals through the second quarter. Here is what we are learning in the classroom:
- K--basic concepts, identifying and grouping numbers 1-10, greater than and less than, next number, and understanding addition
- 1st--fluently adding and subtracting within 10
- 2nd--adding and subtracting fluently within 100
- 3rd--identifying the properties of multiplication, using multiplication to divide, and learning division facts
- 4th--using strategies and properties multiplying by a 1 and 2-digit number.
We encourage all students to continue working on math facts that are relevant to their age. Fluency with numbers is the gateway to the language of math.
😄 Why isn't there a clock in the school library? 😄
Because it 'tocks' too much!
Mrs. Osburn
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Ashford
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Asher
Title 1 Math