Pirates Post
Week of May 9th
Message from Principal Drew...
Good Evening Pirates. This is your Principal Mickey Drew with the weekly update.
Time is flying by and the end of the school year is approaching. We have 18 instructional days left before final exams. Parents, now would be a great time to do a progress check with your student. Look at their grades and their attendance in each class and discuss with them their plans to end the year successfully. If a student is over 10 days of absences in a class they should see their school counselor as soon as possible so they can begin to make up seat time. If a student is not passing a class they should speak with their teacher as soon as possible and make a plan for submitting missing work and getting their grade to an acceptable level. Parents your support and your attention to these details will improve your child's chances for a successful conclusion to the school year.
Congratulations to our National Beta Club chapter on being recognized as a School of Distinction this week. This level of recognition is given to schools that induct members from all grade levels at their school each year as well as meeting all other requirements of the Beta charter. Thank you to Mrs. Tyson and Mrs. Craddock for their sponsorship of this club.
Congratulations to our baseball and softball teams on winning their respective conference championships after wins over Gates County on Thursday night. Congratulations also to our boys and girls track teams on finishing second overall in the conference track meet on Monday. Track had many individual winners as well: Crishya Sellers 100 Meter, Jaslyn Holley - Long Jump, Aniyah Harney - Shot put, Jtia Watson - Discus, Jasaiah Felton - 200 Meter and Long Jump, Treyquan Griffin - 400 Meter, Jayden White - 3200 Meter, Travon Hunter - Shot put, and our women's relay teams in the 4x100 and 4x200 as well as our men's relay teams in the 4x100 and 4x400 also won first place. Good luck to all our track athletes in their regional competition this Saturday at Pamlico County High School.
This week at PCHS will only be four days for students. We have a teacher workday on Friday so students will not attend school on that day.
Monday - Kameron Hall and Tanner Sprague will be at the NCHSAA Golf Championships in Pinehurst as they prepare to compete in the state finals round on Tuesday.
Tuesday - Golf will compete in the State Championship, Baseball and Softball will host the first round of the NCHSAA Playoffs, and Women's Soccer will host Washington High School at 5:00 for their Senior Night at the parks and recreation field.
Wednesday - We will have sports physicals for all students who returned their physical form to Ms. Lankford. Students should only report to the gym at the time of their appointment and should return back to class as soon as the physical is completed.
Thursday - The Spring Band Concert will take place at 6:30 in the auditorium. We will conclude sports physicals on this day as well.
Friday - Teacher workday. No school for students on this day.
Saturday - Track Regionals will take place at Pamlico County High School.
Finally there are dates for you to remember as we quickly approach the end of the school year:
5/12 - Spring Band Concert - 6:30
5/24 - Senior Walk - All Seniors should report to the gym at 8:00 AM in their cap and gown for a class photo prior to leaving for the walk at our other schools.
5/31 - Athletic Awards Banquet for all sports at PCHS
6/1 - Baccalaureate Service - 6:30
6/6 to 6/10 - Final Exams for all classes
6/6 - PCHS Booster Club Dinner for Senior Athletes
6/8 to 6/10 - Early release each day for PCHS.
6/8 - Graduation Practice - 1:30 on the football field. This is mandatory for graduation participants. Tickets for graduation will be handed out at the end of practice.
6/10 - Graduation - 7:30 on the football field.
Students it is time to focus and finish at PCHS. Focus on the important things you need to accomplish to have a successful year and finish those tasks that make it possible for you meet your goals. You can do this and we are here to help.
PCHS Highlights...
- English> Congrats to Mr. Fipps for being selected as a presenter at the NCBOLD Conference this summer on project based learning and tech tools!!!
- Math> Students of the Week...
Carver: Abigail Gibbs - Math 3
Craddock: Nicholas Moxley - PreCalculus
Riddick: Keasia Kee - Math 2
Tyson: Colin Manning - Math 1
- BETA Club> Congrats for achieving National BETA School of Distinction!!!
- Track & Field> The PCHS Men's and Women's Track teams competed in the Conference Meet on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Both teams finished 2nd overall in the Conference which included 7 schools. Below are the results of the events...
100 Meters-- 5th (Kirk Brown), 7th (A'Marion Hunter), 12th (Saquaon Kearse) / 19 participates
200 Meters--1st (Jahsiah Felton), 4th (Tony Riddick), 10th (Shaun Garcia) / 21 participants
400 Meters-- 1st (Tre'Quan Griffin), 8th (Colin Tibbs), 10th (Isaiah Davis) / 16 participants
800 Meters-- 2nd (Jayden White), 7th (Anthony Wills) / 13 participants
1600 Meters-- 2nd (Jayden White), 6th (Anthony Wills) / 13 participants
3200 Meters-- 1st (Jayden White) / 4 participants
110 M Hurdles-- 4th (Tyrese Brothers), 6th (ZaMir Foreman), 9th (Shavoris Lewis Jr.) / 12 participants
300 M Hurdles-- 6th (Tyrese Brothers), 7th (ZaMir Foreman) / 10 participants
4x100 M Relay-- 1st (Kirk Brown, A'Marion Hunter, Shavoris Lewis Jr., Jahsiah Felton) / 7 teams
4x200 M Relay-- 2nd (Tony Riddick, A'Marion Hunter, Tre'Quan Griffin, Jahsiah Felton) / 5 teams
4x400 M Relay-- 1st (Isaiah Davis, Collin Tibbs, Sivar Cox, Tre'Quan Griffin) / 4 teams
Long Jump-- 6th (Shaun Garcia), 7th (Kirk Brown), 10th (Saquaon Kearse) / 20 participants
Triple Jump-- 1st (Jahsiah Felton), 6th (Sivar Cox) / 9 participants
Shot Put-- 1st (Travon Hunter), 2nd (Derick James), 6th (Ephraim Askew) / 21 participants
Discuss-- 5th (Derick James), 6th (Ephraim Askew), 14th (Travon Hunter) / 21 participants
100 Meters-- 1st (Crishya Sellers), 2nd (Jaslyn Holley), 3rd (Lailana Harris) / 20 participants
200 Meters-- 2nd (Lailana Harris), 4th (Shakeria Warren), 5th (Julia Johnson) / 18 participants
400 Meters-- 5th (Addisyn Ralph), 8th (Jada Lassiter), 9th (Annalyssa Ousley) / 11 participants
4x100 M Relay-- 1st (Essence Bond, Lailana Harris, Jaslyn Holley, Crishya Sellers) / 6 teams
4x200 M Relay-- 1st (Shakeria Warren, Essence Bond, Julia Johnson, Symiaya Leary) / 4 teams
Long Jump-- 1st (Jaslyn Holley), 4th (Crishya Sellers) / 10 participants
Shot Put-- 1st (Aniyah Harney), 2nd (J'tia Watson), 6th (Krista Linton) / 11 participants
Discuss-- 1st (J'tia Watson), 2nd (Ma'Kyla Sharp), 7th (Krista Linton) / 12 participants
- Theatre> Have your say on what you would like to do for the Spring Musical! Vote each week for the show you would like, This week is Xanadu vs. Sister act. Vote here --> https://forms.gle/fqvWHQ3ZrkKToGm38
This Week @ PCHS...
- Tue, May 10th> Soccer vs Pam Pack 5:00 PM (1st Round Play-offs).
- Wed, May 11th> Sports Physicals @PCHS (Questions: see Ms. Lankford).
- Thur, May 12th> Sports Physicals @PCHS (Questions: see Ms. Lankford).
- Fri, May 13th> Optional Workday for Staff (no school for students); Track & Field Regionals.
- Sat, May 14th> Track & Field Regionals.
Class of 2022: Important Senior Dates...
- Tue, May 31st> Athletic Awards Banquet
- Wed, June 1st> Baccalaureate
- Mon, June 6th> Athletic Booster Club Senior Athlete Dinner
- June 6th-10th> Final Exams Week
- Wed, June 8th> Graduation Practice 1:30 PM on football field (mandatory)
- Fri, June 10th> Graduation 7:30 PM