All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - October 7, 2021
In Sunday's Gospel, an unnamed man approaches Jesus and inquires about what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus replies that one must follow the commandments of the Law of Moses. The man acknowledges that he has observed all of these since his childhood. Jesus then says that only one thing is lacking: he must give his possessions to the poor and follow Jesus. The man leaves in sadness, and Mark tells us that this is because he had many possessions.
The belief in resurrection and eternal life was a relatively recent development in Jewish thought at Jesus’ time, and it wasn’t shared by everyone. The Pharisees taught that there would be a resurrection from the dead; the Sadducees did not share this belief. Jesus taught that there would be a final judgment for everyone and eternal life (the Kingdom of God) for believers.
Jesus makes two requirements of the wealthy man who approaches him. First, he must give up his possessions. Throughout history, some Christians have taken this literally. Their example witnesses to us a radical commitment to the Gospel of Jesus. Some have read this as a particular requirement directed to this specific individual. Still others have sought to explain the meaning intended by the word possessions as those things that prevent one from following Jesus. Christians have generally understood that at the least, following Jesus requires that believers hold material possessions loosely and remain vigilant against seeking security in accumulating possessions.
The second requirement Jesus makes of this man is the invitation that Jesus extends to all would-be disciples: “follow me.” Jesus very much wants this man to be his disciple. We believe that the Christian faith is one in which each believer is in a personal relationship with Jesus. Just as this Gospel tells us that Jesus loves the man and is sad when he departs, so too, Jesus loves us and is saddened when we are unable to follow him.
Dear Parent/Guardians,
It is wonderful to see the carnival rides roll in overnight to the campus for the festival. I am sure all the children are excited and will have a wonderful time over the next three days.
I wish to thank all those parents who have been on the Festival Committee for putting in hours of work to make the festival a wonderful experience.
I wish to remind everyone to arrive on time for your commitment to work your hours.
Guatemala Appeal
On Wednesday, we packed up two SUV-sized loads of supplies for Guatemala. We ended up with three 30x30x30 in boxes of goods. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to send supplies to the families in the villages of Guatemala. I can assure you that your generosity is much appreciated. I also wish to thank those parents who contributed financially to the shipping costs. You will see in the photo (below) one of the boxes that we packed.
COVID Testing Update
On Tuesday we had over 70 students/parents take the Virus Geeks COVID test. By registering with Virus Geeks, your child will be tested every two weeks. I am in the process of obtaining rapid COVID tests where we will receive results within 15 minutes. These tests will be available for our families at All Souls.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
I wish to remind everyone that when exiting the upper yard to turn right onto Spruce Ave. Recently there was a mere miss of an accident with a car trying to turn left. There are signs indicating at the exit gate for cars not to turn left. The traffic division of the SSF Council is looking at an application to place an official “No Left Turn" road sign opposite the school gate. Let’s all work together in making drop-off and pick-up as safe as possible.
Halloween Organization
We will be having a modified Halloween this year. It will take place on Friday, October 29th. Students are allowed to come to school dressed in their Halloween costumes. Students may only wear masks that cover their nose and mouth, not their full face. Students are not allowed to bring pretend "prop" weapons.
We will have a parade at 2:15pm starting in the upper yard. Students will walk in their class groups as we have done in the past along the streets of Spruce, Miller, Maple, and Grand Ave. Parents may watch the start of the parade from the lower yard. We must be very careful in keeping a safe distance apart for all. Students will then go back to their classes for dismissal.
Room parents will be able to make goodie bags with pre-packaged items - nothing homemade and no nuts. The goodie bags must be dropped off by 1:00pm to the School Office. Students will be dismissed at 3pm. Lunch is normal on this day.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place next Wednesday through to Friday. These will be minimum dismissal days. I ask that you be on time for the Zoom session with your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher will be giving you their Zoom link.
First Communion Parent Meeting
The First Communion Parent Meeting will be held on October 21st at 7pm via Zoom. We will pass the Zoom link out to parents the day before. All parents involved with First Communion program are expected to attend the parent meetings.
Reusable Water Bottles
This is a reminder to please ensure your child has a reusable water bottle when they come to school. The water fountains in the school are only accessible to refill water bottles and not for students to drink directly out of them. We have had several students continuously asking for water cups.
God Bless,
Vincent Riener
All Souls Parish Festival
Tuition Fees For School Year 2021-2022
October Lunch Menu
Cafeteria Payments
Dear All Souls Families,
You can now pay and add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account through SchoolSpeak. Your payment will be processed through PayPal with a 3% convenience fee for all transactions.
Sign-in to your SchoolSpeak account and select "Lunch Order" in the quick links menu on the left. The "Pay" tab will direct you to your payment options. You may pay the cafeteria balance through your existing PayPal account or as a guest using your credit or debit card. You may also add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account. If you wish, you may still make cash or check payments to the school office.
Please note, for the families that have a credit card on file I will no longer be charging your credit card for lunch payments. You are responsible for paying and adding credit to your cafeteria account.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ms. Escobar
8 12:20 Dismissal - Minimum Day
8-10 Parish Festival
11 Columbus Day - Holiday
12 School Assembly - 2:30pm
13-15 Parent-Teacher Conferences Via Zoom - 12:20pm Dismissal
18 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20pm Dismissal
19 School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
21 First Communion Parent Meeting - 7pm
25 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20pm Dismissal
29 Halloween Parade
30 Confirmation - 10:30am