The Wildcat Week Ahead
August 30 - September 1
Welcome to A New Week!
The week has come and we're so excited to see you :)
Families, you might have some questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. The best way for you to feel good about your kiddo coming to school is to get the information you need.
There is one health office change I want to make you aware of. Starting this year, kids who do not "allowed medicine" (Tylenol, Advil, Tums, etc.) on file will not receive this medicine at school. We can't ask over the phone. To support this change, we're sending home a copy of the medical form *just in case* and many of you have this information on file already. Your kiddo will have this form in their backpack.
Speaking of backpacks, you'll find a few other things in there too! Be sure to check and send things in ASAP.
As always, my door and inbox are always open,
Mrs. H
Dates to Remember
September 8th- Unified Fridays for grades K and 6
September 15th- Unified Fridays for grades 1 and 2
September 22th- Unified Fridays for grades 3 and 4
September 28th - 1/2 Day Dismissal @ 11:30 with bag lunches, no CARES After School Programming
September 28th - Title 1 Night 5:00-5:30, come and earn prizes!
September 28th -OPEN HOUSE!!! 🤩 5:30-6:30
September 29th- Unified Fridays for grades 5 and 6
Dismissal- Same as Last Year
- Buses load around 3 PM.
- Parents may wait for kids on the sidewalk outside of school.
- No student may cross the parking lot without an adult.
Change to Dismissal Plans?
This email goes to all office staff and we can then get your information out to teachers.
You can use this email for general inquiries too!
Communication Home
We primarily use email to send information home. When communication is going out, we will also use ThrillShare to alert you to check your email. If you don't have an email address that you check regularly on file with us, please get that to us ASAP.
CIUUSD Safety Pledge
At CIUUSD, we take student and staff safety seriously. It is especially important during the school day when students and staff should be focused on learning. To support this, all CIUUSD schools have multiple supportive measures in place. During the day, visitors are only allowed on a limited and pre-scheduled basis. All visitors must sign in and receive a guest/visitor pass and will be walked to their meeting by a staff member. During arrival and dismissal time, we will continue to have safety measures in place, and to maintain building security, parents/guardians or other adults dropping students off/picking them up will only be permitted to walk down to the classroom with prior permission from the teacher. We ask that all visitors enter through the main entrance during the school day. Also, outside doors will not be propped open. We understand that classrooms can sometimes get warm and having a door open could provide a nice breeze; however, the safety of our students and staff is more important. These protocols apply during the student day from 8:00 AM to approximately 3:15 PM.
Improved Safety Measures at GIS
We have a new visitor check-in available in the main lobby. The following two signs are posted on our front doors.
Please note that there was not an event at GIS that prompted this improvement. The Director of Buildings, Grounds, and Safety saw an opportunity for increased security, and we are piloting it.
Our first fire drill will be during the week of September 11 - 15.
Unified Fridays
After-School Program
PTA Information and Our Fundraising Goal This Year
We're focusing our fundraising efforts on buying GIS a Book Vending Machine!
Kids will have the opportunity to earn book bucks to "buy" books from the machine. We're still working out the details on how kids will earn book bucks, and it will be tied into PBIS.
Open House and Title 1 Night
To be eligible for Title 1 and continue receiving funding, we must hold a family Title 1 night. Covid made this challenging in years past, but we're bringing it back!
Please join us from 5-5:30 for a small presentation, some door prizes, and an opportunity to ask questions. Open House will start promptly at 5:30 and end at 6:30.
Family Assignment
Please email Mrs. H with pictures from your summer time adventures. No adventures because of the rain? No problem! Send us any photo you want that is special to you.
Welcome Back Popsicle Event
5-6:30 PM on the playground
Tuesday, Aug 29, 2023, 05:00 PM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Picture Day
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 09:00 AM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
GIS Open House and Title 1 Night
Thursday, Sep 28, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 p
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Important Links
CIUUSD Soccer Sign Ups
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913