Join a Subcommittee
South Kingstown School Committee Invites You to Participate
Help shape the future of the South Kingstown School District
Our School Committee is looking for parents to serve on the following subcommittees; Transportation and Special Education. If you're interested take a look below to learn how to take part.
Special Education Subcommittee
The district is forming a Special Education Subcommittee. The purpose of this
committee will be to advise and make recommendations to the school department
regarding our special education programs. We invite parents and guardians who have
knowledge and experience in our special education department to serve on this
committee. Applicants will be notified by Tuesday, February 21st if they have been
selected to be interviewed. Applicants need to be available to be interviewed by the
School Committee at their meeting on February 28th. The School Committee will be
selecting 2 parents/guardians to serve on this committee.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email Carol Vetter at
In your email, please answer these 2 questions:
What experience, knowledge or interaction have you had with our special
education programs?
Why do you wish to serve on this committee?
Emails must be received by Monday, February 13th. If you have any questions, please
email Carol Vetter at the above email address.
Transportation Subcommittee
Our charge is to work together with the District Transportation Director, the Bus Company, the CFO and the Police Department to explore various solutions to make our Transportation Services more efficient - both in logistics and finances. We foresee us meeting no more than 1x a month for approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours per meeting.
If you're interested in being a member of the Transportation Subcommittee email Kate Macinanti at