Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families-
It was an honor to host our first ever all-school Veteran’s Day assembly this week. It was an extremely moving event with tribute speeches, music, and ceremonial activities. It’s not an assembly any of us will forget. It was also the first time our students were all together in the gym for a formal event. They rose to the occasion. While not surprising, it is both humbling and gratifying to see their level of respect given to our Veterans in that moment. We’re proud of them! A special thanks to Mr. Eric Parker for putting on this powerful event.
Check out how many awesome things are happening at Ridgeline High School in today’s newsletter. I’d like to point out an important community event we could USE YOUR HELP with over the next two weeks. The Unity in the Community Holiday Blanket Night happens Dec. 9. We are seeking donations of fleece, ribbon, hats, socks, gloves or $$. Scroll through the newsletter for further details about donations and the event. Thank you for your support!
Federal Title 9 law requires us to survey students about their interest and participation in high school athletics and activities. We have tentatively scheduled this to happen during Advisory on Nov. 30. You can preview the entire survey at this link to our district assessment page: https://www.cvsd.org/apps/pages/assessment Reach out to me if you have any questions (jhardt@cvsd.org).
Mark your Calendars!
Ridgeline Wrestling
Wrestling Practice starts on Monday, November 15th
*Must register and have physical turned in to the office to practice*
https://cvsd-wa.finalforms.com/ REGISTER ONLINE
Coach Brice Gretch email: bgretch@cvsd.org
Gymnastics practice begins on Monday!
Gymnastics is a sport that anyone can join, whether you have experience in the sport and want to learn new, higher level skills or have never been in a gymnastics gym and want to learn to do a cartwheel we would love to see you come out! Our goal for this season and program is to make it a fun and inclusive environment.
Practices will begin on November 15th and will go through February 26th which is the weekend of our state meet. We will be practicing M-F from 3:45-5:45 and Saturdays if necessary to make up practices but will be determined by the team.
Girls Basketball Registration
To All Prospective Girls Basketball Players and Parents,
Please make sure to sign up for the Remind App on your phone or computer and sign up for the Girls Basketball Remind link. This is how general information will be communicated with players within the program as well as, their families. As coaches, we will not be asking for personal contact information such as cell phone numbers. If there is a general message that needs to go out from coaches to players or families regarding the girls’ basketball program, a Remind will be sent out. The code for the girl’s program is @RHSGBBAL.
Also, please make sure that you have registered for girls’ basketball through Final Forms. You will want to do this immediately because it will take a day or two for all uploaded documents to be verified and cleared. Practice starts Monday November 15, 2021 at 3:15 and will conclude at 5:30. The gym will open at 2:45 for shooting around and final preparations. Do not hesitate on with your registration. If you are not cleared you may not participate in the first day. Reminder: Try-outs will be three days before teams are selected.
**Expect to see the first remind message sometime before Monday morning!!
Boys Basketball tryouts
Boys Basketball tryouts will begin on Monday, November 15th, at 2:45 pm. Anyone interested in participating must have an up-to-date physical and all registration completed (registration can be found on the school website). Tryouts will be Monday – Wednesday and we are asking all participants to be on time, have proper basketball gear, and for students to please have transportation home available by 5:30 pm as there will be no school transportation available. If you have any questions feel free to contact Coach Rehkow at frehkow@cvsd.org . No fees will be due until teams have been formed.
RHS Diversity Club
RHS Diversity Club
Building Unity Together
Meets Mondays at 2:20 in room D211
All are welcome!
Girl's Volleyball play in the District 8 Volleyball Tournament
We would love to spot light our very own Corinne Westby for making 1st Team All-GSL! This is a huge honor and RHS Volleyball is so proud of her accomplishment!
DECA Conference in Bellevue
Ridgeline DECA officers attended the Washington State DECA Fall Leadership Conference in Bellevue November 7th-9th. Students gained inspiration from keynote speakers, attended workshops and participated in mock competitive events. It was a great experience for all, and officers are excited to share their experience with Ridgeline students!
Katelynn Hale, Romona Robinson, Hailey Hale
Students ready for opening session!
The entire officer team (l to R back row: Charley Palm, Kelsey McDevitt Front l to R: Alexis Aitken, Katelynn Hale, Hailey Hale, Ramona Robinson)
Cross Country- First Athlete to compete at a State Competition!
Congrats to Alivia Bruno for being the FIRST ever Ridgeline athlete to compete at a Cross Country State competition! Way to run your heart out!
A very heartfelt thank you to all of our veterans from our Falcon fine arts students
Veterans Day Assembly
BSN Boys Basketball Store is Open until Monday, November 15th
Unity in the Community- Holiday Blanket Night
When: Thursday December 9th
Where: Ridgeline Commons
Time: 5:30-8:00pm
What: Making Tied Fleece Blankets
Why: To donate to the homeless and foster care children in our community
What we need:
2 yard pieces of polar fleece (Each blanket needs two 2yd pieces)
1 ½ -2” wide rolls of ribbon
New socks, hats, gloves to donate
Monetary donations (with the notation that it’s for blanket making)
Donations can be dropped off at the offices of Ridgeline, University and Mica Peak High Schools or bring them the night of the event to Ridgeline.
Questions: Contact Krista Larsen klarsen@cvsd.org
Food Production Photos: Cinnamon Roll lab
Ridgeline Pottery
2022 Clear Lake/ White Pass XC Summer Camp
If you have additional questions or want more information, please contact Molly Barnhart at 509-558-3841, or email at mbarnhart@cvsd.org
Thanksgiving Early Release Bell Schedule
Toys for Tots Toy Drive
FREE Thanksgiving Food Distribution Sites & FREE Thanksgiving Meals
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15-7:45 am
10:40-12:30 pm
2:00-2:30 pm
Main Phone
Attendance Line
Student Services
Ridgeline High School
Email: jhardt@cvsd.org
Website: https://rhs.cvsd.org/
Location: 20150 Country Vista Drive, Liberty Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (509) 558-3800